Daily Love Horoscope Wednesday – January 20, 2021

Daily Love Horoscope Wednesday – January 20, 2021

Aries Daily Love Horoscope Wednesday – January 20, 2021
The astral alignment makes this a positive time to ask someone out on that first date. There is every chance that it will be exactly the kind of occasion you had hoped for – lots of interesting conversation, plenty of things in common, much to laugh about, and possibly some real passion. You will both remember this evening for some time to come.

Taurus Daily Love Horoscope Wednesday – January 20, 2021
You badly want to tell someone special just how you feel about them, but at the same time your natural sense of caution is preventing you from doing so, and you may even be tempted to do or say things just to maintain some kind of defense. The astral alignment encourages you to be honest and open, as there is really nothing to fear except your own negative thoughts.

Gemini Daily Love Horoscope Wednesday – January 20, 2021
The astral alignment is encouraging you to be particularly magnanimous about a certain problem or difficulty within a relationship that may have caused some embarrassment. If you have been wondering how to react to the aftermath of the situation, the cosmos advises you to search your heart, realize it was probably a mistake, and do your best to forgive. This will pay off handsomely.

Cancer Daily Love Horoscope Wednesday – January 20, 2021
It is time to stop thinking about all the problems involved in a certain situation, as this is not getting you anywhere at all. The astral alignment encourages you to take the plunge and simply go with the flow. If you are going out on a date for the first time this evening, then you will have a great time as long as you don’t try and plan ahead.

Leo Daily Love Horoscope Wednesday – January 20, 2021
The astral alignment encourages you to bring a little more depth to your romantic conversation today, as this will help you break through a barrier that could be causing delays. All you really need to do is speak from the heart and the rest will take care of itself. Don’t be fooled into thinking that you can win someone over with looks alone; it just won’t work.

Virgo Daily Love Horoscope Wednesday – January 20, 2021
The energy of the day is drawing you to someone who has an air of mystery about them. As you hate to turn down trying to solve any mystery, and refuse to pursue anyone who’s too predictable, then you will probably feel an irresistible urge to discover more. But first you need to find a way into this person’s heart, and this could be more difficult than you imagine.

Libra Daily Love Horoscope Wednesday – January 20, 2021
The answer to your perplexing question is far from obvious. Although you pride yourself on being able to philosophize your way in and out of any situation, this one so far seems impossible to fathom. The energy of the day is heightening this sense of the mysterious even more. You will have to trust your gut reactions where this romantic situation is concerned.

Scorpio Daily Love Horoscope Wednesday – January 20, 2021
The energy of the day is making you feel nervous when it comes to a date with someone special. You like to know where you stand, or what you can hope to get out of any liaison, but right now you can’t even begin to guess. Perhaps it is wise to not even try, but just enjoy the evening for what it has to offer on its own merits.

Sagittarius Daily Love Horoscope Wednesday – January 20, 2021
Someone you thought was quite wonderful and full of delightful promise turns out to be a little more basic than you could have imagined. The energy of the day is helping you to see where you have been making some serious assumptions. There is no need to be rude, but you will probably feel the need to keep more of a distance in the future.

Capricorn Daily Love Horoscope Wednesday – January 20, 2021
The energy of the day is bringing out hidden emotions about a certain person. The problem is that if you try and make any decisions based on how you feel today, you may make a mistake. Your perceptions are off kilter, and you may be under-evaluating or overcompensating for all kinds of perceived character traits that may not be really there. It is best to wait!

Aquarius Daily Love Horoscope Wednesday – January 20, 2021
Don’t take anything for granted today as far as romantic relationships are concerned, but also don’t limit yourself to only the tried and trusted. The energy of the day is making you grab the wrong end of the stick, yet you insist that you are right, which could be intensely embarrassing. If you are going out somewhere, just enjoy yourself and put off the deep conversations to another time.

Pisces Daily Love Horoscope Wednesday – January 20, 2021
You may find that love interests and potential dates are in the mood to spoil you rotten today. The astral alignment encourages great warmth and real passion. Don’t worry about becoming involved in too much of a good thing; we all need times when we can just kick back and be absolutely ourselves, so just go for it. You really deserve this treat.