Daily Love Horoscope – November 12, 2024

ARIES Daily Love Horoscope November 12, 2024
Beware! You may end up feeling like a dog with its tail between its legs today, Aries. You are also likely to be facing some terribly challenging and disappointing news. This is because mental Mercury, the cosmic messenger planet of the mind and communication, is in the middle of a clash with dark and murky Saturn, the planet of hardship, opposition, and karma now orbiting in your solar twelfth house of anxiety, secrets, and hidden enemies. There are better times to trust others or make important decisions in relationships. Try to let the storm clouds blow by, and you’ll soon be thinking more clearly.
TAURUS Daily Love Horoscope November 12, 2024
Mercury is racing along like a hurricane, Taurus. Today, he is heading toward yet another battle—this time with an icy Saturn. With our cosmic messenger planet of the mind and communication sizzling like a whirlwind in your solar eighth house of wealth, he’ll feel his fire dim beneath the gaze of a cold Saturn located in your solar eleventh house of friendships, communities, and groups. This means that there could be troubling news and discussions around money and friendship—perhaps even the fact that your partner and pals dislike each other because someone isn’t going to be paying you back.
GEMINI Daily Love Horoscope November 12, 2024
Beware the shaky vibes today! Your planetary ruler, our cosmic messenger, Mercury, is feeling incredibly moody, Gemini. This will affect you, too, as it makes you feel like you’re experiencing poor self-esteem, insecurity, and depression. Icy Saturn will crush him like a gladiator, highlighting that today is not the time to discuss your ideas or have deep conversations with your crush or significant other. They may find you not thinking clearly and end up saying something that pops your ego. Spend some time alone today and tomorrow to let the storm clouds pass, and everything should be better.
CANCER Daily Love Horoscope November 12, 2024
Negativity could pop up for you to face today, Cancer. This is because mental Mercury—the planet of the mind and communication—is stirring the pot yet again. He has been arrogantly charging through the sky and will soon catch the fury of an icy Saturn. This guarantees that you could feel quite lonely, sad, and depressed. You may notice that challenges crop up, and relationship matters are taxed. Don’t make any significant decisions in life or love because you won’t be thinking clearly and could end up regretting them in the end. Bad news may deflate you. Worse yet, a disappointing secret about love could come popping out.
LEO Daily Love Horoscope November 12, 2024
Disappointment could be written in the stars both today, Leo. This is because mental Mercury—who has been on a racetrack in the sky—continues to spin out and crash into walls. He’s been energizing your solar fourth house of domesticity. Today and tomorrow, he will wage war with icy Saturn spinning in your solar eighth house of intimacy and shared assets. This means that you and a partner could receive some very damaging and lousy news around family or home matters—perhaps even caught in a fight between you. Don’t sign agreements, and don’t let the storms crash down upon you.
VIRGO Daily Love Horoscope November 12, 2024
A break-up could be coming your way today, unfortunately, Virgo. As mental Mercury, our cosmic messenger planet of the mind and communication and also your planetary ruler, continues his tour of the skies, he will be cast beneath the shadows of icy Saturn across the sky from you in your solar seventh house of partnerships. This means that your most significant relationship will be significantly tested because you are not seeing eye-to-eye. In fact, you may feel like your lover is being more critical, judgmental, and demanding of you. This energy echoes both today and tomorrow, so beware.
LIBRA Daily Love Horoscope November 12, 2024
Our cosmic messenger Mercury is heading downhill into yet another car crash, Libra. It’s as if his brakes have broken, and he’s spinning down the streets faster and faster with only devastation ahead. This energy will be activated today—ensuring that anxiety, bad news, or leaked secrets could pop up out of nowhere. This is because he will spin in the depths of space, crashing against the unstoppable force and immovable object of mighty and cold Saturn. If you end up feeling depressed and defeated, take some time for some TLC.
SCORPIO Daily Love Horoscope November 12, 2024
Take a deep breath, Scorpio. Bad news and heavy moods are possible today. This is because our cosmic messenger planet, mental Mercury, is supercharged in your solar second house of money. While this often brings good news around funds and trust, dark, stormy clouds are gathering now that he is heading toward a square with icy and virulent Saturn, seething from your solar fifth house of true love, romance, and passion. Disappointment around love, trust, and wealth could be right around the corner. Do your best to avoid flying off the handle and exacerbating things.
SAGITTARIUS Daily Love Horoscope November 12, 2024
Get ready to face sadness, negativity, anxiety, and Sagittarius, potentially. Today’s cosmic weather is like the arrival of a bitter-cold ice storm. Mental Mercury has been acting pompous as he soars through your solar first house of identity, and today, he will catch the punishment of a frigid Saturn now stationed in your solar fourth house. This means that you could feel low and insecure or find that your thoughts are heavy and dark. If you end up noticing rocky tension with your one and only—especially in regard to home, family, or real estate matters—agree to shelve these discussions until later next week.
CAPRICORN Daily Love Horoscope November 12, 2024
Even though you do have a severe side, you do have a sense of humor, Capricorn. However, your famous sarcastic side may even get a bit darker. Mental Mercury is making tracks through your solar twelfth house of secrets, clashing with an icy Saturn in your solar third house. This is not a time to make plans with your lover about travel—and you may even feel that they doubt your ideas and planning skills. If you feel depressed, deflated, and defeated, try to revisit conversations later. Work may also be throwing lousy news your way, so if you need to get down to business, that may be the best thing to do rather than letting it out on your sweetheart.
AQUARIUS Daily Love Horoscope November 12, 2024
You’re set to face another cosmic battle that could test your relationships today, Aquarius. This is because your traditional planetary ruler, Saturn, will be in a particularly shaky mood. Currently, he orbits in your solar second house of finances, and he will trade blows with mental Mercury, now spinning in your solar eleventh house of friendships. Rocky news around your money or friendships could pop up, causing you and your partner to exchange sharp words. It appears an investment you thought was a winner could leave your significant other doubting your judgment.
PISCES Daily Love Horoscope November 12, 2024
A conflict or even a break-up could appear today, Pisces, so keep your antennae up. This is because you and a partner are not seeing eye-to-eye, and both of you are feeling fed up. Mental Mercury is racing through the heavens, and he will clash violently with mighty Saturn, who now orbits in your zodiac sign and the solar first house of identity. This means that when it comes to communication and ideas, you’re just not on the same page. Beware of seeming too cold and controlling now, and if you throw up a defensive or aggressive attack, your partner could end up slamming the door in your face. Your partner may also be angry you’re spending so much time on your career or work.
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