Daily Love Horoscope – September 23, 2024

Daily Love Horoscope – September 23, 2024

ARIES Daily Love Horoscope September 23, 2024

Dark, foreboding clouds have been gathering in the heavens yesterday and today, Aries. You will most certainly feel the deadly storm. This is because Venus, our sweet goddess of love and beauty, is consumed by the virulent energy of powerhouse Pluto. This war will leave no stone unturned. You may notice immense power struggles and control issues emerging now in relationships, especially if there’s been some animosity bubbling up from below like a witch’s brew. If your relationship is healthy, though, you may notice a stronger desire for intimacy, passion, and intensity. Don’t engage in nefarious tactics.

TAURUS Daily Love Horoscope September 23, 2024

Another rocky period for relationships began yesterday and lingers into today, Taurus. This is because your planetary ruler, our sweet goddess, Venus, is clashing sharply with powerhouse Pluto. Threats, ultimatums, and power struggles could creep in like vampires or werewolves in the night. If you’re in an unhealthy relationship, expect things to break down in very painful or dramatic ways. However, if you’re on steady ground and have solid communication between you, this energy may coast on by to prey on someone else with wicked intentions. Do your best to unplug from the turmoil and lead with love and affection.

GEMINI Daily Love Horoscope September 23, 2024

You may meet someone today who is a karmic lover, Gemini. However, this wouldn’t likely lead to a happy or healthy relationship. As sweet Venus, our goddess planet, shivers through the sky, she will clash with powerhouse Pluto. This means that any new love found now could feel like an instant attraction with overwhelming passion and infatuation. However, it could also lead down a very dark path, one of abuse, manipulation, jealousy, or darker journeys. Don’t get caught in a love game now. You’ll ultimately regret it and may find it is one of the most challenging situations in your life.

CANCER Daily Love Horoscope September 23, 2024

As you peer ahead into your day, you can feel tension hissing beneath the radar like lava bubbles to be free of the earth, Cancer. This is because our sweet goddess planet, Venus, is waging war with powerhouse Pluto. This ensures that shady behavior could be afoot today. You may be victimized at this time—or be fired up with such intense frustration that you end up being the one carrying out the dark deeds. This may end up creating long-lasting emotional and intimate scars. Don’t sink into the volcano and erupt. Do your best to climb your way to safety.

LEO Daily Love Horoscope September 23, 2024

Revenge could be on your mind today, Leo. The dark atmosphere of the day could feel like you’re caught in a fatal attraction. This is because our sweet goddess planet, Venus, is clashing with a virulent Pluto in the heavens above. This is one of the most tragic and fatalistic planetary alignments possible, spelling out fear, insecurity, and wicked deeds. Tension may be simmering beneath the surface, triggering manipulation, jealousy, and vindictive temperaments. You can have a ferocious temper, so it would be wise not to jump to conclusions or engage in drama. You may end up regretting it!

VIRGO Daily Love Horoscope September 23, 2024

You will likely feel incredibly possessive and jealous today, Virgo. No matter where you stand in your relationships, it will likely be feeling quite rocky today. Deeply buried insecurity, trauma, and fear could be lurking up from the shadows like a poltergeist, causing havoc in your heart. You may have an overwhelming need to control and smother your partner. While you may initially think that you’re doing this out of protection or love, it is far more vicious than that. The shadows of your psyche and spirit could be manifesting in extremely toxic ways—driving your lover away from you.

LIBRA Daily Love Horoscope September 23, 2024

Evil is afoot, Libra. In fact, you could witness shady interactions in relationships today. This is because your planetary ruler, our sweet goddess, Venus, is in a life-or-death conflict with powerhouse Pluto. This ensures that highly destructive moods and temperaments will be lurking in the shadows, ready to unleash their fury on any unsuspecting victim or partnership. If you are feeling triggered and fired up today, do your best to ground this energy. Relax. Breathe it out. Try to channel it into healthy, productive means rather than murky behavior.

SCORPIO Daily Love Horoscope September 23, 2024

Stormy clouds are roaring with thunder and lightning today, Scorpio. A vortex is forming in the seas of your heart, so it would be wise to practice mindfulness and meditation. This is because sweet Venus, our goddess planet, is clashing with your planetary co-ruler, Pluto, in the skies above. This foretells that rocky energy is afoot in relationships and is likely to bring out the shadow sides within everyone’s personalities. This is not the time to jump into a new relationship if you are single. If committed, try to take some space apart.

SAGITTARIUS Daily Love Horoscope September 23, 2024

Very poisonous energy is seeping through the heavens today, Sagittarius. You will regret any impulsive or dark decision if it is made at this time. This is because sweet Venus, our goddess planet of love and beauty, is clashing with powerhouse Pluto, the planet of intensity and rebirth. This will likely bring out the shadow sides of people’s nature, so it would be best to stand in your integrity and not rock the boat. Don’t let your trauma or fear trigger you. Everyone is walking on eggshells today, so keep your wits about you. 

CAPRICORN Daily Love Horoscope September 23, 2024

Tense energy lingers throughout the heavens today, Capricorn. You could feel as if you were under a dark cloud. This is because sweet Venus, our goddess planet of romance and attraction, will collide with powerhouse Pluto. This foretells potential turmoil and chaos within relationships, especially for those people who do not feel loved, respected, or valued. Messy fights could be triggered. Worse, though, is the possibility of vindictive actions and words that create scars in one another’s hearts. In truth, you must focus on finding peace, serenity, forgiveness, compassion, and balance. This will allow the storm to pass.

AQUARIUS Daily Love Horoscope September 23, 2024

You could notice the worst parts of your personality—or your partner’s—are rearing their ugly head today, Aquarius. This is because sweet Venus, our goddess planet of romance and pleasure, will clash sharply with powerhouse Pluto, the most intense of the planets. This will bring fury, vengeance, and tension out in relationships where it has been lurking beneath the shadows. Don’t get sucked into any nefarious or secretive dramas or affairs. Stand in the vibrancy of your integrity. Believe in love. Know this will fade in the rearview mirror soon enough!

PISCES Daily Love Horoscope September 23, 2024

Today might be better off for you if you keep to yourself and keep your head down, Pisces. This is because we have incredibly challenging cosmic weather for relationships. Sweet Venus, our goddess planet of romance and beauty, will clash in a square with powerhouse Pluto. This ensures that all relationships that are on rocky standing can face an ultimatum or a make-or-break moment. Breakups and divorces are especially likely now. However, if single, definitely don’t head out on a first date. You could become involved in a scandal you’ll regret. Instead, breathe through the tension and let it go.


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