Daily Love Horoscope – July 29, 2022

Daily Love Horoscope – July 29, 2022

Aries Daily Love Horoscope – July 29, 2022

A new moon in Leo arrived yesterday, and its power will be quite strong today and in the days to come, Aries. All new moons open a doorway for you in the week that follows them, encouraging you to take action to start new patterns and build new initiatives in the year to come. This new moon highlighted your solar fifth house of true love, passion, and romance and is the most important lunation of the year for singles to put themselves out there and line up dates with new suitors. Couples can use this energy to reignite the spark in their rapport.

Taurus Daily Love Horoscope – July 29, 2022

Yesterday’s new moon in Leo will be quite strong today. In the week to come, Taurus. This is because all new moons have an orb of influence for a week after they arrive and open a doorway that previously had been locked and closed. For you, this lunation spotlights your solar fourth house of home, domesticity, and real estate. This means that you and a partner may decide it’s time to redecorate your living space, renovate, or even move. If single, you may instead decide to touch up your apartment or home and transform it into a charming atmosphere that promotes sex and love.

Gemini Daily Love Horoscope – July 29, 2022

Prepare to feel the exciting momentum of yesterday’s new moon in Leo, Gemini. All new moons open a doorway for you to build your life and newfound patterns for the year ahead. They are most potent in the week that follows them, and for you, this lunation energizes your solar third house of short-distance travel. This means that you and a partner should begin to make exhilarating new plans for the year ahead around road trips, quick flights, or even staycations in your town. This will bring you a fiery and fun change of pace rather than being stuck in the monotony of your routine.

Cancer Daily Love Horoscope – July 29, 2022

A new moon in Leo arrived yesterday, Cancer, and its power will radiate for the next week. All new moons help set up new patterns for the entire year depending on where they fall in the sky. For you, this lunation brings a surge of energy to your solar second house of finances. However, there are other ways this could affect you, depending on how you’d like to use it. For instance, if you and a partner are looking to invest in gorgeous new possessions, this is a great time to do so. You could also reflect on your values and morals and how they are reflected in your romantic life.

Leo Daily Love Horoscope – July 29, 2022

Shout to the heavens, Leo! One of the most important periods of the year has arrived for you. A new moon in your zodiac sign — your solar first house of identity — arrived yesterday. All new moons open a doorway to you in the week that follows them, giving you the chance to create new patterns and start new initiatives. These plans and actions then echo out for the full year to come. Since this highlights your most personal and important hopes and plans, decide the role you’d like love and romance to play in the year ahead. Then lay the foundations for it now.

Virgo Daily Love Horoscope – July 29, 2022

A unique new moon has arrived for you, Virgo. As much as you are a go-getter and like to always be busy, this lunation will fall in your solar twelfth house of seclusion, privacy, and mental health. You are being encouraged to slow down, rest, and recharge rather than racing out to conquer the world. While this isn’t an explicitly romantic house, this can help you to tap into your intuition about your personal life. Also, if there is any baggage blocking you from living a fulfilling romance, you could use this time to talk with a therapist, counselor, or healer to move past the trauma.

Libra Daily Love Horoscope – July 29, 2022

It is quite likely you’ve already felt the breath of fresh air that arrived due to yesterday’s new moon in Leo, Libra. This lunation highlighted your solar eleventh house of friendships, communities, and online dating. For singles, this is an auspicious period for you to download a dating app and try to line up new suitors. Circulating amongst friends could also allow you to cross paths with someone who sparks the flames of your heart. Some people could even turn an acquaintance into a lover. Couples can enjoy this social and festive vibe, too, by attending lavish events with their one-and-only.

Scorpio Daily Love Horoscope – July 29, 2022

Hear the thunderous roar of a new moon in Leo, Scorpio. This lunation energizes your solar tenth house of achievement, which puts a greater spotlight on your ambitions and professional advancement. While you’re likely to be busy on the job, this is a great moment to have a heart-to-heart with your one and only about how you can work as a team to help lift you toward your goals. This way, when you’re committing long hours or crushing goals, they always feel involved in the plans rather than missing you from afar. Including your spouse will help build your connection.

Sagittarius Daily Love Horoscope – July 29, 2022

It’s time to spread your wings like the eagle that you are, Sagittarius. Yesterday’s new moon in Leo will bring a mighty roar that resounds from your solar ninth house of expansion. This means that you should use the days ahead to plan long-distance travel with your significant other. Consider distant locales that you could venture toward, as you’d end up having a memorable and amazing experience. However, if single, use this energy to tap into your spiritual side as you tap into the universe to call your soulmate to you. The cosmos are listening.

Capricorn Daily Love Horoscope – July 29, 2022

One of the sweetest new moons of the year has arrived for you, Capricorn. Yesterday, a new moon in Leo emerged. All new moons open a doorway for you, depending on where they fall in the zodiac, and they encourage you to take action to build your life around those themes. For you, your solar eighth house of intimacy, shared assets, and sexuality is especially activated. The actions that you take now will echo out for the entire year ahead. Consider where you are now and how you can improve your relationships going forward.

Aquarius Daily Love Horoscope – July 29, 2022

One of the most significant periods of the year for partnerships has arrived for you, Aquarius. In fact, you could be feeling the true urge to merge. Yesterday’s new moon in Leo roared from the depths of your solar seventh house of partnership and has opened the door to make long-term plans, commitments, or promises. Some Aquarians will decide to move in, get engaged, or even be wed in the days ahead. However, singles can use this energy, too, by setting up dates with suitors who represent long-term potential. Be sure to discuss what you’re after and a soulmate could be right around the corner.

Pisces Daily Love Horoscope – July 29, 2022

A fiery and passionate new moon in Leo arrived yesterday, Pisces. This means that this lunation’s energy will be especially strong now and in the week to come. New moons offer new opportunities depending on where they fall in the sky and encourage you to seize the day to build the life you desire. This new moon brought a whirlwind of activity to your solar sixth house of routines and employment, which to be honest, could bring you a lot of responsibility and may distract you from matters of the heart. However, be sure you are conscious of building a work-life balance that allows time for sex and love.