Daily Love Horoscope Monday – January 11, 2021

Aries Daily Love Horoscope Monday – January 11, 2021
This is a wonderful day for going out on a first date. The energy radiating from the day’s aspect makes your mind extra alert and open to nuances of meaning and shades of opinion that you may have missed on another day. Conversations go incredibly well, and you will learn an awful lot, not only about a special person in your life, but also about your feelings for each other.
Taurus Daily Love Horoscope Monday – January 11, 2021
The energy radiating from the day’s aspect encourages you to initiate a meeting with someone special. This is not your usual style, as unless you know someone fairly well, you will generally wait to be asked. But you are having a major attack of boldness and are quite content to arrange the time, the date, and the place. You won’t regret it for one minute, neither will your latest beau.
It is your conversational style that you need to polish today. In order to impress that special person, you would be advised to have prepared a few topical subjects, and have read some of the latest and most controversial books. This is a time when you will fall in love with each other’s brains before each other’s bodies.
Cancer Daily Love Horoscope Monday – January 11, 2021
The energy radiating from the day’s aspect gives you the courage to go for what you want. If you have had any thoughts about the traits you are looking for in a partner, this may be a good time to list them all – absolutely everything – and study this for a few minutes every day. You want practical results, and you also want a relationship that has a chance of enduring.
Leo Daily Love Horoscope Monday – January 11, 2021
This is a day when conversation becomes the way to build bridges between you and the person of your dreams. The energy radiating from the day’s aspect enlivens your mental faculties so that you feel confident in initiating a discussion with that special person. Once you start to communicate, you will be surprised at just how much you have in common, and how much you really want to deepen the bond between you.
Virgo Daily Love Horoscope Monday – January 11, 2021
The planetary alignment gives you the opportunity to mix and mingle with a whole lot of new people today. But more importantly, that special person may happen to stray within hearing distance of your dulcet tones. You get a chance to talk together. This is where the mingling could end as you gaze into each other’s eyes and the rest of the world ceases to exist!
Libra Daily Love Horoscope Monday – January 11, 2021
A secret desire may well be realized. The planetary alignment makes it possible for you to experience a change of heart concerning someone special about whom you may have had second thoughts. In fact, the U-turn in your feelings may even result in you going one stage further, and desiring to make the bond a much more permanent arrangement. So relax and just enjoy the occasion.
The planetary alignment may be the catalyst for quite a few changes. If you and your partner (current or prospective) are considering any major moves over the next few months, it would be better to stay with the planning stage for the moment, and not to initiate anything just yet. A few things may have altered before you are ready to go, which means that your plans could need restructuring.
Sagittarius Daily Love Horoscope Monday – January 11, 2021
Love could be tested today. A relationship that you thought was going great may inexplicably come to a crashing halt, whereas another that you had not really considered to be going anywhere may suddenly be the one that gets your heart beating hard. If you are out and about, you will need to wear something unique and enchanting.
Capricorn Daily Love Horoscope Monday – January 11, 2021
The planetary arrangement makes it possible to really appreciate just how supportive and wonderful your current or prospective partner is. Even if you don’t always see eye-to-eye, you are usually able to make up and forgive each other. Perhaps it would be a good move to show your gratitude and do something extra special to make your sweetheart feel really wanted and needed.
Aquarius Daily Love Horoscope Monday – January 11, 2021
Even though there may be some dizzying events happening all around you, the planetary arrangement ensures that you can stay in control – even if just barely. You and a loved one may have quite a hectic day ahead of you, but you will come out of it having realized more than few of your fondest dreams and ambitions. Some great things are in the cards for you both.
Pisces Daily Love Horoscope Monday – January 11, 2021
The energy radiating from today’s aspects encourages some practical thinking. If you have been searching for romance, you are no longer in the mood to make this a hit and miss affair. You intend to do some research into who is out there, and what they have to offer. You are also in the mood for making a list of all those valuable characteristics you so deeply desire.