Daily Tarotscopes – August 18, 2022

Check your daily tarotscope to figure out what is anticipated for you involving soothsaying and numerology for Thursday, August 18, 2022 by zodiac sign.
Tarot card: Seven of Pentacles
When you decide you are into something, you are completely committed, and right now you may be seeing small glimmers of hope that a relationship you have worked hard at is starting to take a turn around the corner.
Tarot card: Nine of Cups
Everyone knows that you love the finer things in life, but you are also frugal and don’t like to overly indulge without a good reason.
Today, the Nine of Cups is inviting you to make an excuse to give yourself something you really want. You can easily find a reason if you think long enough.
Tarot card: The Moon
You have come to realize that you cannot trust everyone you meet. Some people will present themselves to you with friends but they are only looking out for themselves.
You need to wait a little while before investing yourself so strongly. Give people time to show them who you are.
Tarot card: Page of Wands
A kind word is needed and when you have to respond to someone’s statement or opinion, you don’t always have to agree with them.
You can simply acknowledge their message and move on.
Tarot card: Ten of Swords
When your heart hurts, it’s so difficult to feel like you’ll ever be whole again. You love deeply, and completely, Leo.
You don’t take it lightly when a person’s loyalty was flawed and they let you down. You will recover, but for now, it’s OK to cry.
Tarot card: Knight of Swords
You have enough information gathered to do what you have set your mind to accomplish.
You can start to move in the right direction with your future in sight. The vision you have for the future is clear and this can inspire you to keep going when times are tough.
Tarot card: Six of Cups
Today, you may find yourself daydreaming about past memories when life felt much simpler. You may be misty-eyed and nostalgic wishing to go back in time to experience the laughter once again. It’s wonderful when you are able to get back into
Tarot card: Queen of Cups
You have a soft spot for lost causes, and sometimes your kindness can lead you to feel taken advantage of. You may be overgiving and oversharing more than you expected to. It’s not easy to establish a boundary in the middle of a relationship but it’s possible. For you, it may also be a necessity.
Tarot card: The Empress
You are in tune with your needs and wants and that is one of the reasons why you are so aware of what others need as well. You are giving and generous this week, and what you share is more than a gift, it’s a blessing that was much-needed.
Tarot card: The World
A turn of events can have you doing something you never imagined you could do. You have been striving for excellence, and now it’s finally paying off.
Tarot card: Justice
You may not like someone you know who got away with their wrong-doing. It’s better to let the universe handle serving justice where it is needed. They will eventually get what is due to them at the time when they may learn from their choices.
Tarot card: The Sun
Lucky you, Pisces. Even when things don’t go the way you hoped or planned, you find a way to make it work out. You find good fortune everywhere you go. You are right where you belong and at the perfect time.