Daily Tarotscopes – July 1, 2023

Daily Tarotscopes – July 1, 2023

Check your daily tarotscope to figure out what is anticipated for you involving soothsaying and numerology for Saturday, July 1, 2023 by zodiac sign.


Tarot card: The Tower

It’s on, Aries. Today you’ll need to be more flexible than a Gumby rubber toy.

Life plans to hand you a plot twist, and your attention may be turned to completing something you had no intention of doing until next week. You won’t be able to get out of this one, so ride the wave. It’s a day to go with the flow.


Tarot card: The Wheel of Fortune

You’ve learned a few lessons this week, and doubling down on your efforts is about to pay off. This tarot card indicates that you’ve made quite an impression on someone.

Now that they are charmed beyond measure, you’ll be pushed into the limelight so that they can show off your unique talents and skills to others who need them.


Tarot card: The Hanged Man

The clock is ticking, Gemini, and you only have so much time to decide. This tarot card indicates that you’ve put something meaningful on hold.

Perhaps you’ve been hoping someone else would do the dirty work, but nope. It’s your turn. Step up to the plate and do what you need to do.


Tarot card: The Magician

You’re an amazingly talented individual, and today you can use that creative side to move mountains and compel something unique to happen in your life.

Don’t toss your hands up in frustration because a relationship or situation isn’t working for you right now. Go for a walk. Be open-minded. Get those mental wheels churning. A great idea is about to come through for you.


Tarot card: Death

It’s sad when something you love has to come to an end. Summertime brings so many unforgettable memories.

You meet someone, and then they must return home to their family. It may feel like this is the end of your fling, but if it’s true love, distance makes the heart grow fonder.


Tarot card: The Hierophant

Life changes and people change, but this tarot card is a reminder that some situations will forever remain the same.

Today you might resist doing something new just because others feel it makes sense. You will be firm in your resolve to keep the status quo, no matter what.


Tarot card: The Star

Hello, Libra. Are you paying attention? Your higher power has been trying to reach you, but you’ve been too busy doing other things. Today keep one ear open to receive an important message.

This one is so special because it’s not only for you to know; you’re going to do something positive that impacts others, too.


Tarot card: The Fool

You have a goal in mind. It seems a bit lofty and maybe even intimidating, but you really think you’ll be able to pull it off.

You are reaching for the brass ring in your career and hopeful that your hard work, efforts, time and dedication will be rewarded. You’ve got people depending on you. This is a big deal!


Tarot card: The High Priestess

When your inner voice speaks to you, it stops you in your tracks. This tarot card is like a tap on the proverbial shoulder, hoping you’ll decide that nothing matters more in life than deeply knowing what you want. You have to learn to trust your intuition, Sagittarius. Not only should you hear, but test it. See what happens when you ask the universe to show up on demand.


Tarot card: Temperance

There is a first time for everything, isn’t there, Capricorn. You’ve reached an age where you care less what other people think of you and care primarily about what you need and want from this world. You have a lot of sacrifices you need to make to go back to college and get the degree for a career change. Even though this will be a long journey, you’re ready.


Tarot card: Judgement

You’ve been thinking quite a bit lately, and this tarot card reveals that you have great common sense and facts to back up what you perceive to be true. Today you can finally start to put the pieces together to fortify your plans. You have a business you want to create, and there’s nothing to hold you back now that you know what you need. All you have to do not is implement your big idea.


Tarot card: The Emperor

You dislike fighting with others, but today, the Emperor tarot card says you’re playing defensive. You aren’t going to let your ex or a family member walk all over you or someone you love.

You will set boundaries and tell others they must respect your new relationship. You’ve moved on. If any tries to undermine your love, you should stop talking to people until they come around.


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