Daily Love Horoscope Tuesday – February 9, 2021

Daily Love Horoscope Tuesday – February 9, 2021

Aries Daily Love Horoscope Tuesday – February 9, 2021
You may be feeling nervous today about an up and coming meeting with someone special. It’s as though you don’t quite know how you are supposed to be, what tone of voice to adopt, or what kind of clothes to wear, and end up trying a whole wardrobe of things on and then taking them off again. Relax, and just be natural and spontaneous.

Taurus Daily Love Horoscope Tuesday – February 9, 2021
You can either weave some skillful magic with your words, or become caught up in a web of lies, depending on how you cope with a certain amorous situation. It would pay you to just pause for a moment or two and watch the kind of image you are portraying. If you catch a glimpse of something false, express yourself more authentically.

Gemini Daily Love Horoscope Tuesday – February 9, 2021
The boundaries between you and another may be very unclear today. You may feel as though you have somehow merged with them and they with you, and there will certainly be some very powerful emotions at work. Although this may feel rather wonderful right now, it would be better to try and retain some sense of your own space and personality.

Cancer Daily Love Horoscope Tuesday – February 9, 2021
Your partner (current or prospective) may seem confused today. If they seem to have forgotten that you exist, or are a little uncertain about why you are in their lives in the first place, then just make room for allowances, as this won’t last. It is just that they may be lost in their own world, but eventually they will come back down to Earth.

Leo Daily Love Horoscope Tuesday – February 9, 2021
Today you may see a potential or a possibility, where before you could only see a blank wall. You felt that as far as a certain person was concerned you didn’t exist. However, you may suddenly realize that you have been trying to become acquainted with a false image. Once this is righted you will make a real connection.

Virgo Daily Love Horoscope Tuesday – February 9, 2021
This is quite a wonderful day, with many opportunities to communicate your love for your partner (current or prospective) in interesting and imaginative ways. This is a great time to do something creative together, which you can use for inspiration at a later date. Perhaps you could make up a game, paint a picture together, or enjoy dancing. Whatever it is, make it fun.

Libra Daily Love Horoscope Tuesday – February 9, 2021
You can employ the power of words, gesture, poetry, scents, or food to entice a loved one ever closer to you, if you have enough time and energy. But make sure that you are targeting the right person in the right way, and that your arrows of love don’t fall short of their intended target, or even go astray.

Scorpio Daily Love Horoscope Tuesday – February 9, 2021
You may find yourself attracted by all that is different, unique, and original in a person today. It won’t be anything particularly earthy about them that corners your attention, but all those subtle qualities of personality and character, combined with an invisible, but very palpable magnetism. You will find yourself entranced – but do keep at least one foot on the ground.

Sagittarius Daily Love Horoscope Tuesday – February 9, 2021
You may feel encouraged to take a break from your usual routine and go somewhere different. Try going somewhere that will stimulate your imagination and get you back in touch with your capacity to really enjoy yourself. It is when you are relaxed and having fun that you radiate a wonderful aura, and are more likely to attract someone special into your life.

Capricorn Daily Love Horoscope Tuesday – February 9, 2021
You may find that one aspect of a certain relationship that has had you confused and deluded for a while now suddenly comes to an end today. You suddenly see that the way in which you have been behaving with each other is inappropriate. But this revelation will then spur you on to discover better, more intimate ways of connecting.

Aquarius Daily Love Horoscope Tuesday – February 9, 2021
You might feel encouraged to let go more than usual when it comes to expressing your feelings for someone special. But don’t go too far, as there is a chance that Cupid’s arrows could fly way too high and upset some kind of subtle and delicate balance. Be expressive, but in a slightly reserved way, as this will draw them out and make them chase YOU.

Pisces Daily Love Horoscope Tuesday – February 9, 2021
You may have thought you knew where you were as far as a certain relationship was concerned, but today you could feel just as confused as ever. The trick is not to try and make sense of something that makes no sense. You may even make things worse. Enjoy the day by sharing your fantasies, rather than trying to work out what is what.