Daily Tarotscopes – July 14, 2024

Daily Tarotscopes – July 14, 2024

Check your daily tarotscope to figure out what is anticipated for you involving soothsaying and numerology for Sunday, July 14, 2024 by zodiac sign.


Tarot card: Death

Once you’re done, you’re done. Have you been holding on to a situation longer than needed? You can try to make something work and do everything right, but it’s a no-go. There’s really nothing more you can do at that point.

You have to accept things for what they are. Loss is a loss, but if you keep trying to improve a situation that clearly is not going to improve, you’ll not only waste resources but also time. So, count this as an experience and try something new in a different area of your life. You don’t have to win at everything.


Tarot card: The High Priestess

When you envision spiritual enlightenment, do you think you need to do something special or extreme to get there? Even in small, quiet moments, you can hear your inner voice.

That’s the spark of your soul tapping into the universe and its vibrations. You can feed this intuitive side of yourself by listening more intently. The more you listen, Taurus, the better you can hear.


Tarot card: The Hermit

Unplug. It’s time to let the world’s cares fall behind you. Do you need a vacation? Can you take time off? You may feel like your world would fall apart without you, but it won’t.

Watch how taking a break and slowing down shows that things fall into place when needed. You don’t always have to be in control.


Tarot card: The Moon

Occasionally, someone can pull the wool over your eyes, but not often. If you learn from an experience with someone who fooled you in the past, you can spot their shenanigans a mile away.

Pay closer attention. Don’t beat yourself up for not spotting a problem before it happened. Some people are good at fooling others, but now you’re smarter.


Tarot card: The Sun

You don’t need to embrace toxic positivity, but you can think things will work out no matter what. The truth is that no matter what happens each day, they do. You can turn things around for the better, even if they don’t seem to be going well right now.

You may find it helpful to assure yourself that life often has highs and lows. You may feel afraid during hard times and perceive them to be too long, but try not to get disheartened. You will see your situation improving soon. Chin up!


Tarot card: The Lovers

Are you distracted when it comes to love? You might feel that things in your relationship aren’t how you want them to, so you’re thinking singleness is better.

Testing the waters before breaking up with your partner might be tempting. Consider what will be less harmful to your reputation. How might you want your partner to be toward you if they felt what you’re feeling right now?


Tarot card: The Hierophant

You love a fresh idea, but not at the expense of tradition. You may feel like you need to change things a bit to keep up with the times, but today may not be the day to revise everything going on in your life.

You may need to slowly make changes so that they don’t shock everyone involved. You don’t want to create confusion, especially if people you love are emotionally attached to how things used to be done.


Tarot card: The Emperor

You need a strong ally in your life, and if you want to start a business, improve your work performance or master a particular skill, you want a savvy person in your corner.

You might be able to find a mentor through your network. Ask around. See who you may become introduced to. The door is open to getting help and finding what you need.


Tarot card: The Fool

You’re just beginning. Each day is a fresh start. You may be in the middle of a project, relationship or growth cycle, but each new day is still a Day 1.

Make the most of what you’re doing now. If you regret certain choices, start to make new ones. Use your new knowledge and put it to good use.


Tarot card: The Empress

Love others the way that you would want them to care for you. You hide your soft and tender side from the world’s cruelty, and it’s hard to show your vulnerable side. You take a risk when you show up authentically.

It means that people will accept you or they won’t. Either way, you know where you stand. Wouldn’t you prefer it to be that way?


Tarot card: The Star

Count your blessings. You have so many beautiful things to be thankful for, and there’s no reason for you to miss out on feeling good about the life you’ve built. List them. Remember how far you’ve come, and when times get tough, review your history and see how incredible life can be.


Tarot card: Wheel of Fortune

You can’t escape your fate in love or life. You may make mistakes, but even errors don’t cancel what’s yours. You may worry that you’re on the wrong path, but that’s why destiny is so valuable. Life always brings to you what you need — with a few lessons along the way.


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