Daily Love Horoscope – June 14, 2023

Daily Love Horoscope – June 14, 2023

ARIES Daily Love Horoscope June 14, 2023

Pluto, our planet of intensity, transformation, and rebirth, is fast asleep in the depths of space, Aries. For many long years, you have harbored him in your solar tenth house, and he is back yet again. Your professional life was the one with the greatest revolution and profound change, which has likely caused you to focus a bit less on your personal or romantic life. Yet, with Pluto asleep, his lessons are less immediately noticeable and life-building as he encourages you to turn within and assess how you can emerge more balanced and resilient than ever. Talk with your lover about any significant revelations you may have about how you can build an empire side-by-side.

TAURUS Daily Love Horoscope June 14, 2023

Far in the great depths of space, mighty Pluto, our planet of rebirth, intensity, and power, slumbers, Taurus. He is crawling peacefully backward through your solar ninth house of expansion yet again. Whenever a major planet like Pluto is in a retrograde phase, it is technically weakened. This means you’ve been even more philosophical and contemplative in recent months than normal. Use this period to have incredibly deep conversations with your one and only about major ways to integrate spirituality, travel, and knowledge into your relationship. This could bring you even greater depth than you possess together already.

GEMINI Daily Love Horoscope June 14, 2023

Far beyond the human eye, the distant planet Pluto slowly rolls backward in the night sky, Gemini. Pluto is known as the planet of intensity and transformation, often bringing painful or traumatic rebirths that ultimately make you stronger — especially when he is awake and direct in the sky. Presently, he is retrograde in your solar eighth house yet again. If you have experienced traumas around trust, vulnerability, and sex, it is to reflect on what they taught you so you don’t repeat these patterns. It is also teaching you to heal those wounds by digging deep into the shadows to emerge like a phoenix. Forgive, release, move forward, and know that you can heal.

CANCER Daily Love Horoscope June 14, 2023

Powerhouse Pluto, our planet of rebirth and transformation, is fast asleep in the black depths of space, Cancer. While he can bring painful and karmic lessons around trauma and transformation when he is in direct motion, his retrograde phase gives you a bit of a reprieve. He is presently in the late degrees across the sky from you in your solar seventh house yet again. Turn within now and review the many different connections you’ve had and how you’ve essentially evolved by working in tandem with them. You are being given a moment to catch your breath, lick your wounds, and release what is not serving you in your personal and romantic life. Know that you can have your needs met.

LEO Daily Love Horoscope June 14, 2023

Even if you take your telescope and turn it to the night sky, Pluto will likely be just out of reach as a pinprick in the heavens, Leo. Right now, he is fast asleep in your solar sixth house of productivity and physical health yet again. Whenever he is asleep, his energy is turned inward to help you revolutionize and transform your life. Reflect on how he’s helped you evolve around fitness, diet, or your work-life balance. Remember to radically shift yourself out of any patterns that aren’t giving you a chance to enjoy pleasure and passion in your personal or romantic life.

VIRGO Daily Love Horoscope June 14, 2023

Powerhouse Pluto, our great planet of intensity, rebirth, and evolution, slumbers like a great titan in the depths of space, Virgo. Luckily, when he is in a retrograde phase, his provocative revolution is turned within rather than bearing down on you like storms of fire. Reflect on the life lessons he’s taught you since 2008 regarding your solar fifth house of true love, romance, fertility, and dating. You’ve certainly seen ups and downs around these particular themes. Release baggage that you’ve accumulated and be reborn from it. You deserve to live vibrantly and free of pain.

LIBRA Daily Love Horoscope June 14, 2023

Pluto, the planet of intensity, often gives us some of the most painful and traumatic life lessons of all, Libra. However, with him slumbering in a retrograde phase now, spinning backward in your solar fourth house of home, family, and domesticity yet again, you’ll feel less weight and pressure than when he was in direct motion. You’ve certainly seen an evolution around these themes, but the key now is to turn within and consider how you can shift patterns into even healthier and bright ones. If you live with your partner, it may be time to discuss setting down roots to see what life has to offer.

SCORPIO Daily Love Horoscope June 14, 2023

Your planetary co-ruler, Pluto, is fast asleep and dreaming of the past, Scorpio. While you are certainly used to his energy, many other zodiac signs feel punished by him — especially when he is direct. During this retrograde phase in your solar third house, he’s telling you to reflect on life lessons around connecting with others and speaking your most important messages to those you love. Review your profound and intense thoughts and ideas and consider even more effective ways of communicating with potential suitors or your partner. Always communicate with confidence and intention.

SAGITTARIUS Daily Love Horoscope June 14, 2023

Our furthest modern planet, powerhouse Pluto, is asleep in the night sky, Sagittarius. During his retrograde phase in your solar second house, yet again, he will make his lessons less vivid and destructive, as he can sometimes do so when he is in direct motion. Reflect on how you’ve been able to revolutionize your sense of self-worth in regards to image and your relationships. If married, discuss how you can work as a team to save, invest, and build wealth. For now, you can appreciate a lighter period free of karmic problems around income or financial growth.

CAPRICORN Daily Love Horoscope June 14, 2023

Powerhouse Pluto, the great planet of rebirth and transformation, is asleep now, Capricorn. He has been orbiting in your solar first house of identity — your zodiac sign — since 2008 and has returned yet again. When he is resting and weakened, his life lessons are less challenging. Reflect on your patterns in your romantic life and all significant relationships. You can release any baggage or negative patterns that are not serving you. Know what you want, know that you can forgive and heal, and you will soon let go of any troubling karma or pain around matters of the heart.

AQUARIUS Daily Love Horoscope June 14, 2023

Far, far away, the great planet, Pluto, whispers in the darkness, Aquarius. He is currently in a retrograde phase, fast asleep in your solar twelfth house of privacy, secrets, and the unconscious yet again. When he is direct, he often brings challenges and hurdles, but when he is asleep, the lessons are internalized on a profound level. Release karma, especially around guilt, fears, and anxieties regarding your personal and romantic relationships. If you need to make amends, do so with another or find a therapist or counselor who can guide you to do so once and for all.

PISCES Daily Love Horoscope June 14, 2023

Powerhouse Pluto is asleep in your solar eleventh house of friendships, communities, and online dating, Pisces. When he is direct, he can be quite an intense energetic force. Yet, as he is in a retrograde phase, he’s likely helping you to become deeply introspective about how you connect to others and build a tribe around you. You may also be transforming your long-term endeavors, aspirations, and goals. If someone had a profound effect on your life — an ex, old friend, or contact you lost touch with but want to honor — do so by sending a note of gratitude.


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