Daily Love Horoscope Thursday – January 14, 2021

Aries Daily Love Horoscope Thursday – January 14, 2021
Relationships may not be exactly fun today, as you are feeling more inclined to go off and do things by yourself. The planets are making you feel more self-contained and less like participating in anything, whether with your partner (current or prospective), or anyone else, for that matter. You would probably benefit by taking this opportunity to become more acquainted with your own needs, wishes, and feelings.
Taurus Daily Love Horoscope Thursday – January 14, 2021
The planets are making you apprehensive about a certain romantic relationship. At the moment your mind is running through the entire gamut of fears concerning various issues. Thinking in this way is not exactly going to make things better for both of you, but on the other hand, you do need to be realistic. Perhaps you just need some time alone, and will feel better in a few days.
As you thrive on warmth and generosity, you find it hard to understand those days when your partner (current or prospective) just doesn’t seem to want to play. The planets are creating a temporary distance between you both, which, if you would be honest with yourself, is probably not a bad thing right now. After a period of relative closeness, you would both probably benefit from some time alone.
Cancer Daily Love Horoscope Thursday – January 14, 2021
The planets are causing you to feel it is not worth the effort to try and find a romantic partner. You may have decided that every potential love interest you meet just turns out to be bad news for one reason or another. You are inclined to be your own worst enemy though, especially today. In a few days you will probably have adopted a more optimistic viewpoint. Hang in there!
Leo Daily Love Horoscope Thursday – January 14, 2021
You tend to feel sorry for yourself on days like this, when everyone wants to go off and do things by themselves. The planets are making life difficult because you can’t find anyone who is willing to cooperate, even if only for a quick chat on the phone. Friends and love interests seem preoccupied and won’t give you the time of day. But don’t worry – it won’t last forever!
Virgo Daily Love Horoscope Thursday – January 14, 2021
The day’s planetary energy could bring out the worst in your current relationship if you let it. Both of you may be feeling on edge today, and ready to strike at the slightest provocation. However, you could turn this around, and instead of arguing, go for a really long walk, or go and play some sports together. This way you may draw closer together rather than further apart.
Libra Daily Love Horoscope Thursday – January 14, 2021
If you lose your temper, you may go way over the top, as you usually find it difficult to do anything half way. The planetary energy causes sparks to leap into instant flames, and you will need to be extra careful that you don’t deliver one of your tactless remarks at a particularly sensitive moment, as it may not be taken in good humor.
Sometimes it takes an unusually intense force to shift a very entrenched obstacle. The planetary energy may make you aware of just how angry you really are. It may well clear the air if you can find a way to express this without losing control altogether. You will feel a release from pressure, and they will understand a little more about where your boundaries lie.
Sagittarius Daily Love Horoscope Thursday – January 14, 2021
Even though a certain situation has been bugging you for some time, you may still refuse to come to terms with it, let alone do something about it. It may fall to your partner (current or prospective) to get the ball rolling, while you stand by and chip in with the occasional comment. But even in this instance you could still learn something of value.
Capricorn Daily Love Horoscope Thursday – January 14, 2021
The planetary energy is encouraging a sense of righteous indignation concerning a recent tiff with a loved one. While it may be tempting to get all melodramatic, and gently dab your eyes with a hanky while putting on that pouting sulky look, it may not actually achieve very much. You would be better off to just say why you are mad, and have a civilized conversation about it.
Aquarius Daily Love Horoscope Thursday – January 14, 2021
There are two possible ways you could deal with your current romance problem; one is to pretend that nothing is happening; the other is to get bitter and twisted about it. The planetary energy is causing you to want to react on the one hand and to leave well alone on the other. If you talk to each other civilly, then this may help.
Pisces Daily Love Horoscope Thursday – January 14, 2021
The planets are bringing you the opportunity to stop and consider whether you are actually involved in the right relationship, before you dig yourself in any deeper. The only problem being that you may take an over pessimistic view and tend to emphasize the bad points in your mind, while glossing over all the things it has going for it. You need to find a more balanced perspective.