Daily Tarotscopes – April 9, 2023

Check your daily tarotscope to figure out what is anticipated for you involving soothsaying and numerology for Sunday, April 9, 2023 by zodiac sign.
Tarot card: The Tower
Today you may be caught off guard by someone’s actions or a situation you did not plan for. When you are surprised by life, take a deep breath; don’t overreact. Try to control your emotions the moment you realize that you feel overwhelmed. Think first about what you need to do if anything at all. Then, act.
Tarot card: The Empress
You can be assertive or choose to take a softer approach. A gentle touch can give you the same end result you would get by becoming aggressive with your request. Your presence shows how serious you are about what you need.
Tarot card: The High Priestess
There’s a little voice inside of you that guides your actions each day. Sometimes you allow your day to become so loud that you cannot hear the wisdom that always speaks to you. Today, listen to your heart. Don’t be so quick to fill the day with noise. See what your higher power is trying to say to you.
Tarot card: The World
Some days ‘feel’ luckier than others, but when you consider your entire life, don’t you feel fortunate? You have so many wonderful things in your life right now. You will always try to improve, but today practice gratitude for what you have in anticipation of having even more, to give thanks for.
Tarot card: The Chariot
Not everyone has it within themselves to reach the top of their career. Success requires discipline and personal sacrifice. So, when you feel tired and want to take the easier path, remember what is at stake. If your dreams really matter to you, you don’t want to slack at the expense of your goals.
Tarot card: The Hanged Man
You’re patient, and sometimes you wait longer than you should. But when a friend seems so close to coming around and doing what they said they would, you want to give them a chance. You might regret putting your day on hold, so give yourself a time frame for when you’ll move on with the rest of your day should they fail to follow through.
Tarot card: Death
It’s over. You gave it your all, yet things did not happen as you wanted them to. You really tried this situation, yet things did not work out. There’s no reason to regret or feel shame. It is what it is.
Tarot card: The Fool
You start the day off strongly and make every effort to rush toward your dreams, taking full advantage of your opportunities. Still, there is a red flag. Pay attention.
Tarot card: The Star
Wisdom is meant to be shared. When you open up about your experiences and tell others what you’ve learned, you suddenly glean more wisdom. Review the past in a way that helps others help you even more.
Tarot card: The Moon
Lying is not as uncommon as you think it is. Even a white lie can destroy a relationship, no matter unharmful a person thinks it is. You might feel differently.
Tarot card: Temperance
You may think a lot about a problem to prevent it from worsening. The day can become a giant stress factor if you focus solely on the problem. You will want to pay attention to other things so you’re not focused solely on this moment.
Tarot card: The Devil
Breaking a promise to yourself can break your spirit unless it’s something you’ve decided to compromise at the moment. You may not care if you go off the path today, but if you do, is it worth throwing your day off for a moment?
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