Daily Love Horoscope – March 19, 2024

ARIES Daily Love Horoscope March 19, 2024
The Spring Equinox has arrived, Aries. This not only marks the official beginning of the zodiac year—but also Aries Season! Aries season is birthday season! This time of the year always fires up everyone’s desires to strike out as a leader, harness their passions, and charge after what they want most. However, because Aries is symbolized by the Ram and is the first zodiac sign, everyone may be more egocentric in the month ahead. This can cause ripples and tension in relationships if everyone is focused on themselves! Channel this intensity in positive, productive, and healthy ways in your relationships.
TAURUS Daily Love Horoscope March 19, 2024
Welcome to the Spring Equinox, Taurus. This not only marks the beginning of the zodiac year but also the arrival of Aries season! In the month ahead, the collective will be especially focused on each person’s individual desires, hunger, and passions. This may be a month where you are fired up about what—and who—you want. Aries season invigorates us with raw cardinal fire energy, which will be hard to subdue or hold back. However, it can also lead people to be more selfish or ego-focused, so if you’re feeling this take hold, be sure you don’t burn any romantic bridges.
GEMINI Daily Love Horoscope March 19, 2024
The Spring Equinox has dawned, Gemini. It will launch us into a new zodiac year and highlight the cardinal fire zodiac sign, Aries. This means that the collective energy of the Ram will ignite in the heavens and trickle down into our lives here on Earth for the month ahead. During this time of the year, we will take a “me-focused” mentality rather than looking to compromise, collaborate, or work with others. You may notice how your desire to get what you solely want is paramount now, rather than listening to others or embracing their emotional or sensual needs. This aggressive, assertive energy will be hard to miss as the sun turns his horns to the skies and proudly throws back his head like a ram.
CANCER Daily Love Horoscope March 19, 2024
Fiery energy is building, Cancer. The Spring Equinox—and Aries Season—has arrived! This marks the official beginning of the zodiac year as we lead from Aries all the way to the twelfth zodiac sign, Pisces. Collectively, we are energized to pioneer into the sunset and dive headfirst into our passions and desires. The energy of cardinal fire puts everyone—including you and your lover—into an aggressive, combative mindset. It will be all or nothing, yes or no, black or white. It is a time to seize what you desire, so map out the new adventures you’d like to take around your personal life and charge on!
LEO Daily Love Horoscope March 19, 2024
Welcome to a whole new zodiac year, Leo. While our calendar year—2023—started on January 1, Western astrology is tied to the procession of the seasons. This means that today—with the arrival of the Spring Equinox—we will venture into Aries season. Aries is ruled by Mars, the planet of sex, drive, and war, and will encourage you to feed your inner fiery beast. However, if there’s tension in your relationships in the month ahead, especially because you’re being more focused on yourself, expect that you could ruffle some feathers. Focus on starting new, healthy patterns in your personal life.
VIRGO Daily Love Horoscope March 19, 2024
The Spring Equinox has arrived and is embracing you now, Virgo. Welcome the official arrival of Aries Season! Passion will course through your spirit, heart, loins, and veins in the month to come! As the sun dances through this zodiac sign, it fuels everyone to put themselves first, be direct about what they desire, and pursue it. Aries is a warrior, eager to conquer whatever they find of value. While this is certainly not your normal go-to perspective on life, you’ll be encouraged to embrace it now and in the days to come. Just don’t take a completely egocentric mindset, or others could accuse you of being vicious, selfish, or aggressive.
LIBRA Daily Love Horoscope March 19, 2024
The Spring Equinox has arrived, Libra. Welcome to a whole new zodiac year. This time of the year—Aries Season—is a period for major new beginnings. With Aries energy being the focal point of the heavens, this will put you into a different mindset than you normally express. You are an air sign, often led by logic, wit, and strategy. Aries energy throws this out the window and is led by the throes of desire and passion. You tend to be more tactful and diplomatic. Aries energy is aggressive. Pay attention if you feel it is creeping into your aura and firing you up now in the weeks ahead.
SCORPIO Daily Love Horoscope March 19, 2024
Prepare for the Spring Equinox to arrive and get you fired up, Scorpio. As the sun blazes a trail into Aries, we are infused with cardinal fire. As an intense and passionate individual yourself, you can relate to Aries energy because you both are ruled by the planet of sex, war, and drive: Mars. Yet Aries energy is often more direct and aggressive than you are, as you are a Water sign that bides their time. The month ahead will encourage you to pioneer into new horizons, as well as take the lead and begin new journeys regarding your personal and romantic life. Go forth!
SAGITTARIUS Daily Love Horoscope March 19, 2024
Throw your hands to the skies and welcome in the Spring Equinox, Sagittarius. Not only does this announce the arrival of a new zodiac year, but the sun is ushering forth Aries season! Collectively, we will feel the energy of cardinal fire roar through the cosmos. In the month ahead, everyone will take a “can do, will do” mentality in all matters of life and love. This assertive confidence can be quite intoxicating, so you may even be focused more on your ego’s desires rather than the wishes of others. This may feel immensely exhilarating as you are spurned to lust, passion, sex, or romance.
CAPRICORN Daily Love Horoscope March 19, 2024
The official beginning of a new zodiac year is upon us, Capricorn. The sun has charged onward into the cardinal fire sign Aries. Aries season is an exhilarating period to embrace the warrior side of our personalities as we seek to pioneer forward and conquest sex, lust, romance, and love. Flames will course over your body, mind, and soul, encouraging you to seize the day and take the lead in your love life and relationships. Know what you want—and who you want—and stand up for it. Be strong. Be confident. This will be especially impressive as you parade forth.
AQUARIUS Daily Love Horoscope March 19, 2024
Welcome the Spring Equinox with a burst of adrenaline, Aquarius. Today marks the official first day of a new zodiac year. Not only this, though, it also announces that the sun has sizzled into cardinal fire. Aries Season has arrived! Collectively, it will put everyone into a “me versus we” mentality, choosing their own desires and passions over being of service to others. This may trigger friction if you’ve already been feeling it build up in your personal or romantic relationships. Rather than blowing up like a firecracker, try to calm down and find grace. Pioneer forth to manifest and create your dream life.
PISCES Daily Love Horoscope March 19, 2024
The wheel of life turns ever on, Pisces. Today marks one of the most important periods of the zodiac year—the beginning! With the arrival of the Spring Equinox, a new season is upon us. This time of the year is led by the zodiac sign of Aries, known as cardinal fire. While you often have a “go with the flow” mentality, this energy may instead ignite a flame within you. You may now and in the weeks ahead suddenly feel consumed by passion for what you—and only you—want in your personal and romantic life. This may be a bit shocking to others, who are also likely feeling this same intense vibe! Feel these emotions run through you. Know that your desires are worthy and valid.
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