Daily Love Horoscope – January 22, 2023

ARIES Daily Love Horoscope January 22, 2023
One of the most challenging days of the year in 2023 is already upon you, Aries. Sweet Venus, our goddess planet of love and union, will dance beneath the shadow of mighty Saturn, the Great Taskmaster. As they unite in an exact conjunction, rocky news around matters of the heart and relationships could be at hand. This is especially true because they’ll be fist-fighting in your solar eleventh house, which could bring bad news to someone in your network, a friend, or even an ex. Healthy relationships may pass this test, but at least be aware.
TAURUS Daily Love Horoscope January 22, 2023
Murky skies have appeared yet again, Taurus. In fact, it could be one of the most challenging days of 2023! Your sweet and charming planetary ruler, Venus, will fall to her knees before a mighty Saturn, the Great Taskmaster, as they unite in an exact conjunction. He will suck the joy right out of life. Prepare for sadness and loneliness in relationships as these two planets smother one another. This is not the most ideal moment for interacting with people — and regardless if single or attached — you may actually just prefer some alone time. You may feel like life is stressful now, especially as you juggle relationship demands with the weight of your ever-growing career.
GEMINI Daily Love Horoscope January 22, 2023
You may prefer solitude rather than interaction today, Gemini. The skies above are promising a wicked blizzard on a cosmic scale. Sweet Venus, the planetary ruler of romance and pleasure, will unite in an exact conjunction with icy Saturn, our Great Taskmaster, in the skies above. You’ll likely have ideas of how you want to expand your perspective and life’s plans, but others seem not to be supporting this. Sadness, isolation, and separation are all very likely now. Know that this is something about which you must turn within rather than connecting with others. They will not be supportive of your desire for adventure.
CANCER Daily Love Horoscope January 22, 2023
One of the most solemn days of 2023 is here for you to face, Cancer. Sweet Venus, the planetary ruler of pleasure and marriage, will unite in an exact conjunction with icy Saturn, the Great Taskmaster, now orbiting in the depths of your solar eighth house of intimacy and sexuality. You and a partner could feel like you’re just not on the same page and that your needs are not being met. You will likely need to take a step back and focus on bandaging your bruises before you proceed timidly.
LEO Daily Love Horoscope January 22, 2023
Rocky roads lie ahead today, Leo. It could be the make-or-break point in 2023! You are at a crossroads in your personal and romantic relationships, especially with sweet Venus, our Lesser Benefic and the planetary ruler of attraction, beauty, and love, clashing in an exact conjunction with scathing Saturn, the Great Taskmaster and planetary ruler of hardship and karma. Both are spinning in your solar seventh house of partnerships. Challenging discussions about commitments and promises are being written in the stars. Do your best to take a step back to clear your head.
VIRGO Daily Love Horoscope January 22, 2023
Today could be one of the days you fear passing through, Virgo. Sweet Venus, the planetary ruler of marriage and intimacy, is uniting in an exact conjunction with icy Saturn, the Great Taskmaster and planetary ruler of karma and obstacles. You and a partner may not be seeing eye-to-eye now, which pushes you both off in opposite directions. It may be best to take this period to reflect on how you can communicate better and be a team rather than fighting a losing battle. Don’t say or do anything you may regret when you’re feeling less frustrated.
LIBRA Daily Love Horoscope January 22, 2023
Dark times lie ahead today, Libra. In fact, it could be one of the most challenging days of 2023! Sweet Venus, your planetary ruler, will dance before the fury of icy Saturn in your solar fifth house of passion and true love. As they unite in an exact conjunction, you may feel as if the joy in life is being sucked right out of you! Bad news around romance, dating, children, or fertility could pop up at this time. It’s best to hide out now rather than stirring the pot. Better days will lie ahead. Trust in your love — or decide it’s time to move on your merry way.
SCORPIO Daily Love Horoscope January 22, 2023
Storm clouds are gathering yet again today, Scorpio. It could feel like you’re peering up into the darkest of skies. Sweet Venus, the goddess planet of marriage and romance, will unite in an exact conjunction with icy Saturn, the planet of hardship, defeat, and sorrow. You’ll feel overly emotional, lonely, dejected, and broken on the inside. This may even be about disagreements in regard to home, domesticity, or family. Try to process the feelings rather than spiraling off on a tangent that would inevitably lead you to loss. Better days lie ahead.
SAGITTARIUS Daily Love Horoscope January 22, 2023
One of the most challenging — if not the most challenging — days of 2023 is already being thrust upon you, Sagittarius. This is because sweet Venus, our goddess planet of love and pleasure, is uniting in an exact conjunction with mighty Saturn, the dark planet of sorrow and hardship. You’ll likely have to face unfortunate or unlucky news around your personal life or romantic relationship, especially if you’re not communicating directly and clearly. Above all, don’t give in to the drama or friction. But if you have hurt someone, you may now need to face the music as they cut ties with you.
CAPRICORN Daily Love Horoscope January 22, 2023
Today may bring disappointment to your personal and romantic life, Capricorn. Sweet Venus, our Lesser Benefic and the goddess of romance and attraction, will unite in an exact conjunction with your planetary ruler, mighty Saturn the Great Taskmaster. Frustrating tension is likely to take place for you, especially in regard to your values, morals, or how you’ve been spending money. You could feel the desire to make a change, but it appears there’s a price to pay if you do. You may feel isolated, depressed, and quite alone now. Don’t burn down a rapport just for the sake of it.
AQUARIUS Daily Love Horoscope January 22, 2023
Stormy clouds gather, and you will only be seeing black, Aquarius. This is because sweet Venus, our Lesser Benefic and the goddess planet of beauty and love, will unite in an exact conjunction with mighty Saturn, the Great Taskmaster planet who is not only your planetary co-ruler but also standing within your solar first house of identity and zodiac sign. Tension will be around every corner, especially regarding your feelings and life’s plans and how you showcase your individuality. You may decide that only you can make the life you desire and can’t trust anyone to help you get there.
PISCES Daily Love Horoscope January 22, 2023
It may feel like you’re sinking into the darkest cavern the world has ever seen today, Pisces. It could be the darkest day of 2023! This is because sweet and sensual Venus, our Lesser Benefic and the goddess of romance and affection, will unite in an exact conjunction with mighty Saturn, now orbiting in your solar twelfth house of secrets, hidden enemies, and the unconscious. Your anxiety about your romantic life could be explosive. Secrets — yours or another’s — may appear out of nowhere. If you’ve been involved in an affair or dalliance, there could be very tragic repercussions.
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