Daily Love Horoscope Monday – August 16, 2021

Daily Love Horoscope Monday – August 16, 2021

Aries Daily Love Horoscope Monday – August 16, 2021
Although perhaps not the promise of paradise, today’s heavenly configuration brings you some interesting thoughts about your latest romantic conquest. This is a great day to get to know each other in a very tangible and down-to-earth way. No idle talk or showing off, just being present with each other. This will do more to cement your relationship at the moment.

Taurus Daily Love Horoscope Monday – August 16, 2021
This is a day for pursuing pleasure and making sure that you get a break from whatever work you have been caught up in to be with people and socialize. It is important to get out, especially with those who are important to you, if possible. You may have left them out of things recently, so today be with them wholeheartedly; share yourself with them, give the best of yourself, and you will get the best in return.

Gemini Daily Love Horoscope Monday – August 16, 2021
The celestial lineup today is quite harmonious, but you may find that it is just a little too genteel for your taste. However, it would be a good time to really get to know how you feel about someone special, or how they feel about you. Although feelings can be turned on and off like a tap in your case, today you may still find out something very interesting.

Cancer Daily Love Horoscope Monday – August 16, 2021
The energy of the planetary aspect today is wonderful for giving you a feeling of deep security concerning a meaningful relationship. This is a time to whisper sweet nothings, to talk about times gone by, and to look forward to what you can both share in the future. It is a good time to reaffirm how you feel and to treat each other with extra gentleness.

Leo Daily Love Horoscope Monday – August 16, 2021
Today you will consolidate all the romantic gains you have made over the past weeks. There is a very comforting and solid energy in the air. It is a great time to share feelings in a sensitive and moving way. There is a real flow, and the vibrations are wonderful for creating a great mood of harmony. Perhaps you won’t feel so much passion, but simply that it is good to be together.

Virgo Daily Love Horoscope Monday – August 16, 2021
There is a very sweet and gentle energy in the air today that has the ability to make you feel very wanted and needed. It is more down-to-earth and will help literally ground the relationship. It is a wonderful day just to be together and share everything, whether it is food, talk, music, an outing, or just the idea of doing nothing in particular.

Libra Daily Love Horoscope Monday – August 16, 2021
There is something almost secretive about love and romance today. Whether people are aware of a certain relationship that you are involved in or not, it will be of special significance. There is time to share things together in a particularly endearing way. It could be a good occasion to buy your dearest one a present that sums up how you feel about them. This will surely bring a smile to their face.

Scorpio Daily Love Horoscope Monday – August 16, 2021
This is a great day to socialize and be with those friends who are the mainstays of your life, if possible. If you have been suffering a little from the stresses and strains of life, then this is the time to relax in their company and just be grateful to share such good companionship. It is also a good time to make friends, as they will probably end up becoming very important to you.

Sagittarius Daily Love Horoscope Monday – August 16, 2021
Sometimes it can be the small things of life that mean so much, not the big events. Today is a time when perhaps nothing extremely exciting will happen, yet you feel really understood and just happy that you are in the relationship you are in. Perhaps nothing earth shattering is going on, yet it feels very secure and just so good to be where you are right now.

Capricorn Daily Love Horoscope Monday – August 16, 2021
Conversations may not be that wide-ranging today, but there is the chance to share some wonderfully tender feelings and very sweet memories. There is a sense of nostalgia and sentiment about events that you will remember for some time. It may be a great time for a get-together to celebrate old times and old friends, so get out your address book and make some phone calls.

Aquarius Daily Love Horoscope Monday – August 16, 2021
This could be a very harmonious day. You will enjoy some wonderful moments, especially if planned in advance. It is a great time to share with someone special exactly how you feel, and to reminisce about old times. It is good for buying presents or showing your affection with a gift of some kind. If you enjoy good company, then this occasion will stay in your mind for some time.

Pisces Daily Love Horoscope Monday – August 16, 2021
The celestial alignment gives today quite an earthy appeal. The day may not be your cup of tea in some ways, as it lacks the elements of passion and fire, but it will be memorable for bringing the ability to trust another with some of your deepest and most tender feelings. This brings a warm glow to your heart that will not be easily extinguished.