Daily Love Horoscope Saturday – January 23, 2021

Daily Love Horoscope Saturday – January 23, 2021

Aries Daily Love Horoscope Saturday – January 23, 2021
The celestial configuration encourages you not to focus entirely on what is happening on the surface of your relationships, or to continue to exist in a state where you can accept certain things about your love interest, but not others. You would be wise to look at the deeper reasons why you became involved in the first place, and where it seems to be heading. A little analysis brings fascinating insights.

Taurus Daily Love Horoscope Saturday – January 23, 2021
You are by nature a creature of the ocean, and very much attuned to its tides and rhythms. The celestial configuration is now bringing you into alignment with an even deeper set of rhythms: those associated with the subconscious mind. It is by looking more closely at your dreams, or taking notice of your intuitions and gut reactions that you can make real progress in your personal relationships.

Gemini Daily Love Horoscope Saturday – January 23, 2021
The celestial configuration is helping you understand that you can’t always have it the way you want. Most relationships are a question of give and take, and gradually you are seeing why you often overwhelm and intimidate others, with your natural assumption that you must be listened to and obeyed, almost immediately. Your love interests will remain loyal if you give them the freedom to choose their own response.

Cancer Daily Love Horoscope Saturday – January 23, 2021
This is a time when you are cordially invited to sit down and analyze your relationships from as many different perspectives as you can manage. The celestial configuration is helping you to see clearly just where you are holding yourself back by your insistence upon relating to others in certain set ways. These are limiting your growth and keeping you locked behind certain defense mechanisms. It is now time to begin removing them.

Leo Daily Love Horoscope Saturday – January 23, 2021
The celestial configuration is encouraging you to think a little more deeply about how you relate to others. There are powerful changes occurring in your life on very subtle levels. It is a question of looking at just where you seem to be limiting yourself unnecessarily, which can be difficult to see. But taking the time to ask yourself some pertinent questions will bring helpful answers.

Virgo Daily Love Horoscope Saturday – January 23, 2021
The energy radiating from the planets makes you even more intense than usual. If you have been in pursuit of someone in order to try and get some kind of positive response from them, then you may find it difficult to understand why they seem so reluctant to reply to your requests. But it is probably because they resent the feeling of being pursued. Ease off, if you can!

Libra Daily Love Horoscope Saturday – January 23, 2021
You will have more of a chance to get asked out for a date today if you can just stop worrying about whether you will be asked out or not. The energy radiating from the planets is bringing out the more manipulative and power-hungry side of your personality, which could have a negative effect. If you enjoy the day without worrying either way, you will find things work out fine very soon.

Scorpio Daily Love Horoscope Saturday – January 23, 2021
The energy radiating from the planets could make you determined to encourage someone close to you to see your point of view. If you want to keep on fairly good terms with them, it may help if you could cool down a little and try not to force the issue for a while. A heart-to-heart talk would do you both a world of good, if you could manage this.

Sagittarius Daily Love Horoscope Saturday – January 23, 2021
You may just have to access that place in your heart where some of your most delicate emotions exist. You will have to discuss the deeper issues of your relationship; otherwise it could become even more confused than it is at the moment. With just a little effort you could clear up so much between you. It is worth it!

Capricorn Daily Love Horoscope Saturday – January 23, 2021
The energy radiating from the planets makes it easier for you to address the status of the relationship between you and your love interest. You know instinctively that your partner (current or prospective) has something they need to say, and because of your natural sense of compassion you are willing to help them work through it, not only by being an attentive listener, but also by having the courage to raise the subject in the first place.

Aquarius Daily Love Horoscope Saturday – January 23, 2021
Your romantic life may go through a transformation today, or alternatively a romantic situation may well transform you. The energy radiating from the planets is highlighting certain aspects of a particular relationship, or even of yourself, which may have been having a negative impact on your love life. By working on these issues, most likely by talking them through, some amazing changes could take place.

Pisces Daily Love Horoscope Saturday – January 23, 2021
You have known for some time that you need to change if you are ever going to find real happiness within your close personal relationships. The celestial configuration offers just such an opportunity. Although this will inevitably be a gradual process, you can begin by making a positive commitment to be honest with yourself about your behavior, and also honest with your partner (current or prospective). Ease into any changes gently.