Daily Love Horoscope – November 24, 2022

Daily Love Horoscope – November 24, 2022

Aries Daily Love Horoscope – November 24, 2022

The tides are turning, Aries. Yesterday our Great Benefic, Jupiter, awoke within the deep seas of Pisces, Aries. This is a powerful turning point because Jupiter co-rules this Water sign and can start to bring his greatest blessings more tangibly to our lives. This is an excellent period to tap into the spiritual side of life and trust your intuition. Your psychic nature will also grow stronger now. Jupiter in Pisces is a gift to reconnecting with the past. So if there’s anyone from chapters that were previously written that you’ve been thinking about, reach out to rekindle the rapport or find closure.

Taurus Daily Love Horoscope – November 24, 2022

The flow of the universe is announcing yet another shift, Taurus. Throughout 2022, mighty Jupiter, our Great Benefic, spun significantly within the tide pools of Pisces. Finally, after months asleep, he finally awoke yesterday. This is a great blessing to all zodiac signs because whenever Jupiter transits Pisces, spiritual connections are more easily found. If there is anyone you’ve been reflecting upon or dreaming about from your past, you are being given a rare window to reconnect with this soulmate now. This may allow you to begin a whole new era together or release it once and for all.

Gemini Daily Love Horoscope – November 24, 2022

Great blessings are returning to our lives, Gemini. Our Great Benefic, Jupiter, has awoken. He is our greatest protector and offers some of life’s most abundant joys. As he shakes off his retrograde in the deep seas of Pisces — the place he spent most of 2022 — he can finally help us manifest good news and better soul connections going forward. If your intuition has been strongly giving you insight or advice about your personal or romantic life — especially an old flame or ex — now is the time when you can shift the sails and be led to a new outcome rather than the one from before.

Cancer Daily Love Horoscope – November 24, 2022

Yesterday, a large-scale shift began, Cancer. Our Great Benefic, mighty Jupiter, has awoken in the deep seas of Pisces. Jupiter takes twelve years to complete a full revolution around the sun, so when he visits a zodiac sign it is a rare occasion for him to be able to expand and amplify those natural blessings. With his flight forward in Pisces, you’ll notice increased psychic potency and intuition, guiding you as if by a compass you cannot see — only feel. Also, if you have someone from your past that you’ve always hoped to reunite with, this is a crucial period to do so. Reach out. Say hello. Or move on and pray you’ll meet in the next life, instead.

Leo Daily Love Horoscope – November 24, 2022

Yesterday’s tides shifted us considerably, Leo. This is because our Great Benefic, mighty Jupiter, awoke within the reefs of Pisces. In months past during his retrograde phase, he was teaching us to focus on internal growth so we can finally manifest our hopes and desires when he has returned to full strength. You have likely amassed important intuitive impulses or reviewed your desires, especially around trust and intimacy, in recent months. Go forth to seize the day and create a new path forward and step into your role as a master manifestor.

Virgo Daily Love Horoscope – November 24, 2022

Look up to the stars, feel the energy in your heart, and recognize a shift has come, Virgo. This is because our Great Benefic, mighty Jupiter, awoke yesterday in the deep seas and tide pools of Pisces. As he is a co-ruler of this zodiac sign and known to be domicile here, he can bestow tremendous blessings on us now that he is returning to full strength. In recent months, you likely noticed how you were especially reflective and paying more attention to the spiritual side of life. This has been teaching you to be direct and clear about what you’d like to manifest, especially in your personal, romantic life.

Libra Daily Love Horoscope – November 24, 2022

Magic is swishing like wind chimes in the cosmos, Libra. Yesterday, our Great Benefic, mighty Jupiter, awoke within the depths of Pisces. In months past, your intuitive and reflective nature was amplified. If for some reason you’ve been deeply pining over someone from your past — an old flame or ex — now that Jupiter is returning to strength, time is of the essence to reach out and reconnect. This person may end up being a karmic soulmate or spiritual connection to you. Use this time to rekindle the rapport or realize it is done and buried and it’s time to move on.

Scorpio Daily Love Horoscope – November 24, 2022

A ripple-like water echoed over the cosmos, Scorpio. This is because our Great Benefic, mighty Jupiter, awoke yesterday beneath the surf of the zodiac sign, Pisces. He has spent a great deal of time here between 2021 and 2022 and is finishing up his subterranean ocean exploration. Jupiter co-rules Pisces, which means that when he transits here, he can deliver magnificent blessings quite easily. If there have been any significant psychic or intuitive messages that you’ve been downloading in recent months — especially regarding your personal or romantic life — now is the time to announce them and use them as a guide for manifestation.

Sagittarius Daily Love Horoscope – November 24, 2022

A happy shift has finally occurred after many long months, Sagittarius. Your planetary ruler, Jupiter, has awakened within the night sky! While he will momentarily stand still like a lantern, he is set to pick up speed as he revisits the deep seas of Pisces. During recent months, you’ve been given a chance to reflect and review your innate spiritual nature and how it is reflected in your personal and romantic life. Now, as our Great Benefic inches along, you can use these intuitive messages to shift the path forward that you’d like to tread. Dig deep into your heart and trust your inner voice.

Capricorn Daily Love Horoscope – November 24, 2022

Exciting cosmic news whispers of good luck returning, Capricorn. This is because yesterday our Great Benefic, mighty Jupiter, awoke upon the frothy and sandy shores of Pisces. Jupiter journeyed back and forth here throughout 2021 and 2022 but is making his final path forward, not to return for over a decade. Because Jupiter co-rules Pisces, he is known to be domicile in this zodiac sign and can grant us tremendous blessings. Reflect on if there is anyone from your past that may have been a soulmate connection that you wish to reunite with, such as an old flame or ex. Now is the time to manifest closure, healing, or a new beginning.

Aquarius Daily Love Horoscope – November 24, 2022

Our Great Benefic, Jupiter, has awoken within the oceans of Pisces, Aquarius. For months, he has been giving you the chance to turn within and understand your innate spiritual energy and understand how it is reflected in your personal and romantic life. Now that he is regaining his strength, it is time that you reveal your wisdom and knowledge to the world. If you’d like to reconnect with someone you loved in the past, the doorway is open for you to do so — but don’t wait on them. You must be the one who initiates contact.

Pisces Daily Love Horoscope – November 24, 2022

Our Great Benefic, mighty Jupiter, has finally awoken within your zodiac sign, Pisces. As one of your co-rulers, he thrives especially well in your seas. In recent months, you’ve been reviewing your life on all levels. Now is the time to take what you’ve recognized and realized and use his luck to manifest external results. If you’ve held a flame for someone for some time but the timing never was right, try again now. There is a possibility the stars may now align. Seize the day and your luck could work in your favor.


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