Daily Love Horoscope – June 26, 2022

Aries Daily Love Horoscope – June 26, 2022
The moon will be joining forces with luscious Venus today, all while glimmering through curious Gemini and your third house of communication, thought process, and immediate surroundings. Crushing on someone you see on a regular basis? If it isn’t a friend of a friend or someone you met while scrolling through social media, chances are you’re being greeted with a sweet pick-me-up. Although, with Gemini in the mix, some of you may become more inclined to mentally stimulating conversation and those who pique your sparkling intellect. Luna will also harmonize with Jupiter in your sign, so to say you’re feeling confident would be an understatement, Aries.
Taurus Daily Love Horoscope – June 26, 2022
If you’re not splurging at the mall or for yourself online, then consider this an opportunity to do so, Taurus. For the record, this doesn’t always have to involve money. In fact, spending time with your significant other or something as simple as basking in your sensual pleasures is more than enough. Others of you may opt for a more serious route, such as discussing finances and investments with your significant other — unless you choose to reflect on whether romantic prospects are worthy of your time, energy, and love. Keep in mind that Luna’s harmonious sextile to Jupiter can bring forth significant insight, so pay attention.
Gemini Daily Love Horoscope – June 26, 2022
Don’t be afraid to wear your heart on your sleeve, Gemini. After all, it’s not every day that the moon joins forces with Venus in your sign, you know. Having said that, whether you’re single or already romantically attached, you’re not only more attractive and charismatic under today’s charming skies but also quite talkative at that. Texting back and forth with your special someone? Your words are caramelized with Venusian charm, and your powers of persuasion are at an all-time high. Harness this dynamic synergy wisely, especially with Mercury sextile Jupiter. On the dark side, you could come across as arrogant, so don’t let it get to your head.
Cancer Daily Love Horoscope – June 26, 2022
You can’t stop daydreaming about your crush, and it’s no coincidence either, Cancer. Although, when considering today’s mercurial astro-weather, chances are you’re already communicating telepathically. And if you aren’t, you should give it a try. This is especially true when considering today’s moon-Venus conjunction in Gemini, shaking up your secretive twelfth house of closure, dreams, unconscious patterns, and all things behind the scenes. Others of you may opt for a secret affair and/or romantic rendezvous; the choice is yours. If you’re giving your connection a lot more thought than usual, don’t lose sight of your intuition.
Leo Daily Love Horoscope – June 26, 2022
Leo, you’re sparkling with charisma and sashaying through your community of peers with charm, grace, and poise. But then again, what’s new? Crushing on someone in your extended network? Whether it’s in-person or via social media, one thing’s for sure: you’re making a fabulous impression. Try to steer away from gossip and/or petty “he said, she said” energies, as you are more prone to indulge your mercurial mind at this time. And if you’re interested in someone, think twice before sharing all the details with your friends. After all, Gemini energy is known for spreading the word.
Virgo Daily Love Horoscope – June 26, 2022
Are you ready for your close-up? You’re standing out amongst the crowd, Virgo. This is especially true when considering today’s moon-Venus conjunction in chatty Gemini, as it will shake up your tenth house of authority, public persona, and reputation in the world. Keep in mind that you’re also ruled by Mercury, with the exception that you tend to execute this energy in a different way. Nevertheless, you’re being called to step up to the plate, even if that means taking the initiative in a romantic situation. Although, with this in mind, others of you may find yourself more attracted to superiors and/or authority figures with some type of notoriety.
Libra Daily Love Horoscope – June 26, 2022
You’ve got mail, Libra. With the moon and your seductive planetary ruler, Venus, fluttering through your sister-air sign, Gemini and your exotic ninth house of expansion, adventure, travel, and higher learning — you’re more likely to take a walk on the wild side, even if that means inquiring more about the potential opportunities that are being presented to you. Some of you, however, may be in the process of connecting with someone who lives abroad, speaks a different language, or perhaps practices a different set of religious beliefs. It’s all very intriguing to you, and the moon’s sextile to Jupiter in your relationship sector makes it all the more exciting.
Scorpio Daily Love Horoscope – June 26, 2022
The conversations are flowing between you and your cutie, and they’re quite spicy at that. — just how you like it, Scorpio. This is especially true when considering the moon’s close proximity to seductive Venus in Gemini via your intimate eighth house of sex, mergers, shared resources, and soulmate connections. As you may know, this intensity-filled house also happens to be your house of rulership, which means you’re quite comfortable when planets ignite this area of your chart. Nevertheless, it’s still a transformative time, with a bit of taboo and psychic connection, and who are we kidding? You’re here for all of it.
Sagittarius Daily Love Horoscope – June 26, 2022
So many choices, with so little time, Sagittarius. After all, it’s not every day that the moon joins forces with Venus in Gemini via your harmony-seeking seventh house of agreements, compromise, and significant others. You’re not only more emotionally in-tune with your significant others and/or potential suitors but also willing to connect and compromise. Having said that, whether you’re single, crushing, or already romantically attached, this is charming energy to work with, whether personally or professionally speaking. As if this energy couldn’t be more positive and uplifting, the moon will harmonize with your planetary ruler, Jupiter, via your fifth house of love, passion, and self-expression. Do you.
Capricorn Daily Love Horoscope – June 26, 2022
Crushing on someone you work with, Capricorn? As you know, the moon governs your harmony-seeking seventh house of agreements, compromise, and significant others, but it will be conjunct luscious Venus in Gemini today, activating your sixth house of daily rituals, due diligence, and acts of service. Something else to keep in mind is, Venus governs your fifth house of love, passion, and pleasure, so chances are you’re either crushing on someone in the workplace, while others of you swoon over an acquaintance at the gym. It could also be your Pilates instructor, but you catch my drift. You’re making connections that inspire and uplift you.
Aquarius Daily Love Horoscope – June 26, 2022
Aquarius, you are manifesting your heart’s desires, both creatively and with regard to love and romance. This is especially true when considering the moon conjunct Venus in Gemini via your flamboyant fifth house of love, passion, pleasure, and self-expression. You’re not only more flirtatious and attractive than usual, but also as inspired as ever to express yourself boldly, and unapologetically. Keep in mind that the moon will also harmonize with lucky Jupiter in Aries via your curious communication sector. Having said that, you’re more likely to use your words and sparkling intellect to connect with lovers and/or romantic prospects.
Pisces Daily Love Horoscope – June 26, 2022
Pisces, if you’re not in the mood to share the love, there’s no need to be so hard on yourself. On the contrary, with the moon (celestial ruler of your romantic fifth house of love, passion, pleasure, and self-expression) conjunct Venus in Gemini, shaking up your emotionally driven fourth house of home, family, and innermost feelings, you’re likely making the conscious effort to go inward, and prioritize your personal and family matters. Luna will also harmonize with lucky Jupiter in Aries via your stability-seeking second house of comfort, finances, and value systems, encouraging you to invest your time and energy wisely.