Daily Love Horoscope Monday – January 25, 2021

Daily Love Horoscope Monday – January 25, 2021

Aries Daily Love Horoscope Monday – January 25, 2021
The day’s significant planetary aspect may help you and your partner (current or prospective) come to a deeper understanding of how you feel about each other. But this is not something that just happens, as you will have to engage in some kind of dialogue to get to this stage. If you both have the time and the inclination, you can clarify a number of issues, but it does require some work.

Taurus Daily Love Horoscope Monday – January 25, 2021
You usually have a clear idea of your opinion on any subject, yet today your ability may not be as well defined as usual. If you are going out on a date, then your discussions may well be wide-ranging and utterly fascinating; you may even wander onto the subject of feelings, but it may be wise not to proceed any farther than that, yet.

Gemini Daily Love Horoscope Monday – January 25, 2021
The day’s significant planetary aspect may make you confused about your feelings. On the one hand, you have a list of reasons as long as your arm as to why you should not have anything more to do with a certain person; but on the other, you are very much drawn by their wonderful eyes, their enchanting poetry, and magical sense of humor.

Cancer Daily Love Horoscope Monday – January 25, 2021
You usually have quite a decisive approach to love and romance, and an immediate sense of whether a certain person would be right for you or not. However, the day’s significant planetary aspect means that for once you may get in a muddle and choose someone completely unsuitable for you. This doesn’t have to be the disaster it could be, as you may just learn a useful lesson.

Leo Daily Love Horoscope Monday – January 25, 2021
The day’s significant planetary aspect is encouraging you to put all your logical reasons for wanting to go out on a date with a certain person aside. You have a sneaking suspicion that the reasons you have adopted are not the real ones anyway, and that you have a much more appealing but less obvious agenda for wishing to be in their company. Cease pondering and go with the flow!

Virgo Daily Love Horoscope Monday – January 25, 2021
The planetary atmosphere may cause you some confusion concerning your relationships with one or two admirers. It is not that you can’t decide whom you like best, as you like both of them the same. It is just that they both have features that stand out, and which make you want to love them equally, rather than being bold enough and brave enough to come to a final decision.

Libra Daily Love Horoscope Monday – January 25, 2021
You are powerfully aware of just how much a certain person is fascinated by you. The planetary atmosphere is making this obvious, and as you love the feeling of being the one in control, this is a particularly happy state of affairs for you. It means that, like a cat, you get to tease them and play around in any way you like. But your little mouse will not respect you for this!

Scorpio Daily Love Horoscope Monday – January 25, 2021
The planetary atmosphere is causing you to react defensively to a certain situation concerning an important relationship. You feel that you want to toss back as much as you have so far received, with a few more choice words thrown in on top for good measure. However, this may serve to make the problem even more difficult, so it would be preferable to try to forgive and forget.

Sagittarius Daily Love Horoscope Monday – January 25, 2021
Don’t try and force your hand in a certain situation, especially given the planetary atmosphere. The relationship that you are trying to make work would actually work a lot better if you could just stop fretting and worrying quite so much. Sometimes too much involvement actually complicates things unnecessarily. You would be far better off to just allow things to develop naturally.

Capricorn Daily Love Horoscope Monday – January 25, 2021
The planetary atmosphere may make partners seem rather argumentative right now. You may feel that yours is making rather a lot of fuss about nothing, and focusing on details that to you seem extraordinarily trivial and irrelevant. If you feel compelled to descend to the same level, you will only make matters a lot worse. It is best to keep a detached perspective and let this one blow over.

Aquarius Daily Love Horoscope Monday – January 25, 2021
You get the feeling that someone is playing games with you, and yet you cannot prove that this is the case. The planetary atmosphere makes you determined to find out the truth and to confront your partner (current or prospective) about whatever you feel is happening. But it may be better to go about this is in a more subtle way; after all, you could just be feeling very insecure.

Pisces Daily Love Horoscope Monday – January 25, 2021
The planetary atmosphere may emphasize certain facets of your relationship with a special person, and also bring out the differences between you quite powerfully. If you are going through a period of tension and conflict, you may find that things come to a head. And yet this is just the opportunity you have been waiting for.