Daily Tarotscopes – February 1, 2023

Check your daily tarotscope to figure out what is anticipated for you involving soothsaying and numerology for Wednesday, February 1, 2023 by zodiac sign.
Tarot card: Page of Pentacles
Put a price tag on your work. Money matters, Aries. Refrain from allowing yourself to do things that have value for free. Ask for what you have earned.
Tarot card: Two of Cups
Relationships are meant to be fulfilling. If you are in a partnership that feels one-sided, ask yourself why, and then do something to change it.
Tarot card: Nine of Cups
Self-confidence is not arrogance. If you know, you can do a job well, and feel good about it, then brag away. Today, you are the one who has to sell yourself, so be your own advocate.
Tarot card: Page of Cups
Go slow. A sudden change can disrupt the status quo and wind up counterproductive. You don’t have to move so quickly. Pace yourself instead.
Tarot card: Four of Pentacles
Look beyond your needs. Financial matters can taint your perspective, especially when money is tight. Don’t let worry get the best of you.
Tarot card: The Moon
Beware of illusions today. Some negativity can slide under the radar, and you may not recognize a problem until it is too late. Things happen for a reason, and sometimes all you need to learn is to forgive and move on.
Tarot card: Six of Wands
Work ahead. Delaying gratification is not easy, but putting off things today so you can have the life you want tomorrow is a wise investment of your time.
Tarot card: The Hierophant
Create space. Distance allows you to have a better perspective on your situation. When you step away from your emotions, you’re able to see with a clear mind.
Tarot card: The Magician
Trying something new can help you to realize how multitalented you truly are. When pushed beyond your limitations, be OK with trying something for the first time even if it means failing.
Tarot card: The Tower
Accidents happen, and they don’t have to be anyone’s fault. Things can spiral out of control in an instant. What matters most is how you respond to the stress when it’s time to solve the problem.
Tarot card: The World
Good things come to those who work hard, but sometimes you get lucky and are handed an opportunity you did not go out to look for. If you are gifted with a chance of a lifetime, seize it!
Tarot card: Two of Cups
Emotions run high today and can lead to confusion on many levels. Before rushing into something you are unsure of, consider your options carefully. Ask a friend what they think if needed.
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