Daily Love Horoscope Tuesday – Apr 28, 2020

Daily Love Horoscope Tuesday – Apr 28, 2020

Aries Daily Love Horoscope Tuesday – Apr 28, 2020
The current astral configuration may create some pretty intense feelings in your relationship. If you are in a long-term partnership then you may feel it is time to make some changes. If you are just becoming involved with someone new, then it may be a far more powerful connection than you could have possibly realized. The chemistry between you will certainly be something to write home about.

Taurus Daily Love Horoscope Tuesday – Apr 28, 2020
There is a push-me-pull-you effect going on, due to the alignment at play today. One part of you honestly, and truly does want to move forward with a relationship while another part of you is terrified of commitment. You will never get anywhere with your love life with this particular attitude. So make your mind up before it’s too late. You don’t want to miss out on a golden opportunity.

Gemini Daily Love Horoscope Tuesday – Apr 28, 2020
The alignment at play today encourages you to take your foot off the accelerator pedal in pursuit of a special someone, even though you know how important it is to have interactions with them in order to move things forward. Let them come to you and then engage them in artful dialogue.

Cancer Daily Love Horoscope Tuesday – Apr 28, 2020
Your love interest may seem to be especially stubborn about an issue that you really would like to have sorted out. The planetary alignment at play today indicates that arguing over it will be more frustrating than productive. You would do better to list the reasons that you both have for acting in the ways that you do, and then discuss them civilly and politely if possible.

Leo Daily Love Horoscope Tuesday – Apr 28, 2020
The current astral configuration makes you suddenly unsure of your real feelings for someone special. You may have been attempting not to notice how their attitude alternated from hot to cold for no apparent reason, and how you found this difficult to swallow. Perhaps it would be a good idea to discuss it with them and see if they are willing to provide you with a more reassuring response.

Virgo Daily Love Horoscope Tuesday – Apr 28, 2020
You may be receiving conflicting advice concerning a certain person that you would like to know more about. current astral configuration means that, on the one hand, someone is giving you rave reviews about them, and on the other, you are receiving a pretty poor report. You need to consider what may be motivating each person to say such things. You also need to trust your own opinion.

Libra Daily Love Horoscope Tuesday – Apr 28, 2020
The movement of the planets in the sky today acts to bring a certain issue to the forefront of your attention. If you have been putting off the day when you need to sort this out, it has now arrived. Yet it need not be the terrible event that you fear. It is only daunting at the moment because you are moving into the unknown. Set aside your fears and just take the first step.

Scorpio Daily Love Horoscope Tuesday – Apr 28, 2020
You usually prefer a more subtle approach and find it difficult to be loud and ostentatious. The movement of the planets today suggests that someone close to you has been very demanding, and to ensure that you aren’t overwhelmed by the sheer force of their neediness you will have to be extremely firm which others may perceive as rudeness. Although this is not your usual style, drawing boundaries around the use of your energy is an incredibly healthy practice to engage in.

Sagittarius Daily Love Horoscope Tuesday – Apr 28, 2020
The movement of the planets in the sky today gives you all the extra energy you need to accomplish a certain goal. Your love life may never be the same again, as this particular mission concerns someone special. It has seemed that many obstacles have gotten in the way of your being together, some that have appeared both unnecessary and also unfair. Today you are in a position to do something about this. You are a force to be reckoned with and virtually unstoppable.

Capricorn Daily Love Horoscope Tuesday – Apr 28, 2020
The position of the heavenly bodies today creates a situation in which you have the supreme right of way. A certain person, for reasons known only to you, is now subtly under your influence. How you deal with this will not only increase or decrease the respect they naturally feel for you but will also affect the partnership itself.

Aquarius Daily Love Horoscope Tuesday – Apr 28, 2020
Today’s position of the heavenly bodies could be just what you need to create the necessary changes in a certain relationship. You may wonder just how you are going to go through with this, but it is this somewhat defensive attitude that has been stopping you from making progress. Today you will find that you have all the necessary courage and energy to do what needs to be done.

Pisces Daily Love Horoscope Tuesday – Apr 28, 2020
Even though you may have been struggling to control your feelings towards another person, for reasons known only to yourself, you may find that the current astral configuration heightens your sense of passion even more. When you meet up with this particular person your emotions may prove to be overwhelming and they will see your true feelings for them. You don’t like to be this vulnerable but sometimes it is a necessary practice for a relationship to move forward.