Daily Tarotscopes – August 20, 2022

Check your daily tarotscope to figure out what is anticipated for you involving soothsaying and numerology for Saturday, August 20, 2022 by zodiac sign.
Tarot card: The Fool
You are ready to begin a new chapter of your life. It’s been a long journey and there have been quite a bit of struggle for you to arrive at this place.
What is going to be your strength now is that you are motivated to head toward a better future.
Tarot card: Queen of Swords
Listen to your intuition, Taurus. You really want things to go well, and that’s why you are working so hard to take your work to the next level.
There’s something missing though, and in your heart, if you listen, you’ll know exactly what it is and what to do next to fix it.
Tarot card: Knight of Swords
You are determined to make a situation improve, Gemini, and you will not rest until it has happened.
You are focused on what you believe the future holds for you. At this stage of your life, you aren’t going to stop until you reach your destiny.
Tarot card: The Hanged Man
You are patient and kind, and sometimes this is what hurts you in the long run. It’s important not to get stuck in a rut and stop growing, Cancer.
You can wait for permission to do the things you want, and still never hit your goals.
Tarot card: Four of Swords
This is the time for you to focus on organization and putting everything you need in order. You may feel a bit underprepared if you just fly by the seat of your pants. You may be disappointed with the outcome if you decide to rush. Slow it down and do what you know must be done.
Tarot card: Six of Wands
You kind and nurturing toward others. You have a lot of love to give and because of your mothering nature others may cling to you for their emotional support today.
Tarot card: Strength
Hang in there, Libra. You are so capable and talented. You have so many skills that are marketable and useful to others.
Right now, you’re working a lot more than usual. Perhaps you wonder if it will pay off for you in the end. It will. So don’t give up.
Tarot card: Three of Cups
Today is perfect for you to be the creative genius you know you are. You have big ideas and a vision for the future.
The best part is that if you need some advice or a person to bounce your ideas off, you will find a wise friend who will listen to you today.
Tarot card: Judgement
Today is a good day for solving difficult problems. If you have been ignoring one in your life, you won’t want to turn a blind eye to it any longer.
Now you are ready to do what you have to do to fix the situation and put it behind you.
Tarot card: Ten of Cups
Your friends are there to support you and cheer you on. In fact, your success and wins are almost as good as winning themselves.
Share your journey openly with them. They are motivated and driven by your tenacity and courage to follow your dreams and live life on your terms.
Tarot card: Queen of Cups
Lead with your heart, Aquarius. You are still at a place where you need to heal your hurt feelings from the past.
Don’t try to push yourself to be more than you are at this moment. You need time, and when you are ready your heart will let you know.
Tarot card: King of Swords
Roll up your sleeves, Pisces. You have a lot of hard work ahead of you, and you may have to be a bit pushier than you are used to being.
You’re unafraid to show your strong will to someone who thinks you will bend easily to pressure. You’ll stand on your two feet without a problem.