Daily Love Horoscope – October 20, 2023

ARIES Daily Love Horoscope October 20, 2023
You may wish to hide beneath your blanks and ignore the world today and tomorrow, Aries. As the sun sizzles across the sky from you in your solar seventh house of partnership, he will feel the crack of the whip from powerhouse Pluto. This sharp battle leaves no stone — or relationship — unaffected. Either you or your partner may feel a primal need for control or domination, which would ultimately cause a rather sharp change in your rapport. One party may feel abused, tortured, or persecuted. Don’t dive into power struggles. It isn’t worth it and will leave everything burnt in a fury, which will end up harming you in the end.
TAURUS Daily Love Horoscope October 20, 2023
Don’t stir the pot today or tomorrow because it could get ugly, Taurus. Luckily, your grounded nature tends to give you a sturdy back and strong integrity. However, this period’s cosmic clash is especially virulent. Keep to yourself and don’t rock the boat because everyone will be feeling fired up and furious. With the mighty sun colliding with powerhouse Pluto, everyone will feel a need to be in control and dominate those around them. This obviously brings about intense conflicts and power struggles. Don’t feed into this chaos. Check out and choose solitude instead. You’ll thank yourself later.
GEMINI Daily Love Horoscope October 20, 2023
Keep your wits about you now, Gemini. Drama will be around every corner. And it could be devastating, in fact. As the sun soars through your solar fifth house of true love, romance, and dating, he will receive a death threat from powerhouse Pluto in the sky. This is a red alert not to aggravate others or pursue domination or control. If you do, everyone will be left bleeding and in remorse. If a crisis or conflict rushes to meet you, do your best to protect yourself, but run along on your merry way.
CANCER Daily Love Horoscope October 20, 2023
Beware the absolutely poisonous energy of today and tomorrow, Cancer. This is because the mighty sun will go to war with powerhouse Pluto in the heavens above. This is one of the most challenging and disgusting planetary alignments possible, triggering abuse, torture, persecution, and darkness. There will be no way to simply relax and retreat. The best thing to do is to hide! Whenever the sun and Pluto clash like this, it ensures power struggles are around every corner. Don’t go to war with your sweetheart. It isn’t worth it.
LEO Daily Love Horoscope October 20, 2023
Grab your strength because you’ll need it today and tomorrow, Leo. This is not a good day for matters of the heart. As the sun sizzles in the sky, he’ll experience a horrific attack from powerhouse Pluto in a separate corner of the sky. Struggles over power, trauma, and pain will be prominent now. If you are single, don’t even bother trying to date today. It will only lead to tragedy. If committed and feeling fired up, agree to table discussions with your love until better days are ahead and everyone is thinking clearly. If you do clash, don’t engage in threats.
VIRGO Daily Love Horoscope October 20, 2023
Prepare to experience a foul period ahead of you today and tomorrow, Virgo. Truly, it would just be best to try to unplug and focus on yourself. The mighty sun will wage war with powerhouse Pluto, which is never an enjoyable energy to experience. This ensures that you or your sweetheart could be fuming for a fight. Power struggles crop up ferociously during these periods, especially if there’s an imbalance of control in your relationship. You or your lover could feel threatened and defensive, ready to blow things up and not look back. Don’t feed the monster. Find the angel within.
LIBRA Daily Love Horoscope October 20, 2023
Beware that traumatic experiences in relationships could be written in the stars today and tomorrow, Libra. It would be best to simply not engage. Even if you’re feeling scorned and restless, try to channel this energy into productive affairs such as hard work or exercise. Fighting with your sweetheart now could lead to devastating drama that leaves you both on separate sides of the line. The dark side of people tends to rise up from the shadows whenever the sun and Pluto collide, so don’t live in your fears and insecurities. Work through your tension first before it overtakes you.
SCORPIO Daily Love Horoscope October 20, 2023
You crave intensity and are “all or nothing,” Scorpio. However, this can easily fuel you up for a fight at the first sense that something is up. Today and tomorrow’s cosmic weather is extremely gloomy, so resist your desire to throw gasoline upon the spark. The mighty sun will dash through the sky, but as he does, he will come under the line of attack of powerhouse Pluto. Expect tremendous frustration, especially around power and control. Don’t let the beast within overtake you as you burn down the world around you. No one will win this great fury at this time.
SAGITTARIUS Daily Love Horoscope October 20, 2023
Nasty cosmic vibes are clouding the heavens now, Sagittarius. Do your best, and don’t feed the demons! As the sun glides through the sky today and tomorrow, he’ll get punched in the face by a furious and fearsome Pluto, the planet of death and destruction. This ensures a traumatic and challenging day lies ahead for everyone — but especially in regards to relationships. If you’re feeling provoked or threatened, do your best to run and hide rather than rise up in fury. The universe is trying to teach you grace and patience rather than flying off the handle. All actions today will be met with regret later.
CAPRICORN Daily Love Horoscope October 20, 2023
Run for cover now, Capricorn. The cosmos are seething with hate and darkness. As the sun moves through the sky, he will find all of his cheer and light stolen from him by a virulent and wicked Pluto, the planet of death. This ensures dark energy is afoot everywhere that you turn. Don’t make any rash decisions around relationships, and certainly do not soar at your sweetheart with anger or injustice. They may fight with fury and gain a taste for revenge. Breathe through the frustration, try to find a place of balance, and do not do anything that you will likely regret later.
AQUARIUS Daily Love Horoscope October 20, 2023
Today and tomorrow will likely rock your boat, Aquarius. Be sure to grab your strength and sense of resolve. However, the cosmic weather will toss explosions into a lava pit, spewing devastation into the wind for miles. This is because the mighty sun will cross swords with a fearsome Pluto in the heavens above. Power struggles could erupt with total annihilation, burning relationships to the ground. Take a breather, unplug, and walk away from anything that provokes you. Fighting with red eyes and teeth like daggers won’t help you win anything in the end when your love is being sacrificed.
PISCES Daily Love Horoscope October 20, 2023
Be sure not to engage with power struggles or conflicts today or tomorrow, Pisces. The cosmic weather is one of absolute darkness. As the sun shivers through the sky, he’ll step upon a bombshell laid by powerhouse Pluto, the planet of destruction. Expect to feel fired up about control or domination today — or your partner may, instead. This could create great havoc between you that you ultimately regret. Find a place of peace and serenity inside. That is where you also find your grace. If your fears or insecurities are welling up like demons in the night, it is best to resist their wickedness rather than give them strength.
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