Daily Love Horoscope – November 26, 2024

ARIES Daily Love Horoscope November 26, 2024
The sluggish pace has overtaken you, Aries. This is because mental Mercury, our cosmic messenger of the mind and communication, has begun to embrace his moonwalk fully. This particular autumn retrograde phase is taking place entirely in a fellow Fire sign—Sagittarius. Collectively, over the coming weeks, we will all notice that we are reviewing, reassessing, and re-examining how we pursue expansion and new horizons, especially in our relations. Confusion and miscommunication could be ahead. Don’t feel like your whole life is about to be shaken up, though. It’s about riding the current.
TAURUS Daily Love Horoscope November 26, 2024
You so often think that nothing can stop you, Taurus. In fact, you put your head down, dig in your hooves, and plod forward with your horns before you along the path. However, the retrograde phase upon you is causing you to reassess. Mental Mercury, our cosmic messenger, and the planet of the mind and communication, is now at a complete halt within the sky. Collectively, we will experience him backtracking through Sagittarius entirely. All of us are going to experience a significant period of revision and confusion around how we pursue expansion in our lives, as well as reviewing how we pursue our paths forward.
GEMINI Daily Love Horoscope November 26, 2024
Today could feel like you’re standing on the edge of a knife, Gemini. You can’t move forward, back, or in any direction. This is because mental Mercury, our cosmic messenger planet that rules the mind and communication—and is your most important celestial object—is frozen in the night sky. For a brief moment, he will hang there before he begins his retrograde backward through Sagittarius. This particular transit will have collective effects on all zodiac signs and the world. Sagittarius rules how we pursue expansion and new horizons and look at alternative perspectives in our relations. Expect to address revisions now.
CANCER Daily Love Horoscope November 26, 2024
Take a breath, Cancer. Close your eyes. Yes, frustration is upon you, but you can’t let it get the best of you. Today will feel like a cosmic storm is upon you as everything begins to slow down. This is because mental Mercury, our cosmic messenger, is now silent and stationary in the sky. He will begin a retrograde phase that entirely takes place in Fire sign, Sagittarius. Collectively, the main themes we will all be reviewing over the coming weeks are how we pursue expansion, new horizons, and fresh perspectives that push us outside of the box. Expect to assess these themes.
LEO Daily Love Horoscope November 26, 2024
As the regal lion, you pride yourself on being unmovable and able to conquer anything that the universe throws at you, Leo. But today could feel like a challenge as everything is thrown up into the air like limbo! Mental Mercury, our cosmic messenger planet of the mind and communication, is now frozen in the sky. He is beginning to moonwalk through a fellow Fire sign—Sagittarius. Collectively, we will all experience a significant period where we must take a microscope at our relations and address whether they are aiding our ultimate evolution and expansion. It is crucial to bring freedom to our connections.
VIRGO Daily Love Horoscope November 26, 2024
Don’t beat your head against a wall, Virgo. It’s time to go with the flow. As your planetary ruler, mental Mercury, freezes like a lantern in the night sky, he will not move whatsoever. He is about to begin a nearly month-long retrograde phase through Sagittarius, a Fire sign. Collectively, this turns our united attention to how we are pursuing our innate independence and freedom. We will demand expansion and new perspectives. We will be eager to address and review how we build our paths forward and if our unions are supporting us.
LIBRA Daily Love Horoscope November 26, 2024
Today, you could feel like you’re sinking into quicksand and cannot find freedom, Libra. This is because mental Mercury, our cosmic messenger planet of the mind and communication, has stationed retrograde across the sky from you in the Mutable Fire sign, Sagittarius. In fact, he is frozen—unmoving in the night sky. Life will be moving at a snail’s pace. In the coming weeks, he will force humanity as a whole to review how we pursue fresh perspectives, think outside of the box, and bring culture and spirituality into our core relationships.
SCORPIO Daily Love Horoscope November 26, 2024
You know when to wait, watch, strategize, and then strike, Scorpio. In fact, it is one of your greatest attributes and modes of life. However, today, you could put your antennae up and prime yourself to look around your life and wonder why everything is so frozen and slow. This is because mental Mercury, our cosmic messenger, is stationed retrograde in the sky and completely unmoving. This transit will take place entirely in the Mutable Fire sign, Sagittarius. This means collectively we will all be reviewing how we embrace expansion, travel, and high-minded concepts in our relationships. Get ready to peer within.
SAGITTARIUS Daily Love Horoscope November 26, 2024
When you soar, you charge like a racehorse, Sagittarius. However, today will make you feel like your feet are stuck in the mud! This could be rather challenging. Today, as mental Mercury, our cosmic messenger planet of the mind and communication continue to freeze in the sky, you will feel the effects immensely. For the many weeks ahead, he will slide backward through your zodiac sign! Of course, retrogrades are merely optical illusions, but they do have effects on our lives. Prepare to review your independence, passions, and how your relationships are supporting you. Consider if you are expressing a true sense of freedom.
CAPRICORN Daily Love Horoscope November 26, 2024
You are the master strategist of the zodiac, Capricorn. You know how to sidestep nearly any problem that the universe throws at you! However, today will make you feel like your patience is reaching its limits! Mental Mercury, our cosmic messenger planet of the mind and communication, is now frozen within the night sky before he fully embarks on a nearly month-long backcrawl through the zodiac sign of Mutable Fire, Sagittarius. Predominantly, this transit will bring the human collective a significant opportunity to review, revise, or reignite relationships and partnerships that help us step outside of the box. We may want to address our authentic sense of freedom.
AQUARIUS Daily Love Horoscope November 26, 2024
Get ready for yet another obstacle in your path, Aquarius. Mental Mercury, our cosmic messenger planet of the mind and communication, is now frozen in the heavens above as he starts to inch backward. Whenever this happens, we feel like we can’t move in any way! This retrograde phase will occur in the Mutable Fire sign, Sagittarius. Collectively, we will all notice that it is affecting our relationships and partnerships, especially causing us to assess our sense of freedom and rebellion. We will demand to think outside of the box and not be caged or limited.
PISCES Daily Love Horoscope November 26, 2024
You don’t like staying in one place for too long, Pisces. In fact, when you’re forced to do so, you end up feeling like you’re ready to swim elsewhere! Today is one of those days where you’ll feel restrained by the universe. Mental Mercury, our cosmic messenger planet of the mind and communication, is now frozen in the skies above as he begins to inch backward. This means nothing is proceeding. His retrograde phase will focus us on how we are embracing our authenticity, sense of freedom, and rebellious side in our lives and relationships. This is because the entire transit takes place in Sagittarius.
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