Daily Tarotscopes – February 18, 2025

Daily Tarotscopes – February 18, 2025

Check your daily tarotscope to figure out what is anticipated for you involving soothsaying and numerology for Tuesday, February 18, 2025 by zodiac sign.


Six of Swords You are entering a beautiful chapter of your life, Aries. You may begin to experience the rewards of how you have put in the work in your healing journey.  You are ready to release what isn’t serving you and press forward in excitement. 


Page of Cups, reversed Sometimes, pressure to get a task done creates resistance rather than momentum. If you feel like you lack creativity or inspiration, take it as a signal to do something nurturing.  Focus purely on the process rather than the finished product. After a quick refresh, you may be able to come back twice as strong. 


Seven of Swords Are you tempted to look into someone’s phone because you suspect they are hiding something, Gemini?  While you may have a hunch, everything will come to light in its own time. Let it come to light naturally, and let your intuition lead you through matters.


Seven of Pentacles What do you want in the long-term, Cancer? This is an amazing time to craft a vision of the future and your goals.  Knowing what you want helps you to stay focused and attain what you desire most. Stay focused and make your vision clear. 


The World You are expanding your horizons, Leo. During this period, you may be enticed to travel more or set a goal to do something you’ve never done before.  Think about your long-term goals. What do you want to accomplish in the future? What mark do you want to make in the world?


Temperance Be patient. Today’s worries may feel like it is hard to overcome. Are you concerning yourself with things you can’t change?  What would happen if you released your cares to the universe and focused on what makes you happy instead?


Ten of Cups, reversed Support systems change. A community you’ve depended on in the past may become less necessary for your life now.  However, this break from independence doesn’t mean you don’t ever need to have a support system again. You may be growing in to a new role in life. What might your new needs be?


Knight of Cups, reversed What do you desire to accomplish in your life today? With life becoming busy for you this month, you may experience a type of creative block. This period of inner silence indicates a need to do something you’ve not done before. What small task or fun activity would you like to try? What have you wanted to do but didn’t due to time or other restrictions?


Queen of Pentacles Generosity is in your nature. Do you have any nonprofit or cause you want to help? What situations in the world pull at your heartstrings? What areas of life may have contributed to your defining moments? How might these same areas allow you to help people who are now where you once were?


Judgement What injustice do you feel needs to be remedied or corrected? This tarot card invites you to work on tasks related to using your logical mind. You might understand a certain problem as being inherently different from others. You may find that you can see the world in a way that others do not, giving you a unique edge.


Two of Swords, reversed What do you feel stuck in? Is there an area you have not quite figured out yet? You may find it difficult to solve a problem due to your limited knowledge of various solutions. Take time to educate yourself. Do research. Ask questions. Get to know more about a problem so you can find what you need.


Ten of Wands Just because you have always been the go-to person for a particular task does not mean you must continue doing so. You may need to delegate certain lower-level tasks so you can focus your attention on higher-order activities.  What can you do that others cannot? What might you be able to hire out and reassign to someone else?


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