Daily Tarotscopes – August 15, 2023

Check your daily tarotscope to figure out what is anticipated for you involving soothsaying and numerology for Tuesday, August 15, 2023 by zodiac sign.
Tarot card: The Devil
Don’t allow distractions to get the best of you, Aries. Time can fly by quickly when you turn your focus and attention to time moochers – people and things that rob you of your time. Work from a to-do list to help you stay focused. Give yourself a time frame to get things done.
Tarot card: The High Priestess
Take a lighter approach to things, Taurus. Show others your softer side, and don’t be afraid to love people where they are. You never know who you could impact by simply showing a more nurturing approach to problems. You may discover you like this new approach in life.
Tarot card: The Hierophant
Good routines make for an easier day, and it can help you to avoid unnecessary blocks to your productivity today. You may appreciate the intrigue a day filled with change can bring, but consider how relaxing it can be to have a day that’s without any pressure to perform or duty to fill.
Tarot card: The Magician
Life is filled with options, Cancer. Today the red carpet is rolled out to you and all you need to do is step out and shine. Let your hidden positive traits come to the light for others to admire and see. You may come to realize that people love how dynamic and diverse you can be.
Tarot card: Justice
Today karma brings awareness about life and it’s blessings. As one of the most courageous zodiac signs, you want others to be as brave as you. But not everyone has the courage to take risks and jump into something right away. It takes more time for you to sort things out.
Tarot card: Strength
Roll up sleeves, zodiac sign, it’s time to get things done. You’re the go-to person today that everyone admires and respects. So you may be asked to spearhead a project at work today. Even if you choose to reject the opportunity due to the volume of work you have to do already, see this as a complement from peers who think you can handle it.
Tarot card: Temperance
Take a deep breath, Libra, Today an ending to a relationship can have you wondering what you could have done to save the relationship. It takes two people to tango, and even if you did all you can do and more, if the other person wasn’t giving the same amount of energy, things may have led to the place just the same. Acceptance of what is will go along way.
Tarot card: The Fool
Check your motivation. Sometimes a person can inspire you to live out your own dream. You see their happiness and fulfillment and long to have the same in your own life. But, there are other times when your competitive spirit pushes you to outperform a person you value and appreciate it. This energy may not be enough of a why for you to finish what you’ve started to the end. So, be mindful of your drive and what fuels it.
Tarot card: The Hanged Man
You can be a bit impatient, but today you may hold off making a decision due to apathy and being overly comfortable in you current situation. Don’t allow yourself to stay where you are simply because it feels easier when you’re miserable. Decide to experience the discomfort for the sake of improvement.
Tarot card: The Emperor
An argument could be the last straw for you today, Capricorn. You deserve a world filled with happiness, respect and support. Today. you can decide to let someone walk out of you life and not chase them. Things happen for a reason, and it could be that they aren’t ready to handle your strong mind.
Tarot card: The Star
When you ask for more wisdom, it starts to show up in your life to teach. Remember that whatever information you learn, it’s meant to be passed on to the next generation, not only to keep it to yourself. Share what you’ve learned with the world.
Tarot card: The Sun
Happiness is a choice, Pisces, and today you’ll have plenty of opportunity to decide how you want this day to work out. Today you can choose to feel however you want no matter what circumstances you face, and with the Sun tarot card, it looks like there are lots of good reasons to smile. Today is all about you.
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