Daily Love Horoscope – January 22, 2024

ARIES Daily Love Horoscope January 22, 2024
Whenever an outer planet changes zodiac signs, the entire collective notices a shift in the cosmic energy, Aries. This is particularly true because these outer planets take so very long to travel around the sun. With Pluto in Aquarius, we can expect great transformation around all of the themes of the Waterbearer: friendships, communities, online connections, and technology. In the years ahead, we can expect that people will hunger to build greater networks and become more connected digitally than ever before. Note that these themes will grow in importance over the coming 20 years.
TAURUS Daily Love Horoscope January 22, 2024
The outer planets tie to mankind’s overall collective evolution, Taurus. This is why whenever they dance through a zodiac sign, we can experience major cosmic shifts. It is always fascinating to pay attention to where Pluto — the god planet of transformation — resides. While Pluto’s energy can certainly be seen as malevolent, no cosmic archetype is only out to punish us. Even challenges are meant to help us grow. With Pluto in Aquarius for a 20-year transit, we are going to see a great rebirth around how we connect to others and organize in communities.
GEMINI Daily Love Horoscope January 22, 2024
The movement of personal planets often brings very rapid and noticeable effects in our daily lives, Gemini. However, because the movement of the outer planets takes so much longer, their transitions are much more nuanced and subtle. Humanity’s collective evolution will transform during the entire transit of a planet through a zodiac sign. Pluto, the planet of intensity, now resides in Aquarius for a nearly 20-year journey. During this period, we will find a great need for depth and evaluation around the themes that the Waterbearer rules: communities, friendships, alliances, and associations. Because of this, you could attract powerful, profound, or dark experiences around these areas, too.
CANCER Daily Love Horoscope January 22, 2024
The universe is perfect and beautiful in its grand design, Cancer. The cosmos is a place of both light and shadow. This can be reflected in the archetypes of the planets and what they rule in astrology. Pluto, the planet of transformation, profoundly affects everything that it touches. Initially, we may see dark or dramatic transitions around the themes that the zodiac sign it resides within rules at the onset of its transit. Over time, though, we realize that what isn’t working must be burned down so we can rise from those ashes. As Pluto moves through Aquarius, expect a major focus on the Waterbearer’s themes.
LEO Daily Love Horoscope January 22, 2024
As you are ruled by the sun, you prefer when life is radiant and bright, Leo. However, as a fire sign, you also understand intensity, as well. Pluto, the planet of depth and transformation, is now standing in the zodiac sign of Aquarius. This means that all Aquarian themes will be up for revision during Pluto’s 20-year transit of the air sign. During this time, you could witness a rapid explosion in how relationships are affected by technology, the Internet, and even AI. Interconnectedness will become immediate and necessary at all times. This will grow in importance.
VIRGO Daily Love Horoscope January 22, 2024
You are often quite perceptive of the changing times, Virgo. As the zeitgeist shifts, we can often trace this to major planetary movements of the outer planets. These outer planets — Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto — take very long periods to circle around the sun. This causes us to see their effects over longer periods of time. Presently, Pluto is orbiting in airy Aquarius and forcing humanity to see the darkness of Aquarian themes for nearly 20 years so we can go through a rebirth. Expect to attract intense, karmic friendships and connections during this time.
LIBRA Daily Love Horoscope January 22, 2024
The universe offers many tools for us to look within and also understand how the global collective is evolving at any given time, Libra. By watching the movement of the outer planets, we can understand major patterns in the zeitgeist. Pluto, the planet of transformation, is currently orbiting in Aquarius for a transit of 20 years. This will bring a powerful focus on how we can witness what is working — and what isn’t — around the things Aquarius rules. Internet, social media, online dating, and technology fall under this domain, so we may understand how they are bringing us together but also causing us to distance ourselves apart.
SCORPIO Daily Love Horoscope January 22, 2024
As the only zodiac sign ruled by Pluto, you hunger for true intensities, Scorpio. As the most intense of the planets, Pluto unleashes the dark side of the universe and human nature in order to teach us more about the light. Presently, he is orbiting in the degrees of Aquarius, an air sign. This will likely cause us to feel more detached from our emotions as we intellectualize our connections, relationships, and feelings. On one hand, this can encourage us to build more connections and networks but may force us to lose touch with some of our innate humanity.
SAGITTARIUS Daily Love Horoscope January 22, 2024
We are in a very long-term transit at this time, Sagittarius. Pluto transits tend to last for decades as they occur. Right now, our Great Malefic is moving through the celestial seas of Aquarius, an air sign. This will attract intense relationships and friendships to us. Some of these could be karmic in nature. Other times, we may find that we are drawing intense experiences to us through our friends — for better or for worse. Be wary of any darker energy brought to you through your social circle. The more that you are aware, the more that you can anticipate when it may be time to walk away.
CAPRICORN Daily Love Horoscope January 22, 2024
Pluto’s transits are tied to the evolution of the human zeitgeist, Capricorn. Since Pluto can stay for decades in a single zodiac sign, the lessons that he teaches are often tied to generations as they age. Pluto in Aquarius lasts for nearly 20 years and will aid us in building greater networks and communities as people rally behind causes and form alliances that can stand the test of time. People may find that they are attracting fatal attractions with friendships, sometimes even falling in and out of love or ending up in power struggles.
AQUARIUS Daily Love Horoscope January 22, 2024
Pluto’s dance through your zodiac sign will bring profound and intense experiences into your life, Aquarius. This will revolutionize you from patterns, behaviors, and relationships that are no longer serving their purpose in your life. Pluto’s dance through the heavens always teaches the human collective important lessons, too, often tied to the generational zeitgeist. As a very social zodiac sign concerned with building communities and the future, this will be amplified for all people worldwide. However, people may notice that there is a deeper fear of emotions and trust during these times.
PISCES Daily Love Horoscope January 22, 2024
The outer planets bring powerful shifts but ones that often take a great deal of time to unfold, Pisces. Because of their longer orbit around the sun, they may take many years or decades to reveal their true messages. Presently, Pluto, the god planet to intensity and transformation, is moving through Aquarius. Pluto destroys what is not working in order to aid us in rising above into a stronger and more refined version of humanity. The themes of Aquarius will gain more focus: how we organize in communities, how we use technology and social media to build relationships, and the positives and negatives of trust.
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