Daily Tarotscopes – July 18, 2024

Daily Tarotscopes – July 18, 2024

Check your daily tarotscope to figure out what is anticipated for you involving soothsaying and numerology for Thursday, July 18, 2024 by zodiac sign.


Tarot card: Ten of Pentacles

Your hard work lays the foundation for security and success for your future self, as well as those who follow you. Though you may be pushing through persistently right now, you will meet the reward for your hard work. Your efforts will not be in vain.


Tarot card: Nine of Cups

When a flower doesn’t bloom, do you criticize the flower, or do you question its environment? You have a desire to thrive, Taurus, and curating your environment for success is the way you can get there. Your actions and surroundings push you toward one thing or another, so manipulate your habits and places to push you to your goals. This can be as simple as setting your yoga mat out if you wish to practice more or reduce cues for bad habits.


Tarot card: Queen of Cups

Your nurturing, sensitive and caring qualities are not ones that weaken you, Gemini. Rather, they are something of strength that can be used for building up others. With them, you have the ability to see the world through a tender lens and make people feel seen and supported. So, when the world says it’s weak to be kind, stand strong, knowing it’s a strength.


Tarot card: Nine of Pentacles

Stay wise, Cancer. It is good to keep your eyes and ears open, especially in matters of business and expansion. Seek advice from people with experience in the field and be prudent in planning, speculating, and foreseeing potential obstacles. By doing so, you can stay prepared and avoid being caught off guard.


Tarot card: The Priestess – Reversed

The truth always comes into the light, Leo. This serves as a great reminder to keep your heart and intentions pure and know that those with crooked ways will eventually be found out. You can have confidence in knowing that what is deserved will be served, even if it takes time, and people seem like they are currently getting away with distorted actions.


Tarot card: Four of Pentacles – Reversed

It is a great time to reflect on what your actions might be speaking, Virgo. This card warns you might have stumbled into some poor tendencies in love and money due to past fears or wounds. This makes for a perfect period to look within and assess without judgment and be full of compassion, consideration, and accountability.


Tarot card: Ten of Swords – Reversed

You may have faced some circumstances that you weren’t ready to accept at the time, Libra. However, this card paints the beautiful picture of peace that occurs through acceptance. Knowing the longer you carry past wounds, the longer they live on, you are ready to do what you can to nurture your inner child and press forward in hope. The sadness you once felt is departing from you, even if it takes time. The sun will always come up, Libra.


Tarot card: Judgement

At any moment, you can begin again, Scorpio. Whenever you become aware of a shortcoming, instead of attaching it to your identity and breeding shame, meet it with grace, compassion, and motivation for growth. You are human, and mistakes are part of the game. See these moments as an opportunity to grow in self-forgiveness.


Tarot card: Two of Wands

You have been dreaming up your goals and desires in your mind, Sagittarius, and it’s time to put your pen to the paper to bring them to life. Without a plan, goals are just wishes. Now is the moment to tackle the logistics of how you will make them come to fruition. You have so much capability, but you will only get to see all of it by putting yourself to the test.


Tarot card: Ace of Swords – Reversed

Preparation is purposeful, Capricorn. You may feel eager to step into the next step but don’t miss what this current season has for you. In fact, questioning the purpose of your current period — what you are meant to learn here — may propel you into the next. Lean into introspection, patience and contentment during this time.


Tarot card: Eight of Cups

All of your actions say “yes.” or “no.” to the life you want to live, Aquarius. Turning away from certain things may be how to say yes to all you desire. Your actions have an impact, so this is a great time to assess how they propel you and get intentional about them.


Tarot card: Seven of Pentacles

Have patience with others, Pisces. This is a great time to repay past kindness and remember how the gift of grace given to you may impacted you beautifully in the past. Consider how you might want others to show mercy for your mistakes and reciprocate it. Remember, each person you encounter is human, and often, the darkness they pour out reflects how they are internally struggling.


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