Daily Tarotscopes – February 22, 2025

Daily Tarotscopes – February 22, 2025

Check your daily tarotscope to figure out what is anticipated for you involving soothsaying and numerology for Saturday, February 22, 2025 by zodiac sign.


Three of Swords It’s decision time, Aries. Tough times call for difficult choices, however, when you get beyond the hard stuff you’ll find a sense of relief.  Things may feel bigger than life right now — whether it be with a job, relationship or something else. When you stand firm with your resolve to do what you need to do, a beautiful new beginning can start.


Four of Swords Have you been hitting the grind stone this week? A bit of rest is due, and you may even feel like you need a vacation soon! This is the perfect time to plan one out for yourself.  Do you want to go on a cruise or maybe go away for a weekend to an AirBnB? Do you prefer to go alone or with a friend? Find the time to do it, and then schedule it out.


Eight of Wands Things are going to progress nicely for you. Imagine how wonderful life is going to be, and keep doing the work to get there.  You may not know when or when your pay off is coming through for you. What matters; however is doing things that you know will create results. Believe in the process, Gemini!


Justice Life can take a turn for the better when you least expect it to. You may find that a situation that seemed bleak or unfair sudden turns around in your favor.  If you have a court case or hearing or some type of decision that you are waiting to hear back from, trust that this week is going to bring you some very good news!


Two of Cups A romantic day is ahead. Single? You may find someone you enjoy speaking to and get along with nicely.  Coupled? You may see a relationship improve and things start to fall into place for you and your significant other. This is a great day for love and romance. Do something special in the name of love.


Ten of Cups, reversed Sometimes you just need space. Today, if you’re bumping heads with someone you love, ask for a time out.  You might need a little distance to see that the problem or disagreement isn’t really that important. A little bit of me-time can provide needed perspective and insight into things.


Temperance Be patient with yourself, Libra. You may think you need to rush ahead because of time constraints or other reasons. However, patience is your super power.  Knowing when to withhold your energy and wait is a wise trait to develop. Don’t be afraid to exercise this muscle and see what surrending to the process can do for you.


Ace of Swords When you feel confused, make mental clarity a top priority. Some days you need to slow down in order to speed up later. This day may require a small amount of time alone in your thoughts.  Journal. Talk things over with a friend. Get your confusion out in the open and see how you feel. Tomorrow you may have what you need to understand your situation better.


Eight of Wands Is life moving quickly for you? You may feel like you’re doing more problem solving than usual. Today hit the reset button and allow things to fall into place organically.  If others can resolve their issues, allow it. If you can delegate tasks to people who have more skills in particular areas than you consider doing so.


King of Cups, reversed Are you holding back something that you feel you must do. What is the reason for your hesitancy?  What emotionally is going on with you that you feel needs to be healed or resolved first? Allow yourself time to process your emotions and do your shadow work when needed.


Four of Wands, reversed Sometimes things have to be uprooted and out of sorts in order for you to problem solve and figure out where a problem started.  Don’t be afraid to let someone do a deep investigation into a home project, financial problem or other situation that is a bit more than you thought it would be.


Judgement Trust yourself. You may have a brilliant idea and yet think it’s not that awesome. Self-confidence can take time to catch up to your moment of genius.  Don’t push aside a sudden insightful thought because you feel it’s out of your league. Maybe it is, and that’s why it came to you suddenly and unexpectedly. To show you who you truly are.


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