Daily Tarotscopes – December 20, 2023

Check your daily tarotscope to figure out what is anticipated for you involving soothsaying and numerology for Wednesday, December 20, 2023 by zodiac sign.
Tarot card: Two of Pentacles
Life is a juggling act, and what you may need is a person who knows how to play the game a bit smarter and faster than you do. The Two of Pentacles can represent a partner who is sharp and insightful. They can help you to accomplish an important goal, one that you desire but not necessarily know how to get to on your own.
Tarot card: Ace of Pentacles
Trust your heart, Taurus. Your intuition is a guide post for the things you can’t see. When you sense something is off or not adding up, recheck. Don’t let the little voice in your heard be silenced until you’ve settled the matter completely.
Tarot card: Eight of Wands
Everything in life is a lesson you can learn from. Some are mental or emotional, and others are spiritual in nature. You may be looking for a concrete or physical result to demonstrate you’ve accomplished a task or mastered a skill. Things don’t always happen this way. Count your inner wisdom a gift that hold much more value than anything else you can see with your eyes.
Tarot card: Six of Pentacles
If you’ve recently borrowed money or have gotten into some debt, you may be able to receive some type of discount or deal to pay it off. This is a good card to get if you’re trying to negotiate down a price to pay for things like hospital bills or loans that have become burdensome but you want a final payoff.
Tarot card: Five of Wands
Are you ready to compete for what you want? Someone may decide that they desire to take what you have away from you. It can be a lot of fun to sharpen your skills when you need to push yourself to go above and beyond all you’ve ever dared to dream.
Tarot card: The Wheel of Fortune
Don’t crave things that are temporary in nature like attention or online internet fame. Instead, focus on the things that bring value to an experience. Give your all. Do your best and try to be a good person.
Tarot card: Queen of Wands
You can be independent and self-sufficient. It’s going to be hard at first, and maybe you’ll wish you had a partner who could help you or give you strength during tough times. During those moments when you feel weakest, hang in there. You will discover you can be your best source of hope.
Tarot card: Eight of Swords
A lot is going on all at the same time. You may fear that your situation will only get worse and really take over your life. But don’t think like that. Fear becomes an obstacle to seeing the way out. Calm your mind down and suddenly your solution will appear.
Tarot card: Eight of Cups
You need and you also want a clean slate. You will do better when you have a chance start all over again without any blocks to your growth. You have an incredible vision for the future, so ask the universe to show you the way.
Tarot card: King of Pentacles
You may meet someone who has all the things you wish to become in life. You may find it unfathomable to reach a high level one day, but in your heart you know that you were destined for great things. This King of Pentacles tarot card can be a sign to surround yourself with people who can teach you what you need to know so you can level up.
Tarot card: Ace of Pentacles, reversed
Some people can be oh, so greedy, but not you, Aquarius. You are someone who has a heart of gold. You’re going to resist the desire to enter the ring when others toss in their hat to scream, “What about me?” You’ll be the one who is generous and focused on abundance.
Tarot card: Five of Pentacles, reversed
It’s time to re-evaluate where you are investing your hard earned cash. You may have an expense that is draining the well dry. You might not like the idea of cutting off an luxury you truly enjoy buying into, but it’s time to pivot your resources into something that will give you more for your buck.
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