Daily Love Horoscope Saturday – May 8, 2021

Daily Love Horoscope Saturday – May 8, 2021

Aries Daily Love Horoscope Saturday – May 8, 2021
Something both mysterious and mystical comes your way today, with a square between the Moon and Neptune. But first of all you need to overcome some kind of obstacle so that you can encounter the person of your dreams. This particular problem is not so much out there, as in your head. You feel that for some reason they are far too fantastic to want to date you. But you are wrong.

Taurus Daily Love Horoscope Saturday – May 8, 2021
A square between the Moon and Neptune makes you dissolve with anticipation and pleasure at the thought of all that could happen tonight on your date with your favorite person. But your fantasies may not be the same as the reality. Wait until you get together before getting carried away with plans and ideas. This person may not be quite as you think, in which case you will need to amend your romantic agenda.

Gemini Daily Love Horoscope Saturday – May 8, 2021
Your love interest may be refusing to speak up about something that is important. They absolutely refuse, point blank, to give their opinion. A square between the Moon and Neptune indicates that pushing them to spill the beans will increase the confusion, which is not a wise idea. It would be better to completely ignore the subject altogether and allow them to talk about it when they feel ready.

Cancer Daily Love Horoscope Saturday – May 8, 2021
A square between the Moon and Neptune creates the potential for a wonderfully romantic evening, provided you and your date can be at least at little honest with each other. There are one or two issues about which you may not have been entirely truthful, and these could threaten to cause friction if you do not begin to talk about them and sort them out. Then you can relax in love interest’s paradise.

Leo Daily Love Horoscope Saturday – May 8, 2021
Sometimes it is easier to bury your head in the sand, ostrich-like, rather than face up to the fact that you could be about to make a costly mistake. A square between the Moon and Neptune encourages you to see the possibility of a romantic disaster in the decision you are currently weighing in the balance. Make sure you really have your wits about you before you say yes. Don’t leave it dangling until it’s too late.

Virgo Daily Love Horoscope Saturday – May 8, 2021
All you need is a little determination to overcome the apparent obstacle that appears to lie in the way of true love. Today’s celestial energies indicate that what you perceive as a problem is not really so; it’s just that you haven’t tried hard enough to remove it. You have extra courage and dynamism lent to you by the cosmos today, so use them to forge ahead.

Libra Daily Love Horoscope Saturday – May 8, 2021
With today’s celestial atmosphere, you will have no option but to make a decision about a certain irresistible person. You just cannot wait around for them to make a move toward you, which is the way you normally go about things. You really do need to show that you are interested, not only once, but on more than one occasion in different ways. They’ll soon get the message.

Scorpio Daily Love Horoscope Saturday – May 8, 2021
It is easier for you to talk about your feelings today than to not talk about them. The planetary energies are encouraging you to be yourself, utterly and completely. Don’t try and play down how you feel; just try to be polite when stating your truth so as not to appear lacking in tact or discretion. It will be better to be honest in all areas, and own up to everything.

Sagittarius Daily Love Horoscope Saturday – May 8, 2021
Today’s planetary alignment provides a positive omen of a successful date with someone who makes you slightly nervous, just because they are so totally gorgeous. You won’t have to worry in the slightest, or feel that you are somehow inadequate, because they will also be completely bowled over by you. Just be your natural happy-go-lucky and smiling self, and you will have a simply stunning time.

Capricorn Daily Love Horoscope Saturday – May 8, 2021
Warmth and enthusiasm win the day when it comes to romance. The celestial atmosphere is encouraging you to give support to your new partner, and to invite some of your friends over to meet them. If both of you feel somewhat nervous about this prospect, you will find there is nothing at all to worry about. Your love interest is a unanimous hit. Just do it – be brave!

Aquarius Daily Love Horoscope Saturday – May 8, 2021
Today’s planetary energy is great for bringing your deeper feelings to the surface and giving you the courage to share them with your latest love. This will really help them to appreciate and understand that you do care, but sometimes have a strange way of showing it. Perhaps it would help your relationship even further if you showed your affection more often. Your love interest would enjoy this.

Pisces Daily Love Horoscope Saturday – May 8, 2021
Subtlety and silence will not get you where you want to go in your current bid to attract the attention of someone special. The energy at play today encourages you to wear brighter clothes, put on your loveliest smile, and go and talk to them. The more open, honest, warm, and genuinely enthusiastic you can be about them and life in general, the better. Don’t chicken out.