Daily Tarotscopes – July 2, 2024

Daily Tarotscopes – July 2, 2024

Check your daily tarotscope to figure out what is anticipated for you involving soothsaying and numerology for Tuesday, July 2, 2024 by zodiac sign.


Tarot card: The Fool

Sometimes, to get all you want, Aries, it requires taking a step of faith, even to the point of looking foolish. You have to begin somewhere, and the fear of being seen trying, failing, or being a beginner will hold you back. So much goodness — all you desire — is on the other side of fear. This card calls you to look it, as well as your dreams, in the face and decide which one you’re going to let win.


Tarot card: Queen of Wands

Focus on cultivating wholeness within your spirit, heart, mind, and body, and everything else will follow. When you work on cultivating peace and calmness within yourself, you naturally deal with everything you touch better. Still, this may sound like a daunting task, but it can look like getting back to the basics and noticing little habits that rob you of that peace. Focus on the things that do produce goodness and build from there.


Tarot card: Page of Cups

You hold so much power to make others feel seen, heard, and known, Gemini. Your small efforts can go a long way by extending a simple invitation or engaging in curious, kind conversation. Your ability to express compassion and optimism and tap your foot in the water may grant you several new opportunities. Open yourself up, and see all the doors that open as well!


Tarot card: The Hanged Man

Letting go may be just the thing you need, Cancer. When your arms open wide, you can dance in the peace of surrender and accept a lot of goodness. It certainly may not be easy, especially something counterintuitive, but here, you can learn a number of lessons or find the beauty in only worrying about what is in your hands.


Tarot card: The Chariot

Remember, Leo, both the highs and lows are essential to your journey. The good news is, even the lows are not setbacks; they are often steps forward in disguise. You are always moving forward. Soon enough you will realize just how far you have come. Today, be proud of where you are currently. You will overcome the challenges in your life, and walk away stronger because of them.


Tarot card: Temperance, reversed

Constant self-assessment can keep you in check, Virgo, preventing you from making unnecessary mistakes. You can become aware of feelings within you that just need to be seen, but not acted on. For instance, you can notice thoughts or actions you are about to take and get curious about what’s behind them. You may find envy, fear, or pride. Notice the belief system behind those feelings and speak the truth to them.


Tarot card: Three of Swords

Pain is very real, Libra. Give yourself the space to feel through your hurts. However, don’t make them your home. All feelings serve a purpose and are meant to be like waves, moved through, coming and going. Let your feelings in, including the hard ones, and let them visit. Then, let them go.


Tarot card: Knight of Wands

It’s time to get moving on a project you know must be done. But, you could struggle with procrastination; perhaps the root is fear. It’s time to address the reason, and you can do it, Leo.

Deep down, you are bold and courageous, Scorpio. You have what it takes to go after your dreams. While pursuing them, your instincts can be a great tool to guide you.


Tarot card: Nine of Pentacles

Wisdom can be the thing that grants you the utmost honor and abundance in your life, Scorpio. You can continue to attain this by getting curious about what life is trying to teach you, opening your eyes to the lessons present. Or looking ahead to the impacts of your actions before you complete them, a quality known as prudence. You can also get to know people well; fostering compassion, patience and empathy in your connections.


Tarot card: Eight of Wands

Spontaneity is a beautiful thing, Capricorn. Good things can come to you unexpectedly, and you can say yes to the adventure. It may provide you with the chance for growth and great progress! So, this is a time to make your move and gain the experience.


Tarot card: Eight of Pentacles, reversed

Are you needing a shift in your relationship with the workplace? You may just need rest because too much of anything isn’t good, especially toil. Or, you may be longing for a change of perspective. This card encourages you to find joy in your work and do what you can to identify what is depleting your ambition.


Tarot card: Deat, reversed

Change can be scary, but so is staying the same, Pisces. It may be time to move your feet. Take the steps to pursue your goals or engage in new activities that can bring joy to your heart. This can look like building social connections, hanging out with people you love, or trying something new.


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