Daily Tarotscopes – July 23, 2024

Daily Tarotscopes – July 23, 2024

Check your daily tarotscope to figure out what is anticipated for you involving soothsaying and numerology for Tuesday, July 23, 2024 by zodiac sign.


Tarot card: The Hermit

Take a step back and think, Aries. The mind is always racing ahead and speaking; it’s nonsensical chatter, but if you pause for a little while and tune in, you will be surprised by how wise you can be! Listen to your thoughts.

Some thoughts may be totally out of this world and unworthy of your attention, but a few ideas could pop up that you should look into further. Are you thinking about the future? Do you have things you need to get done? Are you worried about an area of your life that isn’t getting better?


Tarot card: Wheel of Fortune

You might not think about purity as a leadership trait, but people like to know where they stand with you and what to expect when you’re in charge. Even when you think you don’t have to (or shouldn’t have to) say why you’re doing something, a little explanation goes a long way in building trust with others.

At work, peers may admire how they can call on you for input and get it without any holding back. You demonstrate what leadership is by example, Taurus. You can do a great job at it!


Tarot card: The Hierophant

Some rules aren’t ever meant to be broken — respect, loyalty, honesty and fidelity are meant to stay in place for everyone, including society’s underdogs. You might see someone twisting a narrative to suit their agenda and dislike it. It’s hard to observe and not speak up.

You may find it necessary to get involved, particularly in politics or community efforts for change. Write away, Gemini. Take it to words and put your thoughts on paper. Speak up, especially for people who can’t do it for themselves.


Tarot card: The Devil

So many things are out there calling you to buy, buy and buy some more. It’s so easy to hit a button when on your social media. You can load up a shopping cart, hit ‘purchase’ and get a new product that promises you a great experience.

One thing this tarot card is warning you about, though, is becoming overly materialistic. You don’t want to think that your value depends on what you have and not who you are. While this may make sense now, it’s so easy to fall down the path of wanting more. Keep things in perspective, including your budget. You don’t want retail therapy to create financial problems in the future.


Tarot card: Death

Letting go of anything, including the things that aren’t good for you, is hard. It’s not easy to adapt to change, even when it’s an adjustment you initiate. Your mind will need time to catch up with your new lifestyle choices.

You may not do things perfectly for a while. You may find it hard to stay consistent, but that doesn’t mean you have to stop or that you’re going to fail.

Success happens in increments. One day day at a time, Leo. You’ll get where you want to go; be patient with yourself.


Tarot card: The Sun

Bright, shiny and wonderful is what this day can bring. You have to set your mindset on positivity, even if you handle this day alone.

Be your best friend. Do the right thing when no one is looking. All the rules of awesomeness are meant for you to follow. Don’t quit, and never give up on yourself. Wherever you are, it’s going to be an awesome day.


Tarot card: Temperance

Not everyone’s ‘moderation’ or idea of balance will look the same. You will have to find what works best for you, even when your choices seem to go against tradition.

Sometimes, being extreme can be a form of balance. You focus on one project or person at a time. You might need to dedicate an entire day, week, month or year to an endeavor until it’s complete. If you have to adjust your life to accommodate an important goal, that’s delaying gratification. Do what’s best for you now, and don’t worry about what other people think. Follow your heart and let your own rhythm lead your life.


Tarot card: The Lovers

The heart can be fickle, and the mind often plays on its weaknesses. You’ll have to reel in your feelings. Every relationship has its moments; some aren’t the best, but that doesn’t mean you want to reenter the single world. Pull your heart back; control yourself from a wandering eye.

Unhappiness or dissatisfaction in your relationship today can be a wonderful chance to improve it — or help you come to terms with changes you must make. Make wise choices while you figure things out.


Tarot card: The Tower

When a problem comes, do you always react to it right away? Sometimes, it’s better not to do anything at all. This tarot card is a sign that a situation is temporary. You may be taken off guard and think you have to stop everything to put out a fire in your life, but maybe not.

Something may just be a passing drama and not need any additional energy. Give things a moment to see; you might be pleasantly surprised at how simple or non-essential this problem becomes.


Tarot card: The Magician

You have a dream and a future you want to experience, and even though you may think you need someone to help you, you may not. You can start where you are now, especially if the resources are unavailable. Start small.

Begin with the end in mind. Learn what you don’t know so that when you do build a team, you will understand all the parts of your project, even if you never become ‘the expert’ on each area that needs to be done.


Tarot card: Justice

Try not to forget where you’ve come from. It’s so easy to forget the battles you’ve faced and think that others should be able to do the same.

A friend might not be as strong or capable as you are, even if they wish they could be. They need time to catch up. Compassion is the antidote to judgmentalness, and you have the empathy to support others.


Tarot card: The Emperor

You are a fighter, Pisces. Beneath that soft exterior, you are super strong. When you need to stand your ground, as hard as it may be, you can do it.

You may surprise everyone when you don’t allow someone to step on your toes. The truth is that your kindness always shines through, but that is never your weakness.


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