Daily Tarotscopes – August 27, 2022

Daily Tarotscopes – August 27, 2022

Check your daily tarotscope to figure out what is anticipated for you involving soothsaying and numerology for Saturday, August 27, 2022 by zodiac sign.


Tarot card: Six of Swords, reversed

Challenges show you who you truly are, and if you’ve recently gone through hardship, Aries, you are learning new things about yourself you had not realized before.

Don’t fret or worry about the future. Live in the moment and allow yourself to feel what you’re experiencing so you can learn and really absorb the lesson being taught to you.


Tarot card: Knight of Cups

It’s so nice when you are able to hear that inner voice speak loud and clear.

Today, you are fortunate, Taurus. You are clear-minded and perceptive. Whatever questions you’ve had lately, the answers come to you readily and easier than ever before.


Tarot card: The Moon, reversed

Sometimes you have to wait for a person to process their own feelings. They may lie to you at first in order to buy time and give themselves room to think.

You may feel in your heart that something isn’t right, but time can help bring the problem to the surface for healing.


Tarot card: Page of Pentacles

You are about to receive a good message, Cancer.

You may hear that a job you hoped to get was coming to you or that a person you’ve been praying for is finally doing better.

There’s a positive ending to a chapter that you’ve been reading, and things are going to return to you with positive outcomes.


Tarot card: Ten of Swords

You don’t take it too well when someone you cared deeply for lets you down.

You realize at that moment you are on your own and the one thing you felt you could depend upon is not there.

This is a difficult thing to go through, but it’s also a solid reminder of why it’s important to be self-sufficient.


Tarot card: Temperance

You have thought a problem through and all of its potential solutions.

You may worry more than usual because you’re hoping there is something you can do to be helpful.

But, for today, there is not, so you will have to make peace with things as they are.


Tarot card: Four of Wands, reversed

You can have everything put together and done right but then life has other plans.

Your organization skills are on point, Libra; however, when chaos decides to show up and do what it will do, all you can do is ride the wave until things settle one more time.


Tarot card: Seven of Wands

Today is perfect for quiet reflection, Scorpio. You have been working diligently to get things that you need in a certain way but disruptions, interruptions and all sorts of craziness in life can cause you to become distracted. Now, you’re ready to focus. Take advantage of this moment.


Tarot card: Seven of Pentacles

It’s time to work collaboratively with someone you enjoy partnering with.

You have a big project you’d like to complete, so why go it alone when you don’t have to? It’s a lot more fun when you’re able to be part of a team.


Tarot card: Page of Wands, reversed

You are learning to listen and to read between the lines. You have been given a special talent and gift of discernment which will help you to decipher what isn’t being said and why.


Tarot card: Three of Cups

Today brings creative energy into your life. You have lots of ideas and they may come to you all at once. You will want to write them down so you can decide which one has the lowest hanging fruit and the potential to become a reality with little time and effort.


Tarot card: The Magician

You have so many talents afforded to you because of your background and study. Today, you get to use all the resources that you have in your life to arrive at a clear solution for a problem you are facing. The overarching message of the day is: don’t give up.