Daily Love Horoscope Wednesday – May 20, 2020

Aries Daily Love Horoscope Wednesday – May 20, 2020
You and your partner (current or prospective) may discover that there is a sense of rivalry between you over some mutual interest or perhaps within the social circle that you share. The current astral energy could bring this to a head in a fun kind of way. But perhaps you should consider pooling your energies into one meaningful project, rather than trying to outdo each other. This would make more sense.
Taurus Daily Love Horoscope Wednesday – May 20, 2020
The current astral configuration may make it rather difficult to express exactly what you want to say, or to make the proposal that you wish to put forward. The problem really stems from fear, and from an overactive imagination. For some reason you are worried about the response you will get to your request. In actual fact you are holding yourself back. Take the first step and just do it.
If you have got yourself into a tight corner in terms of a current relationship, and don’t know how to get out of it, then take a lesson from today’s planetary alignment. It is no good allowing yourself to be paralyzed by indecision or vague imaginings. It is better to confront the truth and to do what needs to be done – the sooner the better.
Cancer Daily Love Horoscope Wednesday – May 20, 2020
The current astral configuration may leave you somewhat tongue-tied today. If you are engaging with someone for the first time, then you could find it difficult to know what to talk about, which is an unusual state of affairs for you. You may find that the best answer, apart from consuming copious amounts of alcohol, is to forget about yourself and focus on your partner (current or prospective), and their wants and needs.
Leo Daily Love Horoscope Wednesday – May 20, 2020
With today’s astral energy, you may be tempted to stay in bed with the covers pulled over your head. If a loved one appears to be ignoring you, and you can’t understand why, then your most natural reaction will be to withdraw into hurt silence. It doesn’t have to be this way, though; it would be more helpful to talk even though you find it difficult, and express honestly how you feel.
Virgo Daily Love Horoscope Wednesday – May 20, 2020
The current planetary influences may encourage you to make a mountain out of a molehill today. A small problem that has arisen between you and your beloved suddenly seems insurmountable. But the good news is that this is all in your mind; if you can get out of your head, it will no longer be a major issue between you. In fact you will wonder what all the fuss was about.
Libra Daily Love Horoscope Wednesday – May 20, 2020
You may have thought that you had your relationship completely worked out – until the current aspect came into play. You could now discover that there are whole areas still to be explored, whole dimensions of being that you haven’t even begun to touch upon yet. You have a unique opportunity to get to know your partner (current or prospective) on an even deeper and more intimate level than ever before.
The current astral configuration creates a sense of competition regarding someone that both you and another have your eye on. Right now it is just friendly rivalry, as the one in question has not shown any particular favor toward either of you. However, you will need to find a more diplomatic way to relate to your friend if anything changes between you. Competition is healthy – jealousy is sad.
Sagittarius Daily Love Horoscope Wednesday – May 20, 2020
You may find that a particularly spirited discussion leads to some decisive action in terms of your current relationship. The current planetary alignment encourages you both to share your feelings honestly, and to clear up any misunderstanding and confusion straight away. Today you have the potential to break through to a new level, and if you manage this, you will both be very pleased.
Capricorn Daily Love Horoscope Wednesday – May 20, 2020
Current planetary energies are a great omen for your latest relationship, especially if you have plans to talk or are able to be together this evening. Your conversation will range far and wide, and will be especially stimulating. You will both realize that your relationship contains great potential and will be excited to learn together. You are both setting out on a wonderful adventure.
Aquarius Daily Love Horoscope Wednesday – May 20, 2020
You may find your relationship is stirred up under the influence of the current planetary energies. You may even be wondering if you are actually having a relationship or not. However, the conversation that this dilemma encourages will actually bring you closer together. It seems that both of you have had certain grievances that you found it hard to talk about. Today you manage to do so.
Pisces Daily Love Horoscope Wednesday – May 20, 2020
The current aspect brings a bit of life into a relationship that has threatened to become extinct. There is a lot of feeling between you both, but for one reason or another it seems to have gone underground and stayed there. It could be a mild argument that unleashes the torrent, but when it does – you will realize how much you both care about each other.