Daily Tarotscopes – July 10, 2023

Check your daily tarotscope to figure out what is anticipated for you involving soothsaying and numerology for Monday, July 10, 2023 by zodiac sign.
Tarot card: The Empress
You’ve arrived, Aries. You’re finally at a place in life where you have all the things you want and need nicely structured in a way where you can control your destiny. It’s been a long road, and a journey you not have done without the love and help of your friends. Now that you feel safe and secure within yourself, you’re have the time and energy to help a friend get their life together. You have the know-how and wisdom to show them what to do, and you believe that they have what it takes to make it in this world just as you have.
Tarot card: The Moon
There’s a trusting side of you that gives people the benefit of the doubt, but when you notice your partner starting to pull away and tell subtle, unimportant lies about little things it leaves you wondering why they would do that to you or your relationship. It’s time to have a serious talk about what’s going on. You don’t want to lose the love you share, so rather than pretend everything is fine or let their dishonesty slide, you’re going to fight for your relationship.
Tarot card: The World
You are one of those friends who can crack a witty joke that sends the room in fits of belly laughter. Laughter and living life large is important to you, and you love it when you know everyone is content and happy. Today you may see a hurting friend post something unhappy on their social media. It’s not like you scroll the feed and ignore things that seem like a cry for help. You’ll reach out and make sure they know you care.
Tarot card: Justice
The political climate is getting a bit intense, and if there are two things you dislike talking about in social situations or at work that’s religion and politics. Today, the posts about who is doing what may find your last nerve. Rather than be one of those people who posts rants about what they don’t want on their feed, you will go dark on your social media. You need a break from it right now.
Tarot card: The High Priestess
Work has become a toxic environment. People are back-biting, and everyone is on edge late. It could be that there are changes no one likes. The thing is as much as you agree, you aren’t going to be the one who gets caught talking about a supervisor at the office water cooler. You’re keeping your thoughts to yourself. The further away you can get from the drama, the better.
Tarot card: The Fool
You don’t like to be told, “I told you so” but there’s no medicine better than the truth. Today you went and jump to conclusions. You believed that things were going to be a certain way. but that is an assumption. Today, be careful about jumping into things that you are unsure of. You need to ease into problems you want to help solve.
Tarot card: The Hanged Man
Your patient side is going to play against you today. You have gotten so used to waiting for someone to tell you they love you and you’re the one that you’ve forgotten that you’re a free person. You can date someone and still have the right to exercise your autonomy. You don’t have to keep waiting for this person to come around. You can just do what you need to do.
Tarot card: The Hierophant
No one tells you what to do, Scorpio. You love your independence and you protect it fiercely. So, when someone you care about tries to use your love against you, you do a full stop. Love is important but it does not give someone permission to treat you like a doormat. Today. you refuse to compromise your boundaries; not to be nice and certainly not to avoid conflict. if you ruffle a few feathers for pushing back to protect your right to say no, you’ll deal with it.
Tarot card: The Tower
You aren’t caught off guard easily because you’ve learned to accept that life will throw you a curve ball. In fact, things have been going so well you have been expecting for something bad to happen, and guess what? Today it does. Today Murphy’s Law decides to grace you with its ugly face. You will only have time to react to the problem. It’s no fun putting out fires today, but today you’ll get it done.
Tarot card: The Star
Summer is here, Capricorn, and here you are stuck at work pushing through. Tomorrow it’s going to be the same as today and you are starting to wonder if this is all there is left of life. Today you are proclaiming this to be the last time you allow your life to fly by without any game plan in place. Instead of going home and eating your misery out of a bowl of ice cream you’re going to pull out your computer and start updating your resume. You’re going to find the remote job you want so you can enjoy what you do and how you earn your living.
Tarot card: The Sun
You are a giver, Aquarius. When you see someone down and out, you give from the heart, and you don’t ever expect to receive anything back in return. Today, a friend needs you, and you will be there. You love that you can hep someone in need. You find the act of serving fulfilling. It’s your way of showing people love and making a difference in the world.
Tarot card: The Devil
You’re done with that. You used to fall so easily into the idea that if your friends were doing something then it must be OK. But today you’re older and much more mature. Age has given you confidence to assert yourself. This confidence helps you to stand strong and say you won’t do what you think is wrong, no matter how wonderful the request is packaged.
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