Daily Love Horoscope – July 21, 2023

ARIES Daily Love Horoscope July 21, 2023
While this week’s dark cosmic weather seemed troubling enough, today’s is even worse, Aries. As the mighty sun orbits in your solar fourth house of home and family, he will cross swords with a spiteful Pluto in your solar tenth house of career. This ensures that dramatic change could be triggered that leaves you sputtering in the wind. Your lover or family could make an ultimatum about how you’re spending so much time pursuing your professional life and leaving them to fend for themselves. Don’t be angry. Lead with kindness rather than going on the offense.
TAURUS Daily Love Horoscope July 21, 2023
The murky vibes of this week will descend even further, Taurus. In a sense, it could feel like you’re descending into the inferno of hell. As the majestic sun turns his head from your solar third house of intellect, he will lock bloodshot eyes with a hateful Pluto, now orbiting in your solar ninth house of expansion. This ensures that if you rocked the boat a little bit too much yesterday regarding your thoughts, communication, or vision, you could be paying the price today. If a crisis erupts, it’s best to damage control rather than take it out on your lover.
GEMINI Daily Love Horoscope July 21, 2023
You like when life provides plenty of sugar and spice, Gemini. In fact, sometimes you stir the pot to get a little bit of drama! However, this would be a death sentence today, so don’t sink into your more disruptive tendencies. As the mighty sun slinks along in your solar second house of finances, he’ll step on a landmine laid by a hateful Pluto in your solar eighth house of investments and assets. Bad news around money is sure to pop up now, pushing you on edge and causing your partner to panic. The best thing to do would be to damage control as much as possible.
CANCER Daily Love Horoscope July 21, 2023
If you thought this week’s cosmic energy was challenging, Cancer, it is just getting started. Dark clouds will rain fire and lightning down upon you and your entire world. As the mighty sun continues to move through your solar first house of identity, he’ll wage war against a dominating Pluto across the sky in your solar seventh house of relationships. This ensures that a major crisis in a partnership could occur today — perhaps leaving the rapport in shambles or damaging your self-esteem. Do your best to protect yourself and keep your wits about you. Evil is lurking in the shadows.
LEO Daily Love Horoscope July 21, 2023
While you may think that your mighty roar will silence those who stand against you or cause everyone to fall into line, this will not be the case today, Leo. As the fiery sun slithers through the shadows of your solar twelfth house of secrets and hidden enemies, he will become crucified by a virulent Pluto, now waging war across the sky. This ensures that you may experience a dramatic crisis that erupts in your face today that leaves you on edge and leaving your romantic life in shambles. Don’t do anything too impulsively, and don’t rock the boat. Let the seas calm before you decide how to proceed.
VIRGO Daily Love Horoscope July 21, 2023
Call out to the universe for divine protection today, Virgo — you’ll need it. A major crisis awaits you and could leave you burning down a relationship with a lover or a friend. As the dark clouds of yesterday build even more, you’ll suddenly feel panicked anxiety take you over. The mighty sun in your solar eleventh house of friendships will engage in a fistfight with a drunken Pluto, now orbiting in your solar fifth house of true love. Unfortunately, you may be forced to make a choice you don’t want to in order to calm the fighting. Either way, the ultimatum will leave you sorrowful.
LIBRA Daily Love Horoscope July 21, 2023
Intense drama awaits you today, Libra. Just as this week has had murky energy, the same vibration will grow even stronger now. This is because the mighty sun, now spinning in your solar tenth house of professional advancement, will wage war against a spiteful Pluto in your solar fourth house of domesticity. This ensures that your career and family want more of your time and attention. However, you could feel pulled too thin, which leaves an explosive fight for you to face. No one is happy today, so do your best to not exacerbate the fury.
SCORPIO Daily Love Horoscope July 21, 2023
Run, hide, or swim away, Scorpio. Today’s dark and malevolent thunderclouds are foreboding signs of what lies ahead. Reflect on the tense atmosphere that occurred yesterday — and know that it’s just about to get worse. Watch what you say, post, or share, as it appears something you’re thinking and believe in can be held against you. This would cause a crisis or friction in your relationships — or even cause enemies to come out of the woodwork to vehemently attack you. Don’t fight fire with fire today. You’ll lose and end up regretting that you even engaged.
SAGITTARIUS Daily Love Horoscope July 21, 2023
You love to fight fire with fire, Sagittarius. In fact, you very rarely back down from a fight when you’re fired up because you don’t ever like to back down and look weak. However, the frustrating and dark energy of yesterday will gather into a hurricane! As the mighty sun spins in your solar eighth house of investments and assets, he’ll reach an impasse with an angry Pluto in your solar second house of finances. This ensures that if you rocked the boat yesterday, your partner could be even angrier today! Another way this could affect you is that if you’re going through a divorce, you’re being forced to submit.
CAPRICORN Daily Love Horoscope July 21, 2023
One of the darkest days of the year has arrived for you, Capricorn. Unfortunately, it spells one thing for you and your partnership: crisis. As the mighty sun finishes his closing statements across the sky from you in your solar seventh house of relationships, he’ll spit fire in your direction, seeking to entomb Pluto, who orbits in your solar first house of identity. This will trigger power struggles, manipulation, and subversive tactics — likely bringing out the worst in your and your lover. The best thing to do would be to stand in your highest vibration and agree to table discussions until a later date.
AQUARIUS Daily Love Horoscope July 21, 2023
Prepare for all sorts of drama today, Aquarius. As the mighty sun trades blows in the center of the ring with a nasty Pluto in your solar twelfth house of secrets and hidden enemies, you could feel attacked and not know where it’s coming from! The best thing to do is to listen to your intuition and lie low rather than race into a bullfight in the midst of darkness. You are blinded by your true enemies at this time. So if you sense there’s tension with your love life, it may be best to keep your wits about you. Don’t jump the gun; just be wiser.
PISCES Daily Love Horoscope July 21, 2023
Just as you’ve dried your tears from a very hectic day yesterday, the cosmic weather descends into the pits of hell, Pisces. In fact, today is one of the darkest days of the entire year. As the mighty sun finishes up his excursion through your solar fifth house of true love and romance, he will feel the heat of the crack from a whip on his back by a drunken Pluto now orbiting in your solar eleventh house of friendships. A crisis surrounding romance and friendship is sure to be faced now, so if you feel that you are being required to make a harsh decision — perhaps from an ultimatum — listen to your heart.
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