Daily Love Horoscope – July 31, 2023

ARIES Daily Love Horoscope July 31, 2023
Life is particularly abundant with Jupiter direct in the heavens, Aries. Hopefully, all the seeds you planted in 2022 and the first five months of 2023 are flourishing! Now, as our Great Benefic spins through your solar second house of finances, you and your partner may now be working in tandem to save or increase your nest egg. Money is on your mind! If you happen to be single, start to hustle harder for cash because others will be impressed by your wealth. This fortune smiles greater in your favor with Jupiter awake in the skies.
TAURUS Daily Love Horoscope July 31, 2023
For two months already, you’ve been high as a kite, Taurus. Majestic Jupiter, the Great Benefic planet that grants expansion, glory, blessings, and miracles, has been jazzing up your zodiac sign. This long-term trend will continue until May 2024. Jupiter takes twelve years to go around the sun, so his transits through your zodiac sign are quite rare. The last one took place in 2011 and 2012. Expect plenty of opportunities now to flourish and grow, especially regarding your personal life. You’ll find your rapport with your significant other improves if committed, or if single, you may meet a soulmate connection.
GEMINI Daily Love Horoscope July 31, 2023
You’re probably noticing by now that a very peculiar energy is taking hold in the heavens, Gemini. 2022 and the first five months of 2023 were tremendously festive and entertaining. Yet, with Jupiter whispering from the depths, you may be more focused on introspection. Our Great Benefic is empowering your solar twelfth house of privacy, stillness, and the unconscious. This means that, in a sense, a guardian angel is slowly guiding your path forward when it comes to your romantic life. Your psychic abilities and intuition are also much stronger at this time. Spend some time meditating on how you can improve your personal life now.
CANCER Daily Love Horoscope July 31, 2023
You’re on top of the world now, Cancer. Mighty Jupiter, the planet of miracles and expansion, is dancing near the crown of your solar chart, energizing your solar eleventh house of friendships, communities, and groups. This is a tremendously auspicious period for you across the board and continues until the end of May 2024. You have plenty of time to still soak up his cosmic goodies! Your social life will grow and bring you tremendous amounts of happiness. However, if you are single, this is a magnificent period to meet someone new through a matchmaker, in your network, or online dating.
LEO Daily Love Horoscope July 31, 2023
You’ve most certainly felt like life is roaring full steam ahead in recent months, Leo. Mighty Jupiter, the planet of miracles, expansion, and blessings, is radiating powerfully from the crown of your chart — your solar tenth house of public recognition and achievement. Presently, he is wide awake, soaring through the skies. This has built further professional momentum for you and may have actually taken you a bit away from your personal life. Know that if you are to communicate with your darling and get them on your team, you’ll feel as if they’re cheering you on from the sidelines as you scale to newfound heights!
VIRGO Daily Love Horoscope July 31, 2023
In recent months, you’ve felt a little more pep in your step, Virgo. This is because mighty Jupiter, the planet of miracles, is currently orbiting in a fellow earth sign and wide-awake in direct motion. He is bringing you tremendous magnetism, luck, and opportunity for growth, no matter how you choose to capitalize on it. With Jupiter activating your solar ninth house of expansion, you’ll be given an excellent chance to pursue long-distance travel with your darling. Another gorgeous way to use this energy is to focus on adding spirituality into your rapport, whether through yoga, meditation or even attending religious ceremonies.
LIBRA Daily Love Horoscope July 31, 2023
Relationships are just growing like beautiful flowers in an abundant garden, Libra. This is because mighty Jupiter, the planet of expansion and growth, is dancing in your solar eighth house in direct motion. He will remain in this sector of the sky until May 2024, offering copious blessings regarding sharing, resources from your partner, or even the ability to heal traumas. You may already have or soon will discuss combining your assets and investments with a lover, as well. This can also bring sensual, magical, and tantric intimacy to your connection.
SCORPIO Daily Love Horoscope July 31, 2023
In recent months, you’ve noticed a very different flow within the universe, Scorpio. While you often crave dancing with someone who understands you, true and deep intimacy can also be harder to find. Yet, with mighty Jupiter, the planet of miracles, expansion, and blessings, dancing across the sky from you in your solar seventh house of relationships in direct motion, you’re in a magnificent period. In fact, you haven’t felt this glory since 2011 and 2012! If in a relationship, you could soon make long-term plans or decide to build even further. If single, you could meet your fated match!
SAGITTARIUS Daily Love Horoscope July 31, 2023
The universe has been pushing you to fire on all cylinders in recent months, Sagittarius. You’re cracking the whip and making many plans, responsibilities, and dreams come true! Mighty Jupiter, the planet of miracles and joy, is now venturing through Taurus and will continue until May 2024. As he is in direct motion, he will continue to energize your solar sixth house and may bring more grace into your employment. This is also a fantastic time to sit down with your sweetheart and discuss how you can set aside more time for intimacy, hobbies, or pleasure. Know that life is meant to be lived to the fullest!
CAPRICORN Daily Love Horoscope July 31, 2023
Your heart has been shining more brightly than it has in years, Capricorn. This is because mighty Jupiter, the planet of miracles, expansion, and blessings, is blooming like a garden in your solar fifth house of romance, joy, and passion. While he has only been here for just a few months, you’re loving the vibe because he is in direct motion. He will harbor his strength in this corner of your sky until the onset of summer in 2024! Use this time to open your heart more greatly than ever before. If committed, go deeper. If single, put yourself out there. Someone is looking for you!
AQUARIUS Daily Love Horoscope July 31, 2023
You’ve likely felt the urge to stand on steadier ground in recent months, Aquarius. This is because Jupiter, the Great Benefic, has been spinning vibrantly in your solar fourth house of domesticity. You may have already — or soon will — made a joyous change to your living situation, whether in the form of a move, renovation, or redecoration. With Jupiter in direct motion, you and your partner will also have more luck on your side in all matters of real estate. If you’d like to invest in a mortgage, go for it! If you’d like to purchase real estate to monetize, you’re also in an auspicious period.
PISCES Daily Love Horoscope July 31, 2023
You’ve been dancing to a whole new tune in recent months, Pisces. As mighty Jupiter, the planet of miracles, expansion, and blessings, dances through the sky, he is turning his head to your solar third house. Our Great Benefic is quite strong now in direct motion in your solar third house of communication and short-distance travel and will remain here until the end of May 2024. Now is a magnificent period to soar off to nearby locations and live in the moment. Stop and smell the roses. Laugh to your heart’s content. Embrace the beauty in every single moment.
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