Daily Tarotscopes – February 17, 2024

Check your daily tarotscope to figure out what is anticipated for you involving soothsaying and numerology for Saturday, February 17, 2024 by zodiac sign.
Hi, Aries!!!Patience is the key word to remember today. You are going in right direction and putting your efforts with full thrust, if results are not in your hands, what can you do? You feel annoyed, frustrated and demoralized. Learn to endure life’s obstacles by drawing upon your inner strength and confidence. You have great stamina and persistence, tempered by an underlying patience and inner calm.
Knight of Swords
For those in the creative field this is the day to let their creative juices flow and make their presence felt. Any attempt you make to keep a partner or loved one happy won’t seem to work out with this attitude. It does not matter what you do they will find faults with it. Harmonious relations could be maintained by your patience and soft attitude, your intention is right, and concern for the people is great too. But approach you make is somewhat aggressive; just have a check on it.
Queen of Cups
Don’t take decision emotionally today, sentiments play major role. Focus on your personal life, today is a favorable day for romance. Things are fine at work if you go with steady approach. Work with mind than heart and devote quality time not quantity of time at work. Don’t put so much pressure on yourself and have a little fun. ; take some time out for yourself, entertainment and socializing activities.
5 Cups
You may feel disappointed that a situation has not turned out as you had hoped. The cause for regret is more emotional than financial. If you are wallowing in self-pity and regret about what has been lost you will develop disillusionment with life and pessimism about your future. Things happen for good, it’s good to forget the unfaithful partner come back to normal routine. Hope for the greener pastures soon.
King of Wands
You are filled with desire to succeed in all areas of life. An enhanced status, promotion or designation is on the card. You are in a position to exert power and authority. This is the time when you feel at your best, physically, mentally and emotionally. Health, vitality and inner vibrancy fill you with ongoing energy and inspiration. People will appreciate your move and efforts today.
The Fool
You are going without planning; don’t let yourself be controlled by immature thoughts and child like imagination. Others are ready to find faults in your work. You need to be practical and grounded. Though you are optimistic about your work and your relations with others, still you should be careful and alert in all your affairs. Energy and vision combine to help you achieve your ambitions and to save you from criticism.
Ace of Swords
Projects or ideas that you are about to launch should do well, though you may face some hurdles initially. You can achieve now which seems to be unattainable before, with your determination and will power. An outburst of creative spark comes to you suddenly and unexpectedly and that starts you down the road of a new creative vision. It encourages you to express yourself and your individuality.
3 Cups
You enjoy the company of friends and relatives. Entertainment, party, social event will draw your attention. Things should be going well especially on love front. You can look forward to at least one pleasant reunion with someone or something that you have been apart from for some time. It also can mean celebration – your own or someone that you care about – such as the celebration around a new baby, wedding, or other happy occasion.
2 Pentacles
There is a tendency to be distracted by day-to-day affairs. You should know to manage the things else face failure in your endeavors. There is a reminder to remain alert, agile and patient as you attempt to juggle your family, your friends, work, finances, health and new challenges. You need to be very clear on your priorities, so prioritizing your activities and carefully managing your time is essential.
The Devil
What do you want more than anything else? You will work hard to get it. You may be tempted to cut a corner or cheat your way to a goal. Try not to do that, though, Capricorn. It’s hard to keep what you manipulate to get. The universe is always keeping score.
3 Swords
Relationships are disheartening today, there may be separation, break up from the loved one. Health of spouse may also be the major concern for you. Your emotions are so close to the surface today it will be better for you not to indulge in heated argument. Ego, self motives or unfaithfulness of the partner could be so much annoying to you that you find it difficult to compromise at this time.
You may have to get prepare to reorganize the way you work with other people. There is some issue brewing where you really stand for up for your rights. You need to know and speak the truth and perceive it in the words and deeds of others. Be fair and just with all and you will soon be able to detect dishonesty in yourself and others. This is a time to remain objective and to base your judgment on fact and not on heresy.
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