Daily Tarotscopes – February 20, 2024

Check your daily tarotscope to figure out what is anticipated for you involving soothsaying and numerology for Tuesday, February 20, 2024 by zodiac sign.
The moon
You may feel stressed out and lonely. Loving relations need your attention but your mind won’t allow you to socialize and connect with the people. You will be suspicious of other people’s motives today later on you look back and wish you had not been quite so distrustful. Aries ladies should take of their health, hormonal, irregular cycle, fatigue, headache etc problems could spoil their day.
The Magician
The smart sycophancy of your junior at work place or spouse may win your heart. Your imagination can go into overdrive and you believe whatever is presented to you is true. Glamour and fashionable trends may fascinate you today. Some eye catching and attractive ads will work like magic and you feel tempted to spend money. Those in sales and marketing will do well, those in high position will be tactful in getting the work done by the juniors.
8 Swords
Restrictions and distances could be overcome by your initiatives. You need to explore your potentials to go on to great career. Financial constraints might be felt in the persuasion of higher education. Money management, financial planning, investment consultancy could provide you insight how to go ahead with your desired goals. In relationship area you need to be open enough, express your emotions, there should not be communication gap between you and partner.
Ace of Pentcles
New relationship is possible. If you like someone, and see him/her as your partner -sending email, SMs or sending a bouquet will work in favor of you at this time. This is a time of giving, not taking, and offering help to others. Take up a new hobby and stick with it. You are open to new possibilities and stimulating your imagination to allow your talent to unfold. Travel for business purpose would be profitable.
9 Wands/Knight of Wands
The day starts with delays hurdles in the work. You feel exhausted and tired. As the day progresses you shall be suddenly occupied by lots of interesting opportunities and projects. The work will speed up; good news for you in the day ahead is on the card!!! Choose this day for finalizing important monetary deals. You may have to travel also for business purpose or in concern of your job, which in any way will be beneficial for you.
The Empress
A very fruitful day for Virgos, they feel happy and contended person today. There are reasons to smile, good health, wealth, and emotional contentment give charm and enhanced personality. Conception, birth of child, marriage, house warming, meeting with friend, loved ones make your day a memorable one. You feel positive aura all around. This is the right time to start a new venture.
The High priestess
Logic or intellect is not helpful at this time you convey most of the things silently. Your intuitive sense right now is providing you with useful and helpful information. Patience is the key today, Look for areas in your life that may be out of balance or that require greater foresight and wisdom. You spend time in research, studying higher knowledge or the secret of the life. Secret love could be obvious today.
5 Cups
Disappointed is the key word today. High expectations and dreams seem to be shattered now. The cause for regret is more emotional than financial. Things happen for good, it’s good to forget the unfaithful partner and come back to normal routine. Hope for the greener pastures soon. Things are not as bad as you are thinking; you meet someone of your interest soon.
Hi Sagittarius!! There may strain situations but the best part is you know how to turn the situation in your favor. You have been able to take the middle road, avoiding extremes and maintaining a great sense of calm in your life. You have learned to keep calm in situations of great stress or anxiety and spend time gracefully. This great quality will store for you acclaim from family and friends.
The Chariot
You’re so strong. So, use that strength to apply discipline to your day. You don’t have to break the diet you said you’d keep. If you’re trying not to call an ex, delete the number from your phone and text a friend instead. Whatever you set your mind to do, you can do it!
2 Wands
You will increase your network, and travel today to expand your business. Go to real world meet-ups and events to build credibility and trust, and make new friends. The bond you make at this time would be of great benefits for you. Some good news from overseas is likely. Business of export and import if you are doing is very likely in the flourishing stream, that will make you are very positive and cheerful too.
5 swords
This is a wake up time!!! In this fast pace of life, everyone wants to go ahead without caring others. This is not the time to continue with vulnerability. Out of the blue, something shocking happens that blows your mind or throws you for a loop. There may be deceit in business, rivalry or tough competition. One of your old employee or associate may leave you to join others these kind of situations would create tension for you.
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