Daily Love Horoscope Saturday – October 3, 2020

Daily Love Horoscope Saturday – October 3, 2020

Aries Daily Love Horoscope Saturday – October 3, 2020
The influence of the planets makes today particularly intriguing. You love enigma, mystery, and especially people who remain obscure, despite your probing questions. It seems you are likely to meet someone whom you can barely resist, especially as they are so seductively charming, yet also just beyond your reach. Frustrating, to say the least; but you know you will win them over in the end.

Taurus Daily Love Horoscope Saturday – October 3, 2020
You take things philosophically, especially when they are not going according to plan. But today even your most metaphysical thoughts don’t seem to bring the comfort you need. The planets reveal a flaw in your current relationship. This may only be temporary, so don’t panic. But if you can work through it now, you may be able to prevent it from becoming serious.

Gemini Daily Love Horoscope Saturday – October 3, 2020
You find it hard to stomach days like this when things just don’t seem to be stable. The energy emanating from the planets induces you to wonder why you ever bothered with your latest heartthrob. They are blowing hot and cold, and you are feeling more irritable by the moment. Give it a few days, though, and you should see a marked improvement.

Cancer Daily Love Horoscope Saturday – October 3, 2020
Ambivalent feelings are likely to be created between you and your loved one today. Strangely enough, although you are usually the one feeling distant and aloof, right now you feel the opposite, i.e., passionately desperate to be shown that your sweetest honey cake really, really cares about you. You find this quite disturbing, as it not your usual way in relationships. Yet it may be good to get a taste of your own medicine.

Leo Daily Love Horoscope Saturday – October 3, 2020
Easy come, easy go is often your motto concerning life, love, and relationships. Today you don’t seem bothered whether your sweet love stays with you or not. You feel so strangely indifferent to their desperate pleas that you are ready to tell them you just don’t care, after all. But don’t dismiss them altogether, as they truly care about you! And anyway, tomorrow is another day!

Virgo Daily Love Horoscope Saturday – October 3, 2020
The influence of the planets makes romance a little skittish today. If you have been going through a positive phase, then you may be surprised at your feelings. You may find yourself blowing hot and cold. Your partner may not know whether to give you a passionate hug or run for it. Explain the source of your ambivalence, and also that you will be fine soon, and hopefully they will understand.

Libra Daily Love Horoscope Saturday – October 3, 2020
You may be intrigued by the behavior of your latest romantic partner. The energy of the day indicates that on the one hand they may swear eternal allegiance to you, and then in the next breath say they need some space and are going out with their friends. Although this is not your style – you prefer stability and dependability – it is probably a passing phase, so don’t worry.

Scorpio Daily Love Horoscope Saturday – October 3, 2020
The planets are bent on bringing you an interesting day. You may communicate with someone whom you find particularly difficult to fathom, and your reaction may be equally strange. On the one hand you are both deeply attracted to each other, yet on the other hand, there is something that makes you wary of each other. Don’t give up, as in a few days this may change.

Sagittarius Daily Love Horoscope Saturday – October 3, 2020
You may find today particularly enigmatic, and your latest lover even more so. Indeed, the planets indicate that the emotional atmosphere between you may be a little strange. There is a certainly a great deal of passion and real caring there, but at the same time, there is a barrier that particularly concerns you because you like to feel emotionally close to someone. Don’t give up.

Capricorn Daily Love Horoscope Saturday – October 3, 2020
When you fall in love, you like the person concerned to be all yours, and to devote themselves to you utterly and entirely. This is why you may feel a little puzzled today! The energy of the day brings out some bizarre behavior in your partner. They seem mildly distracted and not their usual attentive selves. However, do not worry; time will tell what the real problem is.

Aquarius Daily Love Horoscope Saturday – October 3, 2020
The influence of the planets is making you one tricky person to get along with today. One minute you are criticizing your loved one for their disgusting habits and wishing they would clean themselves up a bit, and the next moment you are adoring the very ground they tread upon. It may be best if you give each other a little space for at least a short while.

Pisces Daily Love Horoscope Saturday – October 3, 2020
You can’t decide what to make of the person you have been idolizing for so long now. Yesterday you were still in love, yet today you are starting to see some cracks in what appeared to be an impeccable exterior. If you hang on a while longer you will be in love once again. Perhaps you just need a few days grace.