Daily Love Horoscope Monday – Sep 23, 2019

Daily Love Horoscope Monday – Sep 23, 2019

Aries Daily Love Horoscope Monday – Sep 23, 2019
You will thoroughly enjoy today. There is a wonderful feeling that both you and your loved one are cosmically meant for each other, that your names have been written in the stars since the beginning of time, and that you’ll be with each other for eternity… What? You’ve suddenly gone off that idea? Best make for a sharp exit – before it’s too late.

Taurus Daily Love Horoscope Monday – Sep 23, 2019
This is a day that brings with it a feeling of hope. It seems that you have been pining for that perfect relationship for some time now, as well as trying out every love spell ever invented. The only problem is that nothing seems to work. Perhaps you need to meet some real people rather than reading about them in books. Be brave and get yourself a life!

Gemini Daily Love Horoscope Monday – Sep 23, 2019
Today you have every reason to look forward to the future. That very, very special person whom you have had your eye on for some time becomes free, up for grabs, and available for dating and lots more. How can you resist the temptation placed before you? But then again, when have you ever bothered to resist before?

Cancer Daily Love Horoscope Monday – Sep 23, 2019
If you are attending a wedding or engagement party with your nearest and dearest, then you may come to one or two realizations about your love life. Today’s atmosphere inspires you both to consider the prospect of a long-term commitment, which is heightened by the sight of your friends in the act of getting hitched. You are both tempted – but may need time to reflect.

Leo Daily Love Horoscope Monday – Sep 23, 2019
This is a day that is filled with togetherness and unity. You may have been feeling distinctly out of sorts lately with your partner, and are sorely in need of some tender loving care. Perhaps you both need to make the effort to be nice to each other – really nice, not just pretending. See now, isn’t that a lot better? There’s mileage in this one yet.

Virgo Daily Love Horoscope Monday – Sep 23, 2019
You may find today a wonderfully pink occasion, with that special sort of sweetness reserved for candyfloss and cherry nougat. The energy of the day brings a new lease on life to your latest relationship. Take your lover out for a wonderful candlelit meal with all the trimmings, and show how much you care. They will be so grateful that they won’t want to hang around for dessert.

Libra Daily Love Horoscope Monday – Sep 23, 2019
You may not feel 100 percent yourself today. The atmosphere of the day makes it difficult for you to be as strong and commanding as you usually are. Your loved one will appreciate your different attitude very much, as it seems (at least temporarily) that you have learned how to simper and grovel, asking if there is anything they really need. Fear not, tomorrow is another day!

Scorpio Daily Love Horoscope Monday – Sep 23, 2019
The atmosphere of the day makes everyone a lot more easygoing. This includes your loved one, who is the epitome of sweetness and light right now. If you cannot quite believe your eyes at this sudden and astonishing transformation, you can at least take advantage of it. Go ahead and ask for anything you like; there is a very strong chance you’ll get it.

Sagittarius Daily Love Horoscope Monday – Sep 23, 2019
Today it seems as though others are obsessed with image, but you know that it’s not the most important thing in this world. Even if you sometimes feel your hair or skin isn’t the right color, your body isn’t the right size, or your wardrobe isn’t high-end, there’s someone out there who truly loves you for who you are underneath it all.

Capricorn Daily Love Horoscope Monday – Sep 23, 2019
Harmony pervades the atmosphere today. Hopefully you enjoy those particularly insipid conversations in which people are forever buttering up each other’s egos and laughing hysterically at very bad jokes. If so, you may be able to cope when your sweetheart takes you along to meet “Mother.” Sit up straight, keep your eyes down, and don’t fidget. That should do the trick!

Aquarius Daily Love Horoscope Monday – Sep 23, 2019
This is a day that can bring people together in weird and wonderful ways. It is filled with unity and togetherness, so why are you and your sugar puff just not getting along? Could it be something to do with the fact that you are way too bossy, and want your loved one at your entire beck and call every minute of every day? “Nah!” you say. Well, think again!

Pisces Daily Love Horoscope Monday – Sep 23, 2019
You can’t help feeling as though there is something missing from the conversations you become involved in right now. The day may be encouraging a sycophantic attitude that makes you want to throw up. In reality, everyone is just dying to say what they really think. Your nearest and dearest knows only too well what they think, and fully intends to tell you and everyone else.


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