Daily Love Horoscope – May 31, 2023

ARIES Daily Love Horoscope May 31, 2023
After weeks of headaches, delays, frustrations, and drama, a lot of that will fade behind you, Aries. Today, as mental Mercury, our cosmic messenger planet, dances through the sky, he is happier than ever to regain full speed forward. This is known as leaving the post-shadow phase, which is when we work out all the confusion and miscommunication that have taken place since he first entered the pre-shadow period. Know that life should be chugging along especially well regarding the connection in your relationships. If you’ve had something on your mind that you’ve wished to articulate, everything should move forward more cohesively.
TAURUS Daily Love Horoscope May 31, 2023
You have magnificent patience, Taurus. This is one of your greatest traits and a key to your infinite wisdom and success in relationships. However, because of the back-and-forth confusion created by the chaos of Mercury retrograde, you were practically pulling out your hair as everything was falling to pieces. Luckily, mental Mercury, our cosmic messenger planet, will cross the line where he first turned backward, which means he is officially back to peak speed! This is known as leaving his post-shadow phase behind him. Note that if there was any havoc in your personal or romantic life in recent weeks, the time of drama may now be behind you.
GEMINI Daily Love Horoscope May 31, 2023
There’s good news back on the menu for you, Gemini. That’s because your planetary ruler, mental Mercury, our cosmic messenger, is now leaving his shady past behind him — for now, that is. In recent weeks, you faced all sorts of turmoil with ups and downs and back and forth. This was obviously caused by the trickster planet’s retrograde phase. Today, he will cross through the finish line like he’s running through red tape and shout to the universe that he has left his post-shadow period. This means that all of the hiccups and hurdles you faced in your personal and romantic life can now officially be memories of before.
CANCER Daily Love Horoscope May 31, 2023
A brisker pace to life has finally arrived for you, Cancer. This is because you’ve been ensnared in the rollercoaster of Mercury retrograde for many weeks on end. However, today, mental Mercury, our cosmic messenger, smiles over at you and winks as he announces he’s back to full speed! This means that all decisions and discussions in your personal or romantic life can proceed once again now that he is past post-shadow. If you’ve had any turbulent confusion where things fell through the cracks, the clouds are parting, and sunnier skies are here to revel in.
LEO Daily Love Horoscope May 31, 2023
Give yourself a nice long stretch, crack your knuckles, and let out a loud yawn, Leo. Finally, after weeks of a sluggish pace, our cosmic messenger planet is back to full speed. With mental Mercury crossing his threshold to leave his post-shadow phase, the past is in the past exactly where it should be. New territory lies ahead in your personal and romantic life, so don’t dwell on what came before. If you recently reconnected with an ex or old flame, you’ll have a better perspective if it’s an authentic reunion.
VIRGO Daily Love Horoscope May 31, 2023
A smile will surely cross your face as a twinkle sparkles in your eyes today, Virgo. This is because your planetary ruler, mental Mercury, is shaking off his snail’s pace because he has finally felt the full effects of a double shot of espresso! With caffeine pulsing through his veins, he’s reached the end of his post-shadow phase and can now mosey along happily into new skies and realms. This guarantees that if you’ve felt like the universe was against you in recent weeks — especially in regard to your personal or romantic life — the pieces are truly falling into place.
LIBRA Daily Love Horoscope May 31, 2023
Joy to the world, Mercury is back, Libra. For weeks, you’ve been bobbing in the cosmic waves, uncertain of what to do or think. Luckily, mental Mercury is over the drama as he now shakes off his retrograde cycle to emerge unscathed from his post-shadow phase. If something is still off in your personal or romantic life, it’s time to air out the frustration and face the music. Clear communication is key. If something challenging happened, it was meant to happen, and now it’s time to move forward and on. Don’t dwell on the past. The door is now locked, sealed, and closed.
SCORPIO Daily Love Horoscope May 31, 2023
You know intuitively how to go with the rhythms of the universe, Scorpio. Your watery nature knows that life is not always what it seems! Today, as mental Mercury reaches the final act of his retrograde phase — known as the post-shadow period — your antennae will ding and stand straight up. This means that you’ve gotten the cosmic green light to continue to proceed in your personal or romantic life without any of the tricky situations that riddled the previous few weeks. Don’t worry about confusion or miscommunication going forward. Things should coast along fluidly.
SAGITTARIUS Daily Love Horoscope May 31, 2023
You’re always revving your engine, Sagittarius. You can’t sit still for too long, or else you are overcome by anxiety and frustration. In recent weeks, you likely felt like you were spinning your wheels, going nowhere fast. This was because of the trickster planet, mischievous Mercury, who was sucked into a retrograde cycle. Happily, you’ll notice that today moves forward with much more grace as our cosmic messenger passes along in the final degrees of his post-shadow phase. Know that any obstacles or roadblocks in relationships should not challenge you now. Proceed with confidence.
CAPRICORN Daily Love Horoscope May 31, 2023
Mercury retrograde has very clear and specific acts, Capricorn. Luckily, today he will close the chapter on his recent tricky business and turn the page. This is because he is joyously charged up, thinking properly, and his eyes are on the next horizons as he finishes his post-shadow phase. If you’ve had any misaligned connections with your personal or romantic life, now is the time to forgive and forget or, at the very least, clear the air. Don’t dwell on the past. It cannot be changed. You are the master of your destiny and are always co-creating your future with the cosmos above.
AQUARIUS Daily Love Horoscope May 31, 2023
You might feel like doing a silly little dance today, Aquarius. It’s because the pace of life is finally parading right along. This is because mental Mercury, our cosmic messenger planet of the mind and communication, is no longer slipping and sliding on a wet water slide. He’s got both feet square on the ground. Not only that, but he’s leaving behind his post-shadow phase to embrace bright new horizons. Note that any challenges in recent weeks around miscommunication in your romantic life can be hashed out now without any confusion.
PISCES Daily Love Horoscope May 31, 2023
Mercury leaves his post-shadow phase today, Pisces. This is excellent for you because our cosmic messenger rules your solar seventh house, so whenever he’s in a moonwalk, you review and re-evaluate your closest relationship. Now that he is leaving his post-shadow period behind him, he’s patting you on the back to say that anything that was preventing you from seeing clearly about partnerships in recent weeks can be resolved with clear, concise, articulate communication. Note that you and others are thinking more poignantly and can find a way to connect eye-to-eye.
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