Daily Love Horoscope – May 11, 2022

Daily Love Horoscope – May 11, 2022

Aries Daily Love Horoscope – May 11, 2022

The moon continues to wander through meticulous Virgo and your responsible sixth house of daily rituals, due diligence, and acts of service, but it will simultaneously activate a grand earth trine with the sun, as well as Pluto retrograde. With that being said, it’s important to reflect on where you’ve been investing your time and energy, Aries. Sitting directly across from boundless Neptune and your red-hot planetary ruler, Mars, you’re also being called to discern between the facts vs. what is solely an illusion when it comes to matters of love and romance. You’re grounded, and there’s no need to second guess yourself.

Taurus Daily Love Horoscope – May 11, 2022

Are you ready to take this relationship to the next level, Taurus? The moon continues to roam through your sister-sign Virgo, bringing emotional emphasis and intuitive clarity to your romantic fifth house of love, passion, pleasure, and self-expression, but there’s more. The moon will simultaneously meet up with the sun in your sign and Pluto retrograde via your exotic ninth house of adventure, expansion, and unknown territory. Having said that, whether you’re single, crushing, or already romantically attached, today’s grand earth sign is here to help you ground your love energy and possibly expand your horizons in the process. The catch? Be discerning when it comes to outer influences.

Gemini Daily Love Horoscope – May 11, 2022

If you’re feeling inhibited and introspective with regards to love and romance, there’s no need to be discouraged or second-guess yourself, Gemini. For instance, in addition to the moon lingering through meticulous Virgo and your emotionally driven fourth house of innermost feelings, the moon will harmonize with the sun and Pluto retrograde. Single? You’re being called to go within and do the inner work, which makes total sense with your celestial ruler, Mercury, retrograding through your sign. Moreover, the moon will make a direct opposition to Mars and Neptune, triggering tension between your inner world vs. the energy you’re portraying to the rest of the world. Keep your balance.

Cancer Daily Love Horoscope – May 11, 2022

With the moon glimmering through methodical Virgo and your curious third house of communication, thought process, and immediate surroundings, you’re more prone to dissecting the details of your romantic exchanges, but there’s more. Is someone mentally stimulating you in more ways than one, Cancer? The moon will simultaneously link up with the sun in your eleventh house of community affairs, along with Pluto retrograde in your relationship sector. Having said that, the encounter could potentially trigger an epiphany of sorts, specifically when it comes to your individual freedom and sense of belonging in the world. Your approach to love and romance is no exception.

Leo Daily Love Horoscope – May 11, 2022

Before the moon wraps up in meticulous Virgo and your stability-seeking second house of comfort, values, and sense of security, it will link up with the sun via your bossy tenth house of authority, as well as Pluto retrograde via your sixth house of daily rituals. Leo, you’re taking a closer look at the people and situations you’re invested in, and you’re willing to make the necessary changes to obtain the romantic connection you crave. Keep in mind that the moon will sit directly across from go-getter Mars and boundless Neptune via your intimate eighth house, challenging you to discern between what’s solely yours vs. what you’re willing to share.

Virgo Daily Love Horoscope – May 11, 2022

If they’re worthy of your precious time and energy, then chances are you’re ready to invest, Virgo. After all, it’s not every day that the moon activates a grand earth trine, all the while glimmering through your sign. In harmony with the sun (via your exotic ninth house of adventure, expansion, and unknown territory) as well as Pluto retrograde, you could be feeling inspired to venture into the unknown for a love interest as smoldering as it is creative. Definitely an interesting time for you, so harness this energy wisely.

Libra Daily Love Horoscope – May 11, 2022

Take a breather, Libra. With the moon glimmering through Virgo and your secretive twelfth house of closure, dreams, and all things behind the scenes, you’re not only prone to being more introspective when it comes to love but also inhibited with regards to your emotions. Steer away from overthinking things, as it could make things appear more complicated than they actually are. Keep in mind that the moon will be activating a grand earth trine with the sun (via your intimate eighth house of mergers, shared resources, and soulmate connections) as well as Pluto retrograde, suggesting that this could be a time for healing, above all else.

Scorpio Daily Love Horoscope – May 11, 2022

The moon continues to wander through your socially conscious eleventh house of associations, community, and sense of belonging in the world, but it will link up with the sun in your relationship sector and Pluto retrograde in the process. Scorpio, this grand earth trine is bringing forth the possibility of solidifying something in the realm of love and romance, but you will likely be challenged to step outside of your comfort zone in the process. Sitting in direct opposition to your traditional ruler, Mars, and boundless Neptune in Pisces (via your fifth house of passion and romance), it’s important to be discerning concerning your authenticity.

Sagittarius Daily Love Horoscope – May 11, 2022

Crushing on someone in the workplace, Sagittarius? Single, crushing, or already romantically attached, you’re more likely to invest in your material abundance and security at this time, especially when considering today’s grand earth trine between the moon, sun, and Pluto retrograde. You could be challenged to reflect on who and what is actually worthy of your time and sacred energy. Moreover, the moon’s opposition to go-getter Mars and boundless Neptune is also a reminder to create a healthy balance between your internal and external realities. What do you genuinely value in a partnership, and what stands out in the crowd?

Capricorn Daily Love Horoscope – May 11, 2022

Capricorn, the love you crave could be waiting for you over the horizon, which means the cosmos will likely challenge you to venture into the unknown and take a long-overdue leap of faith. All in the name of love, of course, but you’re also being called to invest in what truly matters to you, especially in the long term. For instance, as the moon wanders through your exotic ninth house of adventure, it will harmonize with the sun in your fifth house of passion and Pluto retrograde in your sign. You’re being encouraged to follow your heart and take your power back in the process.

Aquarius Daily Love Horoscope – May 11, 2022

Aquarius, is there something that needs to be released before you kick off a brand-new relationship? Single or taken, the moon continues to wander through Virgo and your intimate eighth house of mergers, but it will simultaneously harmonize with the sun in your fourth house of emotional foundations and Pluto retrograde via your unconscious twelfth house of surrender. This could be something you’ve been consciously choosing to keep to yourself or an unspoken feeling about a significant other that you have yet to express. Once you’re comfortable opening up, you will likely change the dynamic of your connection.

Pisces Daily Love Horoscope – May 11, 2022

Before the moon concludes its journey through methodical Virgo and your harmony-seeking seventh house of agreements, compromise, and significant others, Luna will activate a grand earth trine with the sun in your communication sector, and Pluto retrograde via your freedom-loving eleventh house of community affairs. Crushing on someone who’s at a distance from you, Pisces? This could be someone in your extended network or perhaps someone you connect with at the workplace. Virtual connections are also likely. By that same token, you’re being called to reflect on your individual freedom and whether or not this connection is supportive of your personal endeavors. Communication is key.