Daily Love Horoscope Tuesday – January 26, 2021

Daily Love Horoscope Tuesday – January 26, 2021

Aries Daily Love Horoscope Tuesday – January 26, 2021
Love is very much an intellectual affair today. Love affairs begin not with the burgeoning of physical desire, but more with the ability to talk about all kinds of matters, and experience a deep mental rapport. So if you are on the lookout for your soul mate, then it is through conversation you will have the most chance of success.

Taurus Daily Love Horoscope Tuesday – January 26, 2021
The planets are bringing you closer to the realization of just how much you have in common with a certain person. You always suspected that the bond between you was based on something quite deep and profound, but it may just be through a particular conversation that you have today that you perceive just how powerful it actually is. There is no stopping you now.

Gemini Daily Love Horoscope Tuesday – January 26, 2021
If you can place a certain grievance in context and trace back the source of the aggravation right down to its beginnings within you, then you will have done both yourself and a loved one a favor. If you can see the larger picture, you will be able to understand why a certain situation keeps occurring, and so begin to act on this knowledge.

Cancer Daily Love Horoscope Tuesday – January 26, 2021
The planets are helping you to see more clearly just why you feel so good in the company of your latest love interest. It is not just that this fascinating person has style, charm, or a great sense of humor; they also share your view and opinions on a good many subjects and can certainly enlighten you on a few more. All in all, you are completely and utterly enthralled.

Leo Daily Love Horoscope Tuesday – January 26, 2021
Talking is one way that you could finally get the attention of someone who has haunted you with their charm and style for a long while now. The planets are creating the opportunity for you to finally get within chatting distance, and once you do start to converse, you will both be amazed at how you managed to stay out of each other’s lives for so long.

Virgo Daily Love Horoscope Tuesday – January 26, 2021
You know that you want to say something of real significance to deepen the bond between you and a loved one, but you are not sure which approach would be best. It has to come straight from your heart, yet you can’t risk total spontaneity, as this would ruin everything. Yet, if you carry on as you are, your speech will certainly sound contrived. So be yourself!

Libra Daily Love Horoscope Tuesday – January 26, 2021
The day’s significant planetary aspect is giving you a choice. You and your partner (current or prospective) could go either of two ways, and so feel the need for some form of discussion. However, in this instance any dialogue may get you into even deeper trouble and will not actually help, as neither of you are totally clear on what you want. It may be best to leave this conversation for another day.

Scorpio Daily Love Horoscope Tuesday – January 26, 2021
Discussions could enter some very metaphysical areas with regard to your close personal relationships. The day’s significant planetary aspect reveals there is possibly far more to your partner (current or prospective)ship than meets the eye. You may discover that you have both shared a past life together, or that you have a mission that you will both be involved in, in this one. Your conversations will certainly range far and wide!!

Sagittarius Daily Love Horoscope Tuesday – January 26, 2021
The day’s significant planetary aspect makes you very much aware of what you are actually looking for in a partner. You suddenly appreciate with real clarity, that combination of personality traits and ability to express a range of feelings that really turns you on. But the last thing you want to do now is to go looking for this. The right person will appear when the time is right.

Capricorn Daily Love Horoscope Tuesday – January 26, 2021
You know what you feel, but don’t want to think about it. The day’s significant planetary aspect makes you more than a little uncertain about how to tell a special friend what is on your mind, or rather, in your heart. Contriving any set speech is surely doomed to failure, so just be your authentic self. People recognize when someone is not being completely sincere.

Aquarius Daily Love Horoscope Tuesday – January 26, 2021
The day’s significant planetary aspect makes you certain of one thing, and that is that you are not sure what is going on between you and your love interest. No matter what angle you view the situation from, it just does not seem to make any sense. Perhaps instead of wracking your brains, you would be better to cease speculating, and allow the situation to unfold of its own accord.

Pisces Daily Love Horoscope Tuesday – January 26, 2021
You may be a little confused about the difference between what you think and what you feel. Because of the day’s significant planetary aspect, the two may become irreparably entwined, and you may not be making your normal good sense. So this would not be the best of times to hold one of those discussions about the way things should or could be, because you are not really sure yourself.