Daily Love Horoscope – September 3, 2023

Daily Love Horoscope – September 3, 2023

ARIES Daily Love Horoscope September 3, 2023

Today could be a great one to lie low and not rush anything, Aries. This is because life will be giving you major whiplash around matters of the heart. Venus is frozen in a block of ice within the skies above. This period in the phase is known as the Venus retrograde storm. Every time she changes direction, we experience this extremely disorienting energy. Don’t stress yourself out about it, but certainly don’t try to have any meaningful conversations with a lover, partner, or crush. They may not hear you correctly or process it in a way that is productive.

TAURUS Daily Love Horoscope September 3, 2023

You’re a practical one, Taurus. As an earth sign, you’re always able to plan ahead. However, today’s energies will be challenging to navigate. This is because your planetary ruler, sweet Venus, is frozen in the heavens above you. This stillness is not an enjoyable energy to experience. You may feel the instinct to talk something out and get to the bottom of the uncomfortable feeling, but don’t push to do so now. In fact, if you delay until later in the week, you’ll be much happier than you did. Everyone will be thinking, seeing, and listening more clearly around matters of the heart.

GEMINI Daily Love Horoscope September 3, 2023

Table any big discussions around matters of the heart that you’d had planned for today for another time, Gemini. In fact, you should wait until nearly the end of this week. This is because, in the days that surround sweet Venus’s shift in direction, smokescreens are cast up into the air in every single direction around matters of the heart. As logical, intellectual, and aware as you so often can be, with our planet of love frozen in the sky, even you aren’t going to be thinking or seeing correctly. Let the strange vibes pass, and just as the sun breaks past storm clouds, so will your ability to communicate and connect heart-to-heart.

CANCER Daily Love Horoscope September 3, 2023

Take a deep breath and chill today, Cancer. Today’s frustrating frequencies will be like you’re trying to surfboard on choppy seas. Sweet Venus, our planet of love and beauty, is frozen in the skies above and will be sluggish to make any movement whatsoever. In fact, she’ll be barely inching forward all week. That’s why it’s best to hold your thoughts and ideas within rather than talking with a romantic interest or partner. They’ll be trying to stay afloat on their own, so they will not even be paying you attention! Coast along the current so you can reach the shore.

LEO Daily Love Horoscope September 3, 2023

Prepare for a bit of whiplash today, Leo. As Venus slows to a halt, we enter a period known as the retrograde storm. This will send smokescreens up in the air, consuming you and all who you meet in confusion around matters of the heart. You will not know which way is up, down, left, right, forward, or back! Venus retrograde storm periods are always on the day when she switches directions. So we have them at the onset and end of every single moonwalking phase — every eighteen months. Lie low. Don’t make fast reactions or decisions.

VIRGO Daily Love Horoscope September 3, 2023

Today could feel like you’re making your way through the desert, and then suddenly you’re consumed by a gigantic sand beast storm, Virgo! As sweet Venus freezes in the sky and stations direct, we enter a phase called the retrograde storm. This sudden shift in direction from backward to stationary to eventually moving forward is much like being punched in the stomach, and all of your air is sucked out. Everything will be confusing and frustrating today, so don’t push against the current or try to have a heart-to-heart with your one and only.

LIBRA Daily Love Horoscope September 3, 2023

Today could be much like you’re hanging on a rope fifty feet above the ground, and your palms are getting sweaty, Libra. As you dangle there, uncertain, you can feel yourself starting to slip down the rope back down with gravity. This is because sweet Venus, our Lesser Benefic and your planetary ruler, has finished her backward slide after many weeks of moonwalking. This period — known as Venus retrograde — is when she suddenly shifts direction to proceed forward in a normal phase again. Don’t stress. Don’t overthink. Just breathe. You’ll feel like your grip is stronger soon enough!

SCORPIO Daily Love Horoscope September 3, 2023

Today could feel like you’re a toy top sputtering around, losing steam, Scorpio. You may quite literally feel like you’re spinning! This is because sweet Venus, our Lesser Benefic, has frozen in the skies above. This is always immensely uncomfortable, as the world is dealing with the awkward sense of changing direction around matters of the heart. Stillness also can be immensely irritating and challenging. Don’t let the anxiety get to you. Just meditate, center yourself, and know that this Venus retrograde storm will soon fade behind you. You’ll be spinning in glory before you know it once again!

SAGITTARIUS Daily Love Horoscope September 3, 2023

Today could feel like you’ve awoken after a horrible night’s sleep, Sagittarius. You’re groggy, can’t get moving, and don’t even know which clothes to throw on! Nothing will be clear around matters of the heart or concerning love, romance, or beauty. This is because sweet Venus has frozen in the heavens above. While it is a good thing that she is no longer moving backward, it can also be a very confusing energy to navigate. This is known as the Venus retrograde storm period. Go with the flow and trust your intuition.

CAPRICORN Daily Love Horoscope September 3, 2023

Today will feel like you’ve awoken, and you have no idea where you are, Capricorn. You may even feel like you’re not even sure how you ended up here! This is because sweet Venus has ended her backward slide but is now frozen in the skies above. On one hand, this is a blessing because we will once again be able to see more clearly regarding matters of the heart and issues of love, romance, and beauty. But still, it will certainly feel a little challenging to chug along. This Venus retrograde phase is known as the storm.

AQUARIUS Daily Love Horoscope September 3, 2023

You’re going to feel like a train that’s lost momentum and screeched to a very soft and slow halt today, Aquarius. This is because sweet Venus, our planet of love and beauty, is now frozen in the sky. This period of the phase is known as the Venus retrograde storm and always occurs the day the retrograde begins and ends. Just like that train, you’ll need some time to get your steam and coal fueling you up once again as you pick up speed to carry on to the next great horizons regarding your heart’s desires. Don’t stress about the confusion now. Try to unplug and lie low.

PISCES Daily Love Horoscope September 3, 2023

You may feel like you’re particularly confused around matters of the heart today, Pisces. In fact, you may even feel like you can’t get out of bed because you’re feeling a bit somber! This is because we are experiencing a pivotal turning point in the Venus retrograde phase! This happens every time our planet of love changes direction, whether that’s backward or forward. Even though this is a blessing in disguise, it is still mildly uncomfortable as we feel like nothing is moving. That’s because Venus isn’t moving. Rest assured that better days will lie ahead. Just get through this one, and you’ll be on the other side.


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