Daily Tarotscopes – April 18, 2023

Check your daily tarotscope to figure out what is anticipated for you involving soothsaying and numerology for Tuesday, April 18, 2023 by zodiac sign.
Tarot card: The Sun
The Sun tarot card is like a bright day shining on you, Aries. There are some amazing things to look forward to today.
The world is yours for the taking, so don’t let any opportunity pass you by! Seize the moment, and follow your heart.
Tarot card: The Tower
Oopsie! Expect a little mishap today. Be careful when writing an email and hitting the send button.
You don’t want to hit ‘Reply All’ and send a message to someone you did not intend to remain part of a conversation. In other words, ‘double-check everything.’
Tarot card: The Lovers
So many people want to love you. Having options is exciting but confusing as well.
What will you do, Gemini? You have a few admirers, but only one person has captured your heart. It’s time to narrow your focus on one person and fall in love.
Tarot card: Death
So long, bad energy. The worst is behind you. You can finally shut a door, lock it and say goodbye to the past.
What you went through is part of your story, but it has zero power over you now. You get to decide how to write the next chapter of your life.
Tarot card: The Empress
There’s something so beautiful about a person who owns their feminine energy.
You love deeper than others, and you give of yourself without fear. That part of your heart is what people recognize most in you.
Tarot card: Strength
There’s nothing you can’t do, Virgo. You might think you can’t beat the giant blocks in your life, but there’s always a way.
You simply need time to figure out what to do next. Plan and strategize. The solutions will come to you.
Tarot card: The Chariot
Today may not be as easy as you would like for it to be. You’ll experience more problems than usual but don’t give up on your goals.
Hold on during the worst moments and remember everything worthwhile comes at a price. Your perseverance is what makes you a winner.
Tarot card: The Magician
No two people are exactly alike. You have unique skills and talents, and so do your friends.
The best thing to do is to partner with someone different from you so you can lean on one another. You can accomplish so much more with the right people on your team.
Tarot card: The Moon
Who do you trust? Today you may be thinking ‘no one,’ and it could be true.
There are moments in time when you have to keep certain details to yourself until the timing is right. Mums the word, Sagittarius.
Tarot card: Two of Swords
You’ve got a lot on your mind. You’re concerned that someone is not telling you everything.
Transparency is so important, so when you sense a person is holding things back from you, it could make you feel anxious and worried all day. Instead of letting these negative feelings eat you up inside, confront them.
Tarot card: The Emperor
Life is tough, but you’re so much stronger than you realize. Anger can be channeled constructively.
Use your frustration to help advocate solutions to a problem. If you’re passionate enough to complain, you’re determined to communicate persuasively.
Tarot card: The High Priestess
Lean on your higher power. The universe has your back, Pisces. When you feel pushed against the wall without knowing what to do, ask for the help you need from the powers.
They are always ready to help you. Never forget how prayer, coupled with action, works! The universe is always listening.
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