Daily Love Horoscope – May 20, 2023

Daily Love Horoscope – May 20, 2023

ARIES Daily Love Horoscope May 20, 2023

For months now, you have experienced the transformative power of Pluto in your solar sector of friendships and connections, Aries. This has gifted you mighty friends and a social circle unafraid of intensity. However, Pluto will violently clash with Mars, your planetary ruler, in the sky today. With these two hotheaded forces in direct opposition, it foretells that a lover or someone in your social circle could have some very aggressive and dominating opinions about your morals and how you’re running your life. Don’t fight back. Table discussions until later because, in the end, you know what you believe to be true regardless of what others have to say.

TAURUS Daily Love Horoscope May 20, 2023

Practice mindfulness today, Taurus. You could be in the midst of a sharp disagreement that leaves you, your family, and your significant other fuming for weeks to come. Mighty Mars, which is already causing lots of action in your domestic sector, is now sizzling into the initial degrees of this piece of the sky. However, powerhouse Pluto, the planet of destruction, domination, and power struggles, will stand opposite the red planet and is now reaching a critical impasse at this time. Major disagreements or even explosive fights could take place at home. Breathe.

GEMINI Daily Love Horoscope May 20, 2023

Watch what you say today, Gemini. Fiery Mars, the red planet of passion and confidence, is sizzling in your solar sector of communications and is racing over its first degrees. This shows you’re confident about what you’re ready to say to those around you, but this could actually rock the boat. Pluto, the planet of destruction, intensity, and power struggles, will stand in a direct opposition to mighty Mars and lash out with full ferocity. If you’re at an impasse with someone you love, so do your best to give yourself some space before going on the attack.

CANCER Daily Love Horoscope May 20, 2023

Very intense partnership drama could be written in the stars for you today, Cancer. This is because shadowy Pluto, the planet of intensity and transformation, is now standing in the early degrees of your solar eighth house of intimacy. On the one hand, this can help you to be reborn from your relationships, release traumatic ones, and hopefully transform previous patterns to find someone who helps you to soar. Yet, when Pluto is in a brooding and destructive mood as he is today, tempers can become especially heated and fierce. Mars shoots a rifle at Pluto in the sky, angering our god of the underworld. Don’t rock the boat if disagreements pop up. 

LEO Daily Love Horoscope May 20, 2023

Prepare for a day of intense struggle, Leo. In fact, you’ll be at the center of the hurricane! While you can sometimes feed off of a little bit of drama and use it to ignite your passion, today’s energy will put you on red alert. Mars, the planet of force and anger, orbits within the skies of your solar first house of identity and zodiac sign. Mars is also the planet of sex and desire, which is what is making you even more fired up now! However, it will link in gridlock with immensely destructive Pluto, the planet of darkness, now across the sky from you in your solar seventh house. Beware of power struggles, and don’t rock the boat.

VIRGO Daily Love Horoscope May 20, 2023

Beware the very tumultuous energy in the cosmos today, Virgo! Mighty Mars, the planet of sex, drive, and passion, is currently in the initial degrees of your solar twelfth house of privacy, secrets, and enemies. Like a rattlesnake ready to strike, it will slither through the shadows, literally and figuratively, as it is suddenly attacked by dark and destructive Pluto. This ensures that you will face dramatic energy at nearly every turn. Do not lash out or strike out at others today, as you’ll end up digging a tomb for yourself that you may not be able to rise out from.

LIBRA Daily Love Horoscope May 20, 2023

Major problems are in the air for you today, Libra. In fact, it would be especially important to lie low now and in the days ahead. This is because our mighty red planet, Mars, which rules sex, drive, and passion, is orbiting in your solar eleventh house of communities and will be in a furious battle with dark and murky Pluto, the planet of domination and destruction, now energizing your solar fifth house. With Mars in your sector of friends — as well as social circle and the realm of online dating — you could have a very harsh exchange, especially around the themes of intimacy, honesty, and sexuality. Don’t rock the boat. Let the storm pass.

SCORPIO Daily Love Horoscope May 20, 2023

You thrive on passion and intensity, Scorpio. However, when it comes to your personal relationships today, it would be best to lie low. This is because a very aggressive combat between Mars and Pluto — both of your planetary rulers — will be launched, creating a full-scale war when emotions get aroused. While this could have you juggling work and projects as well as your domestic life, this could also bring frustration out for you to face in romance, too. Table discussions until later because you do not want to start a battle that will only grow in time.

SAGITTARIUS Daily Love Horoscope May 20, 2023

Don’t be impulsive today, Sagittarius! While you’re one of the feistiest zodiac signs, this sometimes leads you to stir the pot in your relationships without thinking twice. This blurred line between love and passion may be especially noticeable today as mighty Mars, the planet of anger and war, is attacked by a very angry Pluto, the planet of destruction. In fact, you may have a sharp disagreement with your lover about values, morals, or even money, so try your best to burn off steam so it doesn’t blow up in your face.

CAPRICORN Daily Love Horoscope May 20, 2023

Of all the zodiac signs, you could be facing a very sharp battle around romance and intimacy today, Capricorn. Mighty Mars, our red planet of passion, sex, and desire, is now heating up your solar sector of sexuality, vulnerability, and assets and will do so for many weeks. While he is in the initial degrees of this part of the sky, he will feel the sharp crack of the whip from destructive Pluto, who is orbiting in your solar sector of money. This battle between two malefics spells one thing: disaster. Find a way to transform fear into love and connection.

AQUARIUS Daily Love Horoscope May 20, 2023

Beginning now, you will begin to experience the fiery passion of mighty Mars, the planet of energy and drive, across the sky from you in your solar sector of partnerships, Aquarius. However, as he is in the initial degrees of this point in the sky, he will stand opposite Pluto, who now orbits in your solar first house of identity and zodiac sign. As the two malefics throw bombs at each other, this spells tension around relationships. Power struggles or even a sense of victimization may emerge now. If you end up having a heated exchange with someone that you love or lust for, it would be wise to breathe through the drama and shelve it for later.

PISCES Daily Love Horoscope May 20, 2023

You crave beautiful, magical relationships, Pisces. You thrive on trust, intimacy, and romance. However, today could bring a fatal attraction! It could be a day that ends up highly volatile for you as mighty Mars stands opposite powerhouse Pluto, who orbits in your solar twelfth house of karma. They are engaged in a knife fight to the death. This means that relationship matters will be of paramount concern, and you may find that you are at the center of them. Whether it’s you, your lover, or your long-term partner who is heated, do your best to ground yourself before engaging in a calculated attack you’ll regret later. Stand on higher ground.


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