Daily Love Horoscope Monday – Jun 24, 2019

Aries Daily Love Horoscope Monday – Jun 24, 2019
The current astral energy may give you much cause for thought, especially if you are considering deepening the bond in your current relationship. If this is the case, then some serious discussion lies ahead. But don’t allow yourselves to be put off by thinking too hard about all the difficulties that lie ahead. It is better to be positive, as this will encourage you to be bolder.
Taurus Daily Love Horoscope Monday – Jun 24, 2019
You may find that your date this evening is a completely different person from how you imagined they would be. The celestial energy indicates that they are likely to come across as being much more conservative and older than yourself, even if they are a little younger in years. But don’t immediately dismiss them, as they will definitely brighten up as the evening wears on.
The current astral energy may be just what you need to get you to calm down and take responsibility for your part in the relationship in which you are currently involved. Sometimes you can be very hard to pin down, especially when problems arise, or the going seems to get tough. Right now you can contribute positively by listening to what your partner has to say.
Cancer Daily Love Horoscope Monday – Jun 24, 2019
Don’t dig yourself into a pit today, especially with the current celestial energy. There could be a temptation to sink into one of your gloomier frames of mind, and so miss out on an opportunity to meet someone rather special. If you have a party or other social occasion to go to, then this would do you a great deal of good.
Leo Daily Love Horoscope Monday – Jun 24, 2019
Today’s astral configuration may help you to formulate a workable plan for the future, rather than finding yourself totally mesmerized by the thought of what is to come. If you are right at the start of a very promising relationship, then you will need to think carefully about where you want it to go. This in turn means an in-depth discussion with the one you love.
Virgo Daily Love Horoscope Monday – Jun 24, 2019
You and your loved one will certainly benefit from making plans together for the future, and with the current planetary energy, the more detailed and involved they are, the better. You will obtain a great deal of benefit from any project you both undertake, as it will bring you closer together and give you something positive to aim for. You will be glad you made the initial effort.
Libra Daily Love Horoscope Monday – Jun 24, 2019
The alignment of the planets may create a somewhat somber atmosphere between you and your loved one, which could make you both feel as though the relationship is just not working. It may be better not to let this feeling get to you, as you could be tempted to give up. If necessary, spend some time alone and then talk again tomorrow. It will be fine.
You may be feeling slightly more tongue-tied than usual, with the current aspect at play, but don’t let it stop you from letting your partner know about the deepening sense of commitment that you wish to bring to the relationship. This needs some talking through if you are seriously considering making the arrangement become more permanent. Don’t allow yourselves to be too pessimistic; otherwise you may not go ahead.
Sagittarius Daily Love Horoscope Monday – Jun 24, 2019
The current astral configuration makes conversation more serious than usual, and may mean that you and your loved one find yourselves discussing some very interesting issues. You could get the chance to completely sort out one particular problem for good, but you will also have to overcome certain innate fears in order to do so. Taking that first step will improve your relationship no end.
Capricorn Daily Love Horoscope Monday – Jun 24, 2019
You have absolutely no reason to withdraw and hide, other than you fear the worst when it comes to an important relationship. The current planetary configuration is encouraging in that it implies that if you are prepared to face up to the thing that is giving you such problems, you will discover that a lot of it was in your imagination. Be bold!
Aquarius Daily Love Horoscope Monday – Jun 24, 2019
The current aspect at play may mean that you appear more dour than you actually feel. It is not that you are particularly upset by anything, but more that you have a lot on your mind that you need to think about. Your lover may take this as a sign that you are somehow not interested, so you will need to show that this is not the case.
Pisces Daily Love Horoscope Monday – Jun 24, 2019
You may benefit from some time alone today, with the current astral energy. This could be quite a positive experience, especially as you may need to reflect on what it is that you actually want from your current relationship. Rather than causing any harm, it will enable you to connect with how you really feel deep in your heart, which is what you need to know right now.
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