Daily Tarotscopes – August 24, 2024

Daily Tarotscopes – August 24, 2024

Check your daily tarotscope to figure out what is anticipated for you involving soothsaying and numerology for Saturday, August 24, 2024 by zodiac sign.


3 Pentacles

More work, more responsibilities are on the cards. Today is going to be hectic day for you, but does not matter as gains and more money will also flow in. You will get the rewards too. Keep a positive attitude, keep plugging along, and the rewards will come. Things are looking up. If you’re unattached and looking for love, you are likely to meet someone through your work, may be your work associate you have not paid attention. Keep your eyes open!


Queen of Pentacles

There may be a windfall today. You are likely to enjoy time of being taken care of or are happily taking care of someone. You feel blessed and nurtured. You feel prosper both mental and physical level. Financial gains are much better today, and you may spend money on the home décor and making the ambience comfortable for the family and yourself. Fortune smiles on you!!!


Page of Swords

You have great deal of mental and physical energy today which enables you to face the challenges the day has stored for you. If you have taken job recently, other employees could feel jealous of you and try to harm you. If you’re looking for work, and facing interview today, you may need to behave with a great deal of humility in interviews to land the position you’ve been hoping for. Be cautious with contracts


6 pentacles

You owe some money, or thing which you have credited, now is the time to return. If you have given money, it comes back to you. In relationship you need to be more giving than taking. Understand the emotional needs of your partner, his or her constraints. If financial help is needed extend your helping hand. Raise or appraisal in your salary could bring rewards and recognitions for you.



You know how to overcome the situation, the wrong decisions and wrong choices in life. Find out the middle path of balance and moderation to achieve goals. Look at what you feel guilty about, mistakes that you feel you’ve made in your past. Then forgive yourself, and let them go. This can be applied for shopping passion too; you can make fantastic choices by mixing and matching formula for your summer collection.


The Hierophant

Family traditions, religion is important to you now. You need to follow a program or embrace tradition instead following your own. You may feel compelled to join some sort of group or institution. Community prayers, welfare schemes, NGOs will draw your attention. Identifying with a group and a way of thinking will have benefit for you. Apply your energy and skills in the pursuit of knowledge.


5 Wands

Stay away from negative people as they would only increase your pain. You may face opposition of fellow workers or loved ones at homes. Your ideas and views will be unwelcomed. Take care in your communication with the seniors. Go in for better options on the financial front, than what you are being offered. Meditation is the best way of healing.





9 swords

You could feel restrictions in all your endeavors today. Health, wealth and career issues need your attention. Don’t waste your time and precious energy plotting revenge. Just get on with the next phase of your life. If you’re looking for work or a potential position that you’d pinned your hopes on may not come through. Take hold of your internal conflicts, your positive attitude will give you strength.


4 Pentacles

The caution advice for health is on the cards. Get checked yourself and don’t hesitate to share your problems with the doctor. Love prospects need your attention too. You should be opening minded in the matters of heart. Express your gut feelings and concern to your loved one. You have some understandable anxiety about money and are trying to hold on to every penny, this may tag you as miser.


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